Need help with, "Word 2010."


Really Really Experienced
May 22, 2013
I am currently in the middle of a new story. I wanted to set a few paragraphs for rewrites so I think I hit the underline key to mark a certain area. Before I let go of the key it laid a firm line completely across the page.

I didn't think anything of it and went on to complete my rewrites then went back to delete the won't let me delete it!

The cursor goes either above the line or below it. I've tried everything I can think of. If I put the cursor above the line and hit return it pushes the line down, so I thought I'd just push it completely off the page. It got down to the bottom and stopped then put a second line on the top of the next page.

I separated the line for the bottom of my text and copies my text all the up to the beggining then copied and pasted to a new sheet...the damn line came with it. HELP!
I am currently in the middle of a new story. I wanted to set a few paragraphs for rewrites so I think I hit the underline key to mark a certain area. Before I let go of the key it laid a firm line completely across the page.

I didn't think anything of it and went on to complete my rewrites then went back to delete the won't let me delete it!

The cursor goes either above the line or below it. I've tried everything I can think of. If I put the cursor above the line and hit return it pushes the line down, so I thought I'd just push it completely off the page. It got down to the bottom and stopped then put a second line on the top of the next page.

I separated the line for the bottom of my text and copies my text all the up to the beggining then copied and pasted to a new sheet...the damn line came with it. HELP!

Not overly efficient with this stuff, but my suggestion would be go up to the corner and click "Find"

When you are in find go down to the bottom and click either format or special I believe you will see something for underline and you should be able to remove it.

I'm not sure which its in as I am not home and posting from my phone so I can't look.
What happens when you're above the line and hit shift+down arrow key? In this way, it should select the line and then when you hit delete, it should delete.

I tried it but it still didn't work. When I hit shift+down arrow it did highlight a small portion of the line but when I hit delete it just brought the line up.
This is driving me crazy!
That's odd indeed. Can't think of anything else from here, but if you'd like me to try to work with the file, send me a pm and I'll give you an email address to which you can send it.
Thanks, I may take you up on that if I can't figure this out.

I though at first, I had inadvertantly put in a signature line but there's no X. So I'm not sure just what kind of line it is. I've tried their help but so far it hasn't helped at all.
Thanks everyone...

I did figure it out; thank goodness. I could just see myself having to rewrite the entire thing.
I did the same kind of thing. What I finally did was to cut everything above the line and then paste into a new document. Repeat for everything below the line and then past into the same document as above the line. Of course, I then deleted the original.
R. Richard

I did the same thing...the line came with.
No, what I had to do was go to "home," and mark all paragraphs, then highlight the paragraph sign above the line and hit, "no paragraph." That deleted the line.
I did the same thing...the line came with.
No, what I had to do was go to "home," and mark all paragraphs, then highlight the paragraph sign above the line and hit, "no paragraph." That deleted the line.

That sounds complicated. Would never have thought of it.
Word 2010

I just got Word 2010 so I'm subscribing to this thread!
Thanks to everyone willing to help tyros!

Believe me, I did everything else I could think of. I'm usually pretty good at figuring stuff like this out but this one had me stumped.
I talked to another writer friend of mine and he remembered doing the same thing awhile back but couldn't remember how he fixed it. I sent the text to him and he figured it out and told me what to do.
It's not really all that complicated, it's just not something you would normally figure out yourself.
I tried what R. Richard suggested before starting this thread. Using the return, I put a wide separation between the line and my text then copied the text from the bottom up and pasted it to a new sheet...damn if the line didn't come with it even though the line was not included in the copy. That's when I got frustrated and started this thread.
I got the line by hitting the underline three times quickly, that automatically does it.

If you have a problem let me know, I'm becoming very proficient with Word...finally.
My wife is a Word Guru, she has been working with it since it was Word for Windows. Here is a little something she showed me a few months ago.

If you do something in Word you do not like, say delete a large block of text accidentally, hit Control Z. It will take you back to your previous iteration. If you have tried some other fixes in between try Control Z several times. I did something the other day and it took me several trys to get back to where I wanted to be, but it did work.

She calls it the Universal Fix, it has been around for a long time.

I hope this helps.

That's a great tip

I never thought of doing that; now I wonder if it would have worked...
Yes, it is.

Thanks. I just use the Undo and Redo functions from the ribbon. I aaded them as well as other functions like Spell Checker to the ribbon. I use the shortcuts for Copy, Cut, and Paste though.
Undo is CTRL+Z. Redo is CTRL+Y. Redo is useful if you need to repeat an action or if you undo too much. Maybe instead of CTRL+X (cut) you hit CTRL+Z. It's an easy enough mistake if you're not really paying attention. Just hit CTRL+Y and it will redo the undo and your text will be back. :)