Need help looking for two stories

Feb 8, 2023
As the titles suggests I am looking for two different stories that I for the life of me can not find.

One is an insest story where the main character is a boy. He has an older sister and younger twin sisters. It starts off with him walking in on the older sister and her getting mad. Making him and the twins get naked. It has multiple parts that involve the brother and older sister trying to keep tricking the twins into sexual acts, but I feel like no actual sex... I think . These include drinking games and then even visiting the older sister at her apartment. I remember it ends with the twins tricking the older sister and setting her up to be super horny and for the brother to fuck the her.

Second story: Is a mind control/stopping time story. Both a brother and sister can stop time by yelling stop or something. Well time is stopped/ or slowed down, they can control peoples minds for once time continues. I remember the brothers girl best friend has a crush on him. I also remember that the NSA is looking for the cause of the time disruptions and goes to their town hidden as the "National Sewage Association" or something like that.

I have been trying for way to long to find these stories but every time I google or use the search stuff here I can't get the right stuff to pop up.