Need co-writer for historical fiction of female hair removal groups!

As far as i recall ancient Egyptian priests used to remove all body hair but I'm not sure if the same applied for priestesses or if they even had them. It should fit in well enough to your series though.
The Romans didn't do this? I don't know, but I would be surprised if they didn't.
The Egyptian priestess aspect is worth exploring for sure. Thanks for the idea! You want to participate in writing this series?

Not really too interested in exploring this idea, sorry. The thought just came to me so i thought I'd let you know
I appreciate you taking the time to share your thought New Guy. You're welcome to join the exploration if you change your mind... Thanks for joining the discussion dirtycarol! What I've read so far says the Romans were indeed into hair removal. Would you like to contribute to this series in some way, like as a researcher or writer?

I would be happy to do what I can. PM me if you want my limited input.