Need Advice



Well, I have a couple of things that I need advice on but first let me share a little information so the questions I have will be easier to answer. I was married for ten years to a man who was 23 years old than myself and at the same time for 10 years was cheating with a man 24 years older than myself. Now, I am divorced from the first man and living with the second man but they both want me in their lives and for the most part willing to share.
Okay, first problem: The man I live with a big man but very small where it counts the most! It never bothered me before over all of these years but now that we live together it does ~Big Time!! He is so small that it's all that I can do to give him oral sex and I don't like getting oral sex so it's limits what we can do for one another. We can't have intercourse, he doesn't want to use 'toys' and is happy just getting his cock sucked, fingering me and then falling asleep. It's driving me crazy!! Any suggestions on how to help this problem would be great!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, second problem: I spend a lot of time with my ex-husband as friends. He is hung like a horse and now seems to have the time and desire to have me in his bed again...he didn't while we was married. On one hand I feel like it would be cheating on the man that I live with but then on other hand I feel that it would be almost okay since I cheated on my husband for 10 years with the second man. So, what does everyone else think???
I'm almost to the point that I think I should just give up men alltogether and go back to licking pussy. Oh well.....Please reply...Thanks!!
You are exactually why I limit
the women I have contact

I can't give much advice to a
cheater.....sorry.I maybe a
guy,but I really take these
things seriousally.
Look, Listen, and Understand

I know that cheating is cheating and everything but that really wasn't the point of my post. I mean both men have always known about the other. I explained it in my post as 'cheating' because it was easier to but I never have looked at it as cheating ~ because I have always loved both of them and still do. They both know that as well. Just thought I would let you know!
What it sounds like to me ( disclaimer: I am not a professional) is that you wanted to have your cake and eat it too...and now that you are minus the aren't interested in eating it anymore.

My question is...why were you having an affair with the 'smallish' man while you were married? And why did your husband stand for this?

My advice...get yourself together... figure out what you want... then figure out who you want. Leading both these men on for 20 some odd years is long enough. Let them find some happiness...cuz it sounds like no matter what, you aren't going to be happy unless you have both of them in bed with you at the same time.
My oh my...

...I have to agree with the above post about having your "cake" . Isn't it funny how the grass always seems greener elsewhere?? I digress...

You really should try being alone. Going from one bed, to another, without really coming to terms with yourself is Gonna leave you ALWAYS feeling this way, which is basically Unfulfilled.

Break free from BOTH men. Tell them you need some time alone, really analyze yourself, be single, and ENJOY yourself!! Only you can make the ultimate decision, and these guys have stuck around this long...I'm sure a few months won't make a diff to them.

It almost seems that you are taking two men and using the good qualities of both of them to make up something like an 'ideal'.

I'm sure you can find ONE man that fulfills all your needs, both in and out of the bedroom. It happens more than you might think!

I agree with NotJustAGirl. Take care of YOURSELF first, or you will never really be happy, even if you do find the 'perfect' man.

Best of luck to you!

I am sorry your stuck here. CHeating is sound like you just dont know what you want though. I honestly dont know what to tell you...maybe dump them both and start over?