Naughty nooby

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Cosmo!!! Fucking yummy!

I do love you, such a siren, calling me to oblivion
Cough, cough

So you know that cold that’s been going around. Well it’s been slightly kicking my ass for a couple of weeks. You probably shouldn’t get too close to me lol, just in case I’m still contagious.
Thank you everyone

You know I like to reply to everyone but I’m afraid to reply to the Christmas posts now lol we need to move into the new year. I’m feeling better now
So you know that cold that’s been going around. Well it’s been slightly kicking my ass for a couple of weeks. You probably shouldn’t get too close to me lol, just in case I’m still contagious.

This is a nasty year for colds and flu. And that cough does linger on

Glad you are feeling better.
I loved being in the snow anyone want to keep me warm?

Sorry you haven't been feeling well, but glad you're better! You know I'd love to help keep you warm Cos! We could start with some nice, slow, deep kissing, while my fingers played slowly and gently, between your lovely legs. We could just do that for a nice long time. I'd love kissing your beautiful mouth! Would that help you get warmed up....for other things?:kiss:
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