Naughty Fairytales:Red Riding Hood - Needed: Alpha male werewolf


Literotica Guru
Mar 31, 2012
Naughty Fairytales:Red Riding Hood - Male needed for Big Bad Wolf

Tyra 'Red' Hoodson was home after a long term at college. She had just turned 20 years old and was still living with her mother who was a park ranger for the state park system in Wyoming. They owned a small log cabin near the edge of the woods. Tyra's body got her alot of attention which annoyed her most of the time. She was more than a great body and she wanted someone to see that for once. Her long dark red hair blanketed her back like a soft silk. Bright cat green eyes gave hint to a very clever mind. Her full lips and luscious body had made Red the fantasy for many a freshman.

Despite her obvious features, Red didn't have a string of boyfriends. For the most part she was kind of a homebody. She wanted something dark and wicked, something that would haunt her dreams. Her poor vibrator had worn out on her twice this month and it had been a year since she had had sex. Her mounting frustration had her climbing the walls which is why her mother would make her run errands.

Even if the older woman didn't know the cause of her daughter's anxiety, she was starting to make even her nervous. That was why it wasn't too much of a surprise when she heard a brisk knock and saw her mother's head peak into the room. "Honey?" Red peered up from the book she had been reading. "Could you bring this to your grandmother for me? It's the leftover meatloaf and a few sides I made. She hasn't been eating enough and I'm worried about her."

Red nodded, easily accepting the role as delivery girl. She had done the same for her mother on countless occasions. Grandma Rose lived on the other end of the woods in a small white house with a flower garden that grew in the back. Red took a small pack where she guessed the Tupperware left overs lay safe and sound. The small pack hand a handle which made it look like a basket.

Pulling on her converse shoes and pulling her hair into a ponytail, Red walked in the direction of the door. "I'll see you when I get back, Ma" Her mother's voice shot out. "Do not leave this house with a jacket." Red rolled her eyes but took the time to pull on a small red hoodie from the closet. The old door creaked close when Red finally got out the door. It was mid-afternoon and the sun was hanging low in the sky. She took off down the trail and hoped her Gran would be awake when she arrived.....for once.

The woods had been a safe haven for her when she needed time to deal with the death of her father. Her mother talked about him anymore and Red's memories of him were beginning to fade. It was getting hard to remember the little details about his face or how his voice sounded. That weighed on her heavily now that her next birthday was approaching. Legally she was going to be adult but a part of her wanted to stay a kid.

The noises in the woods didn't bother her as she walked but she did get this feeling like she was being watched. She shook it off and quietly walked along the path. SNAP! This time she did hear something and that had to be another person. Whatever their reason for watching her, it couldn't be good. "Okay, asshole. Ha ha. You scared there female walking through the woods. Why don't you show your ugly mug or are you scared of a little girl?" Oh yeah that was designed to piss off anything with a dick.
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A scent drifted along the cooling air, something new and fresh, over powering the scents of the trees, grass, and earth. He followed the scent as it washed over him, making his way through the tangled forest of the Wyoming wilderness. As he moved through those woods the small sounds of the animals quieted. The scent of his own sending alarm to all those that drew it in.

Soon he caught a glimpse of red moving between the trees as he approached the source if the sweet aroma, the smell of fresh youth, fresh meat. He could slell the tangy musk of the woman as he neared, his mind reeling as he became overwhelmed with it, a scent he had not had in many many moons out here in the wilderness


The dried stick cried out as he trod over it, the girl stopped in her tracks. Calling out to the wilderness with jibes at him. He smiled

His tall muscular frame slid out from behind a tree. A long heavy axe hanging from a belt, tattered and stained jeans wrapped tight around muscular legs, and a flannel shirt, the buttons straining over his thick muscles chest, a tuff if course dark hair spilling out at the neckline.

His features were rough and solid, a shirt shaggy heard covering his face, the darkness of it set off his cool grey eyes as he looked at her

The girl wore a red hoody, and a pair of snug jeans that accentuated her full voluptuous frame, thick silky red hair spilling out from a pony tail high on her head

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. But I couldn't help but wonder what a girl like you is doing out here in the wilderness. It's not a safe place" he said as he gazed up at the darkening sky

"It will be dark soon. And the woods at night is no safe place for a girl like you. Are you lost?" He asked as he stepped out onto the trail, stopping a few feet from her, his thick frame towering over her
Red watched as the large male walked out onto the trail. Her eyes never betrayed her intent as she examined his body. His height alone was very intimidating along with those piercing eyes that seemed oddly sensual. She pulled down the hood she wore to give him the benefit of looking in the eye. The axe that hung from his belt made her slightly nervous.

"I think I can handle myself and I am no girl." She arched a brow at him. "I'm hardly defenseless so don't worry, you won't have to ride on your white horse to save the day." Red tried to get by him but he leaned into her path. "Look, my mother is one of he park rangers. I know the trails backwards and forwards."

Red heard the birds flying off in a hoff and she frowned. That wasn't right. The birds usually did such things when a predator is nearby. "You're keeping me from my goal. The sooner I get there, the sooner I can get back." Trying to sidestep the man was like trying to do one of her mother's line dancing classes.

There was a tension in the air that she didn't like. She needed to get out of there as quickly as possible.
She pulled her hood down exposing brilliant green eyes as she stared fire at him. He smiled back

"Good good. In glad you can take care of yourself" he said as he stepped into her way, as she tried to pass. He smiled at te frustration and fear building in her eyes. The worry scent that came from that milky white skin

"There and back? Oh you shouldn't do that. Why it would be full dark by the time you could leave if your talking about the cabin I think you are. And I know you are. It's the only one back here" he said, stepping to the other side as she tried to go around him again, and failed

"It will be past subset before you even get there girl. And no matter what trails you know, there are wolves in these woods that know more" he told her, his cool grey eyes locked on her glowing emerald

"I could escort you. As a guide and as a friend, and protector should the red arise" he said as he stepped aside. Looking up to see the sun dipping behind a mountain

"It will take you more then a half hour to get there. The sun will be good and down, and the moon well up. Please take me up on my offer" he said as he raised his hands and stepped aside clearing the trail

"But you do as you will. Just call for Throp if you need me" he said with a devilish grin, showing gleaming white teeth, with peculiarly long canine teeth

"Come now red. Don't be foolish"
Red arched a brow at her would-be protector. This guy was a tad out there for her. "I have made this trip a million times in the past. I think I can manage." She rolled her eyes at him. "My mother already told me about that. The last incident was in another part of the forest. Wolves usually stick to a certain area for their hunting grounds."

Red was no idiot and had a tendency to argue the point with people. She eyed him suspiciously as she considered his offer and stepped ahead of him, trying to block out that sensual voice. Her green eyes centered on him with a wild glow. There was something in that smile of his that she just didn't trust. "Let's go, Throp. "

She decided that it would be better to have this man where she could watch him then off in the darkness doing god knows what. Red pulled the zipper a little further down on her hoodie since the night air was getting a little warm. Unfortunately it revealed a little too much of her cleavage but Red rathered that then being uncomfortable.

They walked together along the path for maybe ten minutes when she broke the silence. "Do you always go looking for damsels in distress or did I just luck out?" There was a tinge of amusement in her voice that added to its dark sensuality. Was she flirting?
He breathed in her scent as she strode by him, his eyes locking on hers as she decided to take him up on his offer. She stepped ahead and his eyes dipped to her plump ass held snug in her jeans. Then he followed

"Wolves hunt where there is food" he told her as he caught up, but she let his comment hang as they strode along. Here and there the trail narrowed down and he would stop to let her pass, his eyes catching on a nice expanse of her cleavage. Soft white skin swelling out from whatever she wore beneath. But she finally broke the silence

" not really. Your actually my first" he told her with a grin. I've been around these woods almost my entire life. I've been working on a small dead copse, clearing it out for fire wood" he said as he gestured to the large axe head in a leather sheath at his belt, the long wooden handle hanging at his side

"I was shocked when I saw that vibrant red moving through the woods, so I thought I would check it out" he said, gazing up at the greeting sky. Te lustrous colors of the forest falling to muted shades as the night came on

"So your running some food to your grandmother? And your all dressed in red? A bit of a cliche isn't it" he said with a grin

Then he paused suddenly, a cool crisp howl breaking out in the quiet night, far to close for comfort

"Where did you say those wolves were" he asked as he put his hand on the handle of his axe, pausing in the middle of the trail
He did not just look at my ass!

Red eyes him suspiciously. "Some rogue will leave the pack to hunt but that's in extreme cases. Lone wolves are the most dangerous. It's a shame really. Such beautiful animals." She felt a warm blush stain her cheeks, feeling his eyes on her.

That grin was a tad wolfish to her."I was raised here all my life too. My mother and grandmother moved here when I still young. I like living in the countryside. A city would be too noisy for me." Why am I telling him all this?

"The hoodie was actually a gift from my grandmother and yes I do see the cliche in all this." She laughed to herself. "Maybe we'll run into the big bad wolf on the way?" Her happy tone died in her voice when she heard the howl in the night air. "Maybe we should move it along. My Gran is waiting for me."

Despite her usual need for independence, Red inched closer to her masculine companion. "I guess I spoke too soon. That sounded close." She was worried about whether or not she should go back to the house but her Gran had no one to make her supper.
"Yeah I think that we should get moving. Hopefully your right and it is just one" he said as his hand went to his belt, and he loosened the catch on his axe

The two began to hurry, not wanting to take any longer than was absolutely necessary. But they had to be quiet too. They seemed to have left them behind when a big grey hulking wolf slipped out from behind a free ahea for them

They froze

"I'll distract him, you run on to the cabin. We are very close" he said as he pulled his axe from his waist, and gripped it in one Strang hand. He stepped up towards the wolf yelling

"Come on pup. Let's dance" he said. But just then another wolf plowed into his side, knocking him off the trail

"Run" he cried out as the other best bounded into the woods, heading to help his companion
Red felt her heart freeze in her chest. “Be careful.” She watched the catch on the axe loosen. She screamed when the animal attacked. Pure fear had here feet moving at lightning speed. In the back of her mind she felt a sense of guilt in leaving the man there.

It didn’t take long for Red to realize that in her haste to run away from the vicious animals, she had gotten lost. “Shit!” It was going to take a little longer to get to her Gran’s place then she had planned but she needed to get there and to call her mother to have someone check on her axe-wielding huntsman.

Once she finally came upon her Gran’s home, Red was highly aware of her surroundings. It struck her as odd that the door had been left unlocked. Gran was usually more careful than that. “Gran! It’s me!”
Lance smiled as she ran off. He turned his attention to the wolf. He pulled his shirt off as he tossed the axe aside

"You came for me huh. Wanted to impress the pack did you" he said in a gruff voice as he looked up at the moon and smiled. The smile quickly twisted as his face began to stretch, thick grey hair sprouting from every inch on his body. His thick muscles swelled and bunched as his bones stretched and changed

He fell down on his hands, paws now, as the massive grey werewolf simply growled. The little pup ran off. He lifted his muzzle to the breeze, catching the scent if that delicious girl. She was next on the menu

He loped through the woods, circling wide to avoid her, knowing exactly where he was going.

He crashed in through the back door if the small cabin and growled. He saw an old
Woman in the living room and rushed after her. She darted for the door and he chased her down into the woods, well away from her house, and well away from the trail

He sniffed at the air, and he could tell that Red was drawing closer

He quickly loped back to the house and slipped into the dark shadows
Of the loving room. His massive 8 foot frame filled
The shadow, his pointy ears grazing the ceiling as
He waited. Waited for that soft supple flesh
Red tried looking upstairs for her Gran but the older woman didn't seem to be home. That was odd because her mother had Gran was expecting her. The house held a different air about it tonight which put Red on guard. She placed the food her mother sent with in the fridge, just in case this was just a misunderstanding. Panicking this early in the game would be silly.

The storm outside was getting louder and she shiver as the lightning shattered across the night sky. Slowly she unzipped the hood she wore when she heard the breathing. She froze in spot and looked back towards the living room. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up but she had to look anyway. There was something lurking in the shadows.

Being her usual smart ass self, Red went for the lines. "Grandma, what big ears you have?" She could have sworn she heard a snort of laughter but kept approaching. Whatever it was was big and she was without a weapon. It stayed quit in the darkness, not answering her. "Grandma, what a big nose you have?" Something creaked and Red gasped.

As she got closer, Red saw it licks it chops. "Grandma, what a big tongue you have?"
" the better to lock your sweet pussy" a gruff voice answered her from the shadows. He was calmin himself, his form shrinking as he pulled the wolf back in.

His eyes trailed over the swell of her breasts rising out from the unzipped hoody she wore. The soft skin billowing out of her tight top made a growl rumble in his throat
Red heard the voice as a form came out of the shadows. She started to back up slowly while those eyes watched her intently. Her body tensed when she heard the growl. In an instant she was running for the door but it was no use. The bulky mass of animal had her pinned to the floor. All she could see was glowing grey eyes as his claws dug into her cloths, turning it to little more than shreds.

"No!" She tried to move but it was no use. From out side she heard a noise and another animal came through the rear window. It was another wolf but he had a darker pelt and had two other betas backing him up. Red prayed that they were here to help and not to join in.
He watched as she turned to flee. The wolf wanted to chase the prey, and his body swelled in an instant, covering him in fur, long claws growing from his paw like hands. One hand just missed her as he lunged, catching the red hoody and teari g it off of her, the claws shredding her shirt, slicing through her bra , but only grazing her pale flesh. In the next heart beat she wason the floor as his other hand rolled her over, teari g the remai s of her top free, her full breasts bouncing in the fight

Suddenly he was knocked off of her as a wolf plowed into his side. The two rolled to the side, a back hand sent the mongrel flying, just as two more bounded into the room. This cramped space was nowhere to fight and the beast bolted out the back door, destroying the slab of wood as he barreled through it in an explosion of wooden shards, the three wolves following him

Out in the woods the pups fell to his tearing claws and biting fangs in a blur of fur and snarls, their yelps of pain cut off sharply

The huntsman staggered in through the front doir, his shirt a d pants tattered and torn, blood on his arms and chest

"Red!" He cried out, seeing the damage in the house. She was huddled back against the wall, he quickly secured the door and replaced the remnants of the back door just as the storm broke, lightning and thunder and heavy rain filling the air as he went to her

"Are you ok?"
Red lay there in shock, wondering what the hell had just happened. She heard Lance call for her. It took her a moment to actually see him once the fear started to ease. "Lance? What the hell just happened?" She felt him lift her into his arm bridal style and lay her on the small sofa in the living room. It was then that she noticed her state of undress and pulled the quilt down from the edge of sofa to cover herself.

She noticed the slashes to his own clothing and sat up, her hands going to his chest. "Are you alright?" Her concern seemed to take him off guard. Those beautiful grey eyes almost glittered in the light of the lightning that streaked by the window. Red could only deduce that whatever had attacked her had been scared away by him.

The relief overrode her common sense and she wrapped her arms around him. "Thank you for coming for me." Red didn't realize how tightly she had been wrapped against him. She pulled back slowly and the look in his eyes made her pause, her eyes darting down quickly to glance at his lips. A blush blossomed on her cheeks.
He had set her down in the coach, his eyes devouring her full plump breasts, her top had been torn off and he liked what he saw. But she quickly covered up, which was a shame, however as she realized he was wounded she sat up, in her distraction the blanket had begun to slip. The tops of her young perky breasts slid free, an he swallowe as her eyes roved over the cuts on his thick hairy chest. Her arms suddenly shot around him, holding him tight man he could feel the press if those warm soft breasts as she did. The blanket must have slipped more. He could feel her hard nipples against the hard flesh of his muscular chest

She slowly let go, leaning back slightly, her eyes meeting his. He leaned closer and kissed her

His lips gently met the soft red lips of hers, he tasted her flesh and breathed in the soft womanly scent of her. He could hear her heart pounding away in her chest. His hands slid to her back as he pulled her closer, kissing her deeply, parting her lips with his tongue as he tenderly began to taste her
Red's defenses came down all at once as she looked into those eyes. She tasted something wild and intense on those lips. It thrilled her, sending raw lust through her body. They fought for dominance, their tongues sensually battling. She let out a low growling moan.

Her position changed, her leg widening to accommodate him. The pressure of his body on her was just too delicious. They devoured each other, the passion red hot and desperate. The need inside her clawed at her insides.

The blanket that had been covering her breasts was gone. Her aching nipples were smashed against his chest. Red groaned, her hips grinding up into him. The ache in her pussy driving her movements.

Her small hand rubbed at his crotch, teasing the erection that she had felt against her hip. She pulled back, gasping. "Naked. You. Now. " The command was self-explanatory.
The press of her curvaceous form made him groan as he felt her generous breasts flatten against his chest. He could feel her rigid nipples pressing into the muscles of his chest as she shifted her legs to let him slide between her thighs

She broke the kiss and commanded him to strip. Without pause he stood up in front of her, and quickly dropped his pants, his long girthy member springing free just inches from her. He kicked off his shoes and began to test off what remained of his shirt

He smiled down at her, gazing at her full bare breasts high and firm, and large on her delicate chest. He grinned as he saw her eyes fix on his cock. Then he landed back in top of her, pulling her up so she straddled his lap, his hands gripping her tits as he lifted one pale melon to his lips, his hot tongue flickin back and forth over her pretty pink nipples. He sucked at first one and then the other as his hands groped at her flesh, making her orbs swell this way and that as he played with er delicious flesh, and tasted her hit silky skin, licking and suckling her over ripe melons like some kind if animal
Red greedily took in the sight of hs well made chest. Her eyes widened when she saw his thick cock. The thick flesh was drastically aroused and made her lick her lips. She enjoyed his girth on top of her but liked straddling that lap, his erection rubbing against her clothed pussy. She whimpered when his hot mouth teased her nipple. His hands felt so good on her body. She began to grind her pussy against his erection.

The old sofa creaked from the strain of their movements but neither noticed. Red had never felt so aroused. His tongue was driving her nuts with lust and her pussy ached to be filled. She whispered into his ear as he suckled her breasts, her voice heavy with desire. "I can't wait to feel that wicked tongue in my pussy, lapping up my juices." She licked his ear, smiling wickedly.

She ground against him, needing sweet release so badly. Red arched her back, pushing her breasts farther into his mouth. "I want to feel you drive into me with that hard cock. I'm so wet for you, so tight. Do you want my pussy?"
Her breath in his ear, her supple breast mashed against his face as he suckled hungrily at her nipple, and her grinding pussy on his rigid pole made his head spin. He groaned as she mentioned savoring her sex and his cock seemed to throb with an ache he had never known. He let her tit slip free from his mouth with a loud pop. He looked up at her, staring into those shimmering eyes. Then he grabbed her by the waist and heaved her over. She caught herself on the arm of the dog as he twisted her onto her knees. He slipped out from between her legs. Her plump ass filled his eyes as be caught her hips, dragging her up his body, He grabbed the straps of her panties and tugged them down her thighs slowly, reveling on the sight of her glistening pussy. He grabbed her hips as he laid back, a loud moan escaping his lips as her silky breasts dragged over his rigid cock.dragging her up so that she straddled his chest, her ass and pink pussy just above his face. He gripped her plump ass hungrily as he leaned up, letting his to gue run up over the slit of her sex, savoring her flavor
The rawness of his lust was overwhelming to her. Red watched his eyes when he let go of her breast. Her body trembled as he took off her panties, the anticipation as great as the lust itself. Once in the new position she took his rigid cock into her mouth. Her pussy quivered when she felt that wicked tongue. Her arousal dripped moisture on her pussy lips and down her thighs. She licked up his cock slowly, savoring the taste of him.

Her body shook with each swipe of his tongue. Red could barely stay on her knees with the sensations he was causing her. She increased her pace as she suckled his cock, bobbing her heading in a steady rhythm. She could feel the grunts and moans that escaped him. Red kissed the insides of his thighs when she needed to back off for a minute. She suckled at his balls, wetly mouthing the flesh.

Red groaned. "God, Lance...." His mouth had to be illegal. She was going to come if he kept this up. "Too much, baby. I want to come with you inside me. I want that hard cock so bad." She gave his cock a hard greedy suckle, moaning against his flesh. "You like to fuck hard, Lance? Fuck me doggy style. I want to feel your breath on the back of my neck as we both come."
He growled and groaned as she attacked his cock. Her hungry mouth bobbing up and down on his cock with a fervor, driving him to devour her sweet wet pussy. As she swallowed his cock, he lapped at her pussy. Licking and suckling her wet lips, his tongue delving her core as her head drove deep on his member

He felt her slip him free as her tongue bathed his balls. His hands slipping up to grip her firm round ass, squeezing her delicious ass as he pulled his face into her pussy, burying his tongue as deep inside of her as he could

Her words barely registered, but she was right. He needed to fuck her. Hard

He gripped one of her thighs and twisted her off of him as he slid out from underneath if her. He got on his knees behind her, grabbing his spit slickened cock in hand. He slid the thick head of his cock up and down her wet fiery lips, then he plunged into er, driving his cock deep into her with a loud groan. He leaned over her, propping himself up on one hand on the edge of the sofa. The other wrapped around her chest, his arm mashing one heavy breast to her chest while he palmed the other orb bye pulled her tight as his hips began to undulate, driving his thick cock deep inside of her again and again and again,

"Like this" he growled with his lips pressed to her ear, his to gue grazing over the flesh as her body began to bounce with his strong thrusts