Nationwide Warrants Issued In Sniper Case...

Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001
Breaking news, FBI/ATF/local police agencies raided a house in Tacoma, Washington and seized two truckfulls of evidence. There is also standing warrants issued for persons in Alabama, and the DC area! They seized a shooting stump with bullets inside, and other shooting related items. Tacoma is the home of the 2nd Ranger Regiment, and the 1st Special Forces Group, both with sniper schools.
Do you think this could be a Timothy McVey type of incident? All this is going on right now as I post this, so things are moving fast.
Cool. I understand a couple of people have been detained in the DC area that were driving a white truck and were purported to have a rifle. Maybe this thing is over. I hope, I hope, I hope. I'd love to be able to spend a little time outdoors without scanning the surrounding woods.
I don't know, but I do hope it helps lead to the capture of the person or person's responsible for this nightmare. I used to live in the University Park area of Tacoma, for a short time. I know I have been through that neighborhood many times on my way home from work. I heard one of the most assinine comments from a Fox commentator about the search. "Why TACOMA?". Well why anywhere? I think we all have to patient and see where this leads.
Hopefully these leads will go somewhere.

** I didn't know there was a sniper school at Lewis. I always thought the sniper school was mainly at Benning...with side-schools at Bragg and Rucker. Thanks Lost Cause.
Still do not think its a trained sniper...if he was using a bolt action .308 and taking shots at 300 yards + than I would say yes it is...
Warrants being worked in Marion, Alabama..

Focusing in on a Campground Zero, a militia training area. Still on-going, will keep you posted. :D
News article says that the person from the Tacoma home is wanted for questioning and that the person served on the base, but was not part of the sniper school.
Two Warrants for suspects....

Lee Malvo, and John Mohammad of Maryland. Police say to be on the lookout for a Chevy Caprice NJ plates #NDA-217, last identified from the latest shooting scene. John Mohammad was in the military, at Ft. Lewis, and lives in Maryland. Will keep you up to date. :D
The local news station (I live here in the middle of it) said that the woman in the school bus saw two men in the white box truck and that they aimed a gun at her. She sought cover and called it in. After some machinations, a little later, the station reported, the box truck was stopped and people were detained. Now I can't see any reference to that in the media. It's puzzling. Maybe it wasn't fact that was reported earlier.
Moose press conference...8:52pm PST

Message to sniper, "We understand you communicated with us at several different locations with a message to say to the press, "We have got the sniper like a duck in a noose". Blah, blah....We do not understand what you want, call us for an answer to your option. We are waiting for you to contact us."
Photo of John Mohammad at :D
FBI search warrant in Bellingham, WA....

FBI searched high school records in Bellingham, a hour north of here. They're checking into Lee Malvo's trail leading to Maryland. By the way, the ATF site is down, probably crashed from all the hits for Mohhamad's pic. :D
Sniper is stupid....

They found out the sniper wanted the 10 million dollar ransom to be paid to a credit card account. The credit card was taken 21 Sept from Montgomery, Alabama where a woman was shot, and the card was stolen. That credit card was used in Maryland in the past couple of weeks.
A second vehicle wanted, Mohammad's ex-wife in Clinton, Maryland. Plate # ZWE-510

Re: Sniper is stupid....

Lost Cause said:
They found out the sniper wanted the 10 million dollar ransom to be paid to a credit card account. The credit card was taken 21 Sept from Montgomery, Alabama where a woman was shot, and the card was stolen. That credit card was used in Maryland in the past couple of weeks.
A second vehicle wanted, Mohammad's ex-wife in Clinton, Maryland. Plate # ZWE-510


My god he is stupid.
Sniper related info.....

I'd put infantry with night vision in all the treeline areas and turn this into a major offensive against that piece of shit! I'd also put Apache helicopters with FLIR systems up from sunset to dawn. Nothing would be sweeter than to see the gun camera footage of an Apache dicing that fucker up with a 25mm chaingun!

ANNAPOLIS -- The state is considering putting National Guard troops at polling places if the sniper who has killed 10 people and wounded three in the Washington area has not been captured by Election Day.

"I'm hoping the person is brought to justice long before election day," Gov. Parris N. Glendening said today.

If that does not happen, the state will do everything possible to ensure that the Nov. 5 election is not disrupted, the governor said.

"We want to encourage people to vote so they are not intimidated by fear," Glendening said.

The governor has also asked law enforcement and election officials to give him recommendations on how to protect voters and encourage turnout in a region where the sniper attacks have made fear a part of the daily life of many people.

Ideas under consideration include opening polls early so voters will not have to stand outside and encouraging greater use of absentee ballots.

If National Guard troops are used to protect voters, Glendening said he plans to put them at polls in Prince George's and Montgomery counties, the two suburban Washington counties where shootings took place.

Looks like the Maryland State Police and local authorities have detained at least 2 men near Middletown,MD on Interstate 70. CNN is reporting the police up there sound "very elated". Maybe they have found the person/people who were doing these awful murders.

Oh and a news conference is scheduled very soon by authorities.
2-3 people in custody in Maryland...

They closed I-70 in Maryland and apprehended 2-3 individuals in the Caprice vehicle with the APB. A news briefing will happen sometime in the morning. They used flash-bang grenades to apprehend them. :D
Malvo and Mohammad apprehended..

They were found sleeping in their car at a rest area off I-70 by a state trooper. This just in off CNN, FBI swat team used to get them. Ooohrah! :D
I wonder....

If these suspects may have been the support base for the shooter? They could have provided a getaway, multiple vehicles, and a home to let things cool. If they are a White Supremist/Al Qaeda merger, it would help nip them in the bud, after all, they have the same goal..... the destruction of Israel. Hmmmmmm :D
Re: I wonder....

Lost Cause said:
If these suspects may have been the support base for the shooter? They could have provided a getaway, multiple vehicles, and a home to let things cool. If they are a White Supremist/Al Qaeda merger, it would help nip them in the bud, after all, they have the same goal..... the destruction of Israel. Hmmmmmm :D

White supremist/ Al Qaeda merger?? Where would the the white supremist link be? The guys they caught are black and the father looks to be a converted Muslim. You trying to say the 2 black guys are basically pack mules and diversions to a white 'Boss'.?
It's a twist....

It was brought up by a FBI commentator, that the camp in Alabama is used by different groups, and that there are rumors of an Al Qaeda/white supremist union. Just relaying what I heard at the time.

New news:

Reports are the bullets in the stump match the ones at the murders.

Everybody is yaking about a weapon found in the car that is the sniper rifle. (not confirmed)

Malvo's fingerprints found at a Econolodge across the street at the phone booth where those two illegals that were busted.

The car they were busted in was identified leaving the scene of the last murder.

*It's still evolving......
