National Terrorism Alert Level Raised To High


Really Really Experienced
Jan 29, 2003
The United States Gov't has raised the security awareness level, to orange, or high. That is one notch below the red, or the highest state of alert. This is kinda scary, so let's pray and hope this turns out to be a false alarm. They are saying on the news, to go home and be prepared in case of an emergency. Let's hope and pray nothing happens.[/B]


:cool: :nana:
i WILL pray sweety but that ASSHOLE of a president we have just wants WAR anyways , so I will have to pray EXTRA hard :(

~Dream~ said:
i WILL pray sweety but that ASSHOLE of a president we have just wants WAR anyways , so I will have to pray EXTRA hard :(

We shouldn't have stood up to Hitler and Stalin either. The world would have been a much better place and their people a lot happier if we hadn't intervened.
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if you want the backing of the free world
show us the proof
not innuendos
distortion of facts
all we have seen so far is one phial of anthrax.

and as for Colin Powell saying the UN is irrelevant
that sums up the US governemnt attitude to the rest of the world

The basic proof is that they've defied 12 years of UN resolutions. The UN has done nothing but turn a blind eye to this defiance, so the UN irrelevancy is self-evident and self-inflicted. On the one hand Iraq claims to not have WMDs, yet in the same breath, they threaten to unleash them on our troops if we attack. Hmmm, what a contradiction. The world says attacking Iraq will only cause terrorism to increase. Well, terrorism has been occurring before Sept. 11, 2001 and America is not the cause of it. Only by standing up to these murderers will we be able to stop the terror. The safety of the US is not the responsibility of the rest of the world so we will take care of Iraq with or without anybody's help, and once again, the rest of the free world will reap the benefits of America's sacrifice.
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Whether you agree with the president or not...stand behind our troops they don't havea choice to be there. These people fight and die so that the rest of us can live remember them in your thoughts and prayers. As for Iraq...come on people think back to the gulf war, Sadam is a crazy son of a bitch and he wants us to go down...Bush may be aggressive, he may not have been who I voted for but as far as Sadam goes Ithink they should put his ass in a cell and throw away the key. I have see the pictures of what chemical and biological weapons can to to people, being prepared in this situation will work to our benefit.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the frontline people who will have to wage battle in the war-to-come. I have a friend who's son and daughter will be there. I pray they come home victorious, alive, and well. AA
The only thing scarier than the alert is your huge font.

waverlysgirl said:
The basic proof is that they've defied 12 years of UN resolutions. The UN has done nothing but turn a blind eye to this defiance, so the UN irrelevancy is self-evident and self-inflicted. On the one hand Iraq claims to not have WMDs, yet in the same breath, they threaten to unleash them on our troops if we attack. Hmmm, what a contradiction. The world says attacking Iraq will only cause terrorism to increase. Well, terrorism has been occurring before Sept. 11, 2001 and America is not the cause of it. Only by standing up to these murderers will we be able to stop the terror. The safety of the US is not the responsibility of the rest of the world so we will take care of Iraq with or without anybody's help, and once again, the rest of the free world will reap the benefits of America's sacrifice.

Well said waverlysgirl! And let's not forget our friends,THE FRENCH! 1/3 of them are communists, 1/3 are nazis and the rest are too busy screwing the neighbor's wife to know jack shit!
Re: war

Apolloman said:
if you want the backing of the free world
show us the proof
not innuendos
distortion of facts
all we have seen so far is one phial of anthrax.

and as for Colin Powell saying the UN is irrelevant
that sums up the US governemnt attitude to the rest of the world

#1 The people of the United States, through their duly elected Representatives shall determine the foreign policy of the U.S. #2 That does NOT include the U.N. #3 It is the sworn duty of the President and those officers appointed by him to "uphold, protect and defend the Constitution of The United States of America...against all enemies both foreign and domestic.."#4 Radical Islamists, bent on the destruction of Western Civilization, must be caged or killed.#5 Rest easy, for there are many hard men who stand on the wall tonight, fully prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for the cause of Amercan Liberty. Pray for them.
Re: Re: war

MichiganBiGuy said:
#1 The people of the United States, through their duly elected Representatives shall determine the foreign policy of the U.S. #2 That does NOT include the U.N. #3 It is the sworn duty of the President and those officers appointed by him to "uphold, protect and defend the Constitution of The United States of America...against all enemies both foreign and domestic.."#4 Radical Islamists, bent on the destruction of Western Civilization, must be caged or killed.#5 Rest easy, for there are many hard men who stand on the wall tonight, fully prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for the cause of Amercan Liberty. Pray for them.
that's the truth except they arent all islamic Sadam is totally secular...Out thoughts be with the men and women who help protect this country and many others
I wrote a long post for this thread, but realized that at this point in time, nobody's mind would be changed and I'd just be dancing with carpal tunnel syndrome, so I ditched that idea.

So fuck it. Delete.

Re: Re: National Terrorism Alert Level Raised To High

illmatic_Kyle said:
The only thing scarier than the alert is your huge font.

Kyle, you're a nut! :D

Thanks, Denver80 and Michbiguy. Your message should be as plain and clear as the noses on our faces, but some people just can't see it. Thank God, we have the freedom to debate and disagree in our country. Heaven knows that this web site would not exist under islamic rule. Unless goats learn to type. Prayers to our brave men and women (proud volunteers, all) who stand ready to defend freedom, everywhere around the world.

:kiss: :kiss: to the troops and all who served.

P.S. Diplomacy has worked so well in freeing Tibet, we should continue to try it in Iraq :)

waverlysgirl said:
We shouldn't have stood up to Hitler and Stalin either. The world would have been a much better place and their people a lot happier if we hadn't intervened.

When Hitler got his power......the people thought they could control him they lgave him power....but he sure did fool them......there are alot of similarites between Hitler and Sadam......he is a ruthless person .....who will lie to get his power.....the time to stop him is NOW......I dont like war either but ........I would like it if a small pox epidemic broke out affecting thousands of people.....
Fight Or Not

To support a war, by itself is foolish, and wrong. To support those who fight the war, is the way to go. I feel President Bush is doing exactly what needs to be done. Saddam Hussein has defied the UN for 12 years, and sadly old Bubba who was in the White House prior to President Bush, only saw that bombing Saddam was good when he got caught with his dick in an interns mouth, or whatever, for the sole purpose of improving his public approval. Sorry, but our fighting men and women are guardians of our nation, not PR props to make any President look good.

If we don't stop Saddam Hussein now, he will get the nuclear bomb, and will not be hesitant to use it. Just imagine where we'd be right now, if we did not kick him out of Kuwait, imagine the power he'd have by now, and weaponry? The mere thought scares me to death. Especially considering he is hell bent on destroying the United States, and Isreal. If the man used chemical weapons on his own people, should it not scare you to what he'd do to his enemies?

Colin Powell's speech at the UN opened a lot of eyes. He gave quite a bit of evidence, which was rather damning to Hussein's claims. Granted, he did not show ALL of the evidence, which was a smart need to let your enemy know just exactly how much you know. Just make them worry about the little bit you revealed to them. The Iraqi claims of lies, and what not are as much a load of bullshit as that baby milk factory during the Gulf War.

I am very thankful that we now have a president who has the balls to stand up to agressors such as Hussein and others.

Re: Re: National Terrorism Alert Level Raised To High

illmatic_Kyle said:
The only thing scarier than the alert is your huge font.

I can make it larger, if you'd like...:devil:

Just my $0.02 worth.

but if it weren't for people like my dad and my brothers then you wouldn't be posting here. so, before you start with that praying, you better make sure that you pray that they keep the faith of their convictions to be sure that we all have the right to disagree with our president.

i don't like this war talk anymore than the next person but what the hell has the U.N. ever done that anyone can think of? who have they ever helped?

i say that if they want to make us the world's police force then fine. but give us the power to back it up and quit the bullshit whining, and bitching, and moaning. if they don't want to stand up to people like hussein, then they need to go join him.

and before anyone trashes the president for doing what is right, then you need to go visit some of these countries and see what it is really like there. as a smallpox survivor, i wouldn't want anyone else to be exposed to it.

and there is a very valid threat there folks.
Two quick comments and then Ill shut up...

First, I find it pretty funny how some people are so sure that Bush and our government is making the allegations about Saddam up...How people will believe a murdering lunatic like Saddam, but our president is all lies...

the other thing, regarding the French, what is the old saying about the French being our best friends whenever they need us?