Naming a Business

Calamity Jane

Reverend Blue Jeans
Sep 19, 2001
How do you choose a name for the company when everything you come up with is taken?

I don't want to use the names of the partners involved. I've done that before, and it's a pain in the ass when one partner's name changes, or a partner leaves.

Think web development/design company.

pagan graphics is prolly taken huh?

ill post more if they come to me.
I thought of mine in the shower.
I wanted to be the first of my profession listed in the Yellow Pages.
I started with a list of 10 words that best described the essence of my business. I then belabored the point until I got bored. In the most unexpected moment of distraction, it came to me.
pagancowgirl said:
How do you choose a name for the company when everything you come up with is taken?

I don't want to use the names of the partners involved. I've done that before, and it's a pain in the ass when one partner's name changes, or a partner leaves.

Think web development/design company.


I suppose you tried WDD Co. or PCG Co.

How about taking the initials or partial names of the partners and combining them to create a name. Like my initials are D. E. L. I could be Delco, ooops that one's taken!!

glamorilla said:
that rocks.

it would also be a good name for a sitcom about lovable orphans in a foster home.

Starring Jason Priestly?

Wasn't that done already?

Can't remember the name of it.

Thank God.
alexandraaah said:
Trouble Warehouse.

lol! Poifect.

Glam, it may not be taken... but it may offend the very catholic sensibilities of the partner in crime.

Something amusing... my graphic design company was S****** & M**** Design. 90% of the time, clients shortened it to S&M Design and never seemed to understand why I got the giggles.

Hmmmm.... in my dorkyness, I'm coming up with stupid crap.


Believe it or not, I used to be a creative person.
How about using favorite animals or colors...


Or variances on professional terms

like Graphix or FrameWerks or ArtComp

Or the creative process

Artcept or ThinkTank, Inc.

write a bunch of things down...put in a hat...pull combinations
Just put an umlaat over a vowel in a regular word and trademark it.
pagancowgirl said:
How do you choose a name for the company when everything you come up with is taken?

I don't want to use the names of the partners involved. I've done that before, and it's a pain in the ass when one partner's name changes, or a partner leaves.

Think web development/design company.

Buy my domain and use that.

Corporate Name

Try the street where the business is located, can make it seem larger then it is. (is this why guys name their penis after their street, I digress - LOL)

If your business is on Maxwell Drive in Anytown USA, use Maxwell Development.

Also, use Group, or the overused Solutions.

Maxwell Development Group
Maxwell Software Solutions
I put mine and my hubbys names together and came up with mine Jaicee's Fantasy Phones....wanna guess what I own :nana: