"Name This Thread"

The thread for those who have trouble naming their own thread.


The thread that at the very least doesn't have a LAME name.
I try not to label things. I don't even have a labeler or label maker or label gun or whatever it is they call that thing that sticks labels on things. I think it was a box boy. But I guess they do have computer programs or apps for that. Whatever those are. I thought it was apples at first, then appliances, and now I'm back to being confused about what an app is. Which makes sense. It's a bit like this thread. I mean, the thread doesn't even know what it is. How am I supposed to name it? But I will. I wouldn't make you read all this and not name it. I would never be that cruel. You've come so far. I guess, if I must, and I think I'm obligated, I'd name it
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt

His name is my name, too.
Whenever we go out,
The people always shout,
"There goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt!"