Name the list of 'Great Actors/Actress' you like.

George C. Scott. Particularly in "A Christmas Carol" as Scrooge.

I always felt he was one of the few Americans who really could act.
I don't know if they are great actors but I enjoy movies by John Cusack and Jennifer Lopez. I like Goldie Hawn's daughter but can't think of her name. It's morning you see. I like Richard Dryefess too. I think he could be classified a great actor.
Denzel Washington - Man On Fire

Sylvester Stallone - Rocky IV

Ice-Cube - Friday

Dave Chapelle - Half Baked

i'll be back w/ more...........
jackie chan - rush hour 2

Jim Carrey - Dumb & Dumber & Liar Liar

Brad Pitt - Mr. & Mrs Smith
im not sure shes a "GREAT" actress

but i love wareham mass. geena davis so yummy:)even at 54
This must be some sort of parody thread.

Otherwise the lists make no sense.