Naked New Boy


Aug 15, 2002
Im a new boy to the block and would like all the girls and ladies out there their views on my dick and if they want to see more they should post message for more viewings.
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:( ya gotta keep them on long enough for someone to actually see them..................
hey kimmy i keep taking them off because i like to add new ones...but of course this one is for you
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Missed all the others. You're too quick with the edit button LOL

You ARE allowed to have more than one pic on at a time. Some of us have about 50 or more in our threads.

Looks good, please post more and leave them...pretty please?

stickylol said:
hey kimmy i keep taking them off because i like to add new ones...but of course this one is for you

Seems I missed this one as well........keep them all up can have more then one....and I have only seen your first one b4 ya hit that EDIT button, so post more please......:D
kimmy im so sorry a bit shy....anyway heres for make up and see if anyone here can guess my age. whoever gets it right gets to ask how i pose for next pic.
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stickylol said:
kimmy im so sorry a bit shy....anyway heres for make up and see if anyone here can guess my age. whoever gets it right gets to ask how i pose for next pic.

Well dammmm I almost gave up on seeing anything here....but glad I went all the way...well worth it!!:p
stickylol said:
kimmy im so sorry a bit shy....anyway heres for make up and see if anyone here can guess my age. whoever gets it right gets to ask how i pose for next pic.


Glad a pic decided to stick
o my need to be shy of that..please post more...and more.....and yes more......and as for your age, I am going to say 30......dayummm please post more....oh yeah, I already said that, hehe,:p :p
Please post more

I'm gonna guess 27?

whether i'm right or wrong,

Post another so we can see better!
no im actually more comments on the dick and more things you want to see
Damn.I guess we were all WAY off.....I have a question....ummmm just how BIG is your cock?, that is damn nice !!!

my thread
kimmy its seven inches you want to see more?....of the dick
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I not only want to see it..but touch it....damn like I said before no need to be shy here, :D :p
i will touch it for you about this pic???.....anyone else want me to touch it for them
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kimmy return foto's...i take them off for company reasons.
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