N. Korea, The World's "Special" Nation...

Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001
These obviously impaired people really want to get slammed hard. It's been 50 years, and the next time, we'll be going to the Chinese border. This is going to develop into an interesting situation in 2003. What do you think? We can fight a two front war easily, but I'd rather see PSYOPS used, and make them shit the bed.

Pyongyang has issued a series of threats, including one to "destroy the earth" if the US resorted to nuclear war against it. South Korea's president, Kim Dae-jung, and the president-elect, Roh Moo-hyun, sought to calm the mood by saying they wanted a peaceful resolution.

But the US state department yesterday rejected Pyongyang's insistence that the crisis can be solved if the US signs a treaty of non-aggression. "We will not bargain or offer inducements for North Korea to live up to the treaties and agreements it has signed," a spokesman said.

US intelligence sources were quoted by the BBC as saying they believe "North Korea may already have a small number of nuclear bombs and the material to make a few more".

Yesterday, the defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, dismissed such concerns. "We are capable of fighting two major regional conflicts," he said.

"We're capable of winning decisively in one and swiftly defeating in the case of the other, and let there be no doubt about it."

He said Washington chose to pursue a diplomatic strategy against North Korea for the moment, as that crisis was still at a relatively early stage.

The communist party's newspaper Workers' Daily declared that "the army and people of the DPRK are fully ready to mercilessly strike the bulwark of US imperialist aggressors" - implying that they could hit targets in the US.

"There can be no earth without Korea," it said. "The army and people of the DPRK will destroy the earth if the enemies dare make a nuclear strike at it. This is their do-or-die spirit."

*A fitting statement to put on their tombstone. :D
I say, forget about Iraq. Saddam's a pre school kid compared to N. korea. Gee, Saddam only threatens his own people. N. Korea has threatened US!!!!!!! But, if Bush says Saddam is more of a threat, then, it MUST be so.*Rollseyes* JACKASS!!!!!!!
It's a REAL coincidence that China is dealing very heavily with Iran and other Middle-Eastern countries and North Korea is getting skippy. One has nothing to do with the other...
A small solution......

A B-2 with a 2000lb bomb right into the power plant for the reactor, like when Israel bombed the Iranian reactor. Then we'd tell them to go for their guns, either shit, or commence to shootin'! Stop it once and for all. :D
I'd be willing to bet that that's an option being discussed.

Too bad Israel isn't a little closer to take the heat for this one.

But I bet they blow it and the Chinese scream bloody fawking murder!
One of those big bombs that killed Osama up at Tora Bora just for shits and giggles...
PS - Bush knows there's no oil in North Korea. He was the one that cut off Clinton's oil for Peace shipments last month...

Keep up.
Same thing basically that sent the Japanese bonkers and its fleet to Pearl.

Got their asses kicked!

Can anyone answer this question...

By all measures NKorea is a basket case....people starving....no economy to speak of.....people repressed.....crazy leader.....no progress made in 50 years.....a hellhole,in short.....

SKorea on the other hand...a modern thriving state where its populace has the benefit of ANYTHING that the world has to offer....


The Uni students and so many other in SKorea......Protest that THEY wanna unify with NKorea!!!!!!!!!!.......Dont they realize the disaster that awaits such a union???????? Didnt they see the unification of Germany has been a disaster?????? And EGermany was light years better then NKorea????????

WTF CAN THESE PEOPLE BE THINKING??????????????????????????

You can thank me for turning you on to USSClueless.......

You is welcome:D

I love you too..........:p :p :p :p :p
Well well, I was beginning to think that I wouldn't live to see World War III

Good thing that I'm over 30 ... While all of you idiots who voted for Bush are off getting killed on two fronts, I'll be here fucking your wives and girlfriends!