N.E. Indiana couple here


I would love to tap that ass!!!

If you're ever vacationing in Hawaii, send me a line.

We'll keep it respectful, discreet, and fun.

In my 30's, professional, with a beach volleyball body.

Central Indiana...Single Male PM me if your interested

PS beautiful pic
north central Indiana here

I'm over in Mishawaka/South Bend area.....is that to far away?

48 yo male, 170lbs, 5'11", still got my hair, my teeth and all the other stuff that it takes to play!!! Plus I have a lifetime of being a little kinky :eek: so as they say the BALL is now in your court. I believe the old water jet could help to keep all those folds of skin and such clean and happy:D I must confess to having a strong desire to play with toys and love the idea of watching and then just jumping in when I see a need.
22m in Central Indy, never done ANYTHING like this before and it's my first time posting here. But it's always been a fantasy of mine to share a girl (of mine, but unfortunately I tend to date prisses), I recently broke up with someone, and the pic is awesome so...I'm interested. =]

Totally clean, good-looking, kinky as you want, and I'll give ya pics and info out the wazzoo. =]

would like you to email me have woul dlike to try things with the two of you close to you.
Looking for a couple to have their way with my wife while I enjoy the show. Any interest? (North Central IN)
I'm interested. I'm a clean and fit male, in central Michigan. No hangups and willing to make the drive. Have pics if interested.......