
Some time ago I was gifted with a delightful female submissive who graced me with her marvelous compliance on line. She was a treasure of great worth and quite beautiful. Since her departure, I have not had a single response from a willing female. I post this notice in the hopes of finding another who would enjoy sharing her submission with me. I have no desire for a dishonest or unwilling respondent. I am hoping to fine one other who burns with the need to explore. I appreciate your interest if you have read this far and I wish everyone who sincerely seeks success in finding a worthy partner.
Quoting for posterity, since I think we’re on the brink of a ‘please remove’ and edit to nothing.
Some time ago I was gifted with a delightful female submissive who graced me with her marvelous compliance on line. She was a treasure of great worth and quite beautiful. Since her departure, I have not had a single response from a willing female. I post this notice in the hopes of finding another who would enjoy sharing her submission with me. I have no desire for a dishonest or unwilling respondent. I am hoping to fine one other who burns with the need to explore. I appreciate your interest if you have read this far and I wish everyone who sincerely seeks success in finding a worthy partner.
A good connection is hard to find. I'm sure you're aware all subs aren't the same. Probably what plays into this is that there are a good number of Lit men who have latched on to the D/s theme claiming to be Doms when they know jackshit about BDSM. Many women will submit to a fool for a while, then they get wise.