Mystery of Mayan Calendar solved


Literotica Guru
Jul 30, 2002
Yep, there's some real wacko bullshit out there, like this:


"Before we comment further on the acceleration of consciousness, we wish you to know that the remarkable calendar that you currently refer to as 'Mayan', was not developed nor originally written by the Mayans in the manner that you suppose. It predated the Mayans by more than 18,000 years. It was originally developed by the enlightened Atlanteans of Poseida with assistance from the Sirian/Pleiadean Alliance, and stored by means of crystalline technology, termed 'the Crystal Skulls'."

Yep, that's much more whacko than that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe are the creation of a supernatural being all completed in seven days. :cool:
2012 ain't over yet.

Ye of little faith - and mocking fear - shall be the first to die.
I'm not doing any christmas shopping until the 22nd, just in case. :cool:
I didn't mean to interrupt your belief systems. Doing any Bigfoot hunting this year? Ancient aliens?:rolleyes:

You don't have to worry about my belief systems gramps. I did seem to get your knickers in a bunch mentioning that Christianity is just as much Whacko bullshit (your words) as the beliefs you were attempting to lampoon. :cool:
I'm not doing any christmas shopping until the 22nd, just in case. :cool:

But if it does happen, the money you're saving won't do you any good anyway.

Me, I'm buying everyone survivalist gifts. That way, if the shit hits the fan, I can just crack open the gifts and use them. I got my little niece a survival hatchet, my friend some freeze dried meals, and I got my dad 600 rolls of toilet paper.
But if it does happen, the money you're saving won't do you any good anyway.

Me, I'm buying everyone survivalist gifts. That way, if the shit hits the fan, I can just crack open the gifts and use them. I got my little niece a survival hatchet, my friend some freeze dried meals, and I got my dad 600 rolls of toilet paper.

It's not about saving the money, it's about not wasting those last precious moments shopping if the world is going to end.
