My wifes fantasy


Jun 28, 2002
My wife wants to have a threesome with another man & me
Sounds great so far until she told me what she wanted.
she wants to be laid naked on the bed pleasuring herself with
me on all fours masterbating as she uses her vibrator on herself,
Then the other man to slowley slid his very hard cock into MY tight ANUS
so she can wach this man fuck my virgin asshole
so all you lady's and gents of lit is this fantasy strange
or dose it excite some of you two?
Please send reply as i am very confused and a bit excited
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If anyone has experience with this sort of thing would love to
get some PM to let me know what to expect
great idea

What a fantastiic wife

What a great idea

would be willing to help in anyway you want if you are serious about the idea

Hooray .. like minded people

Thank you both for your reply's
yes my wife is fantastic........ russell .c
she is as horny as hell & would love to see me with a cock mi my mouth
dont know if i'm up to it?????????
sucking cock is something i never thought of or haveing a cock
sliding up & down my VIRGIN ASSHOLE [dont now if it is to my likeing ]
what is it like:confused:

if the question is about how anal sex works then I am not the best person to ask as I have only done it once. It was a couple of years ago now but I still haveto wank myself blind over it every time I think of it ... best be off now as reminiscing.

Thank's boy's have not had any femal respons
do you think im gay to consider fullfiling my wife's fantesy

your question reminds me of something that a wise man once said about sniffing a rose

Best way to check this out is to buy a dildo, or a strap on for your wife. My ex-wife had this same fantasy, so that's what we did. That way, you can get used to having a cock in your ass, and also pretend to give head to the dildo. One of the hottest things we did was to "share" sucking the dildo. Harmless fun, and a great way to "test the waters." Or you can fuck yourself with the dildo while your wife gets off.
Thank's docisin
sounds great i will be giveing it a go tonight
wish me going in :D
chrissex said:
My wife wants to have a threesome with another man & me
Sounds great so far until she told me what she wanted.
she wants to be laid naked on the bed pleasuring herself with
me on all fours masterbating as she uses her vibrator on herself,
Then the other man to slowley slid his very hard cock into MY tight ANUS
so she can wach this man fuck my virgin asshole
so all you lady's and gents of lit is this fantasy strange
or dose it excite some of you two?
Please send reply as i am very confused and a bit excited

Is this fantasy strange? No...many women are turned on by watching two men together.

I would agree about using a dildo first to get used to having something in your ass. I would start a little smaller than that though like your wifes finger then move up to the dildo.

Good luck,
From California

Dear Chrissex,

I've been married for 15 years, and it is a common fantasy for my wife to share. Never acted out in real though. I agree using a small dildo - lots of lube.
Female Responce

I think it's really sweet that you'd do this for your wife even though it sounds like you're a little uncomfortable with the idea. I hope she appreciates you!

chrissex said:
If anyone has experience with this sort of thing would love to
get some PM to let me know what to expect
You have a very cool wife, I spent 10 years as part of an mfm................................Dik
hi dik
if you spent 10 year's as part of MFM
can you PM me with your experience as i am uncomfortable with it at the moment
hope to hear from you soon
To sheharazad

Thank you for your reply sheharazad
it's great to get a woman's perspective
but i havent said i will do it yet
im more than a litel uncomfortabal with the thought of a man sliding his cock in my mouth or up my anus
i am considering it ,i think i need some encouragement from anyone except my wife as she would love it to happen anyway.
I would be helpful to get some input from more femal's
so i can get a handel on the situation.
Must go now but thank's to all of you that took the time to reply.
Your probably uncomfortable because

you know how impatient us males are at times. Times like sex for instance. Ever made your wife sore because you just had to blow your wad? You might be wondering how to repair your sore bleeding rectum after your stud rams his cock home thinking only about his own pleasure. All the while your wife discovers she likes to watch your pain and suffering and she gets hot for it.
I've been wrong before though.

Crap was I saying that out loud?!
Here's a thought. If/when you go looking for that "special someone" try to find a guy who is physically very attractive to your wife but who is actually... underendowed? And to make it even easier on yourself you could build yourself up to it by trying similar, yet less painful alternatives with your wife. Vibrators and dildos come from the size of a lipstick to absolutely massive and then you get into the realm of butplugs, strapons etc. You could thus ease your ass into it and that way you don't need to worry about "easing your bleeding asshole" I think it was put.

Let me know what you think. As always, it's just no fun (at least to begin with) if you're not comfortable with the idea.

My wife has had 2 fingers up my anus and she has playd with
a small vibrator around my cock and slid it into my anus about
half way this was comfortable and very exciting.
I had a masive hard on IT WAS ALL VERY SEXY
it's the tought of another man ther just for me