My Tumblr On Lit


2012, I bought this bike for myself and myself only. I don't care what anyone thinks about Sportsters, so keep your negative opinions to yourself (the skull sticker is not a part of the bike, it's covering something that you don't need to know) Very much like my Forty-Eight, my posts here are for me. If I post about a specific person, I'll let them know, so don't assume that a post is about you, or anyone else. I post pictures and music that I like for me. I even post pictures that I take, again, for me.
is this what we went shopping for?
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Play for me while we talk on the phone, I want you to ask if you may. Tell me how wet you are, and describe how listening to me talk to you gets you wet and excited. Tell me where your hands are, what they feel, and how you feel. Close your eyes and tell me how much you want me, when you think about me you touch yourself. Tell me how your cunny, and your heart adores me.

I close my eyes,
and see you before me.
Think I would die,
if you were to ignore me.
A fool could see,
just how much I adore you.
I'd get down on my knees,

This was going good until “cunny”
No, no, I already had this, we went t-shirt shopping. Remember the dealership changed their name from my name, and I bought what they had?
Oh duh. That's right. ;) I remember looking for stuff for my future son in law. That's probably why I was thinking of that.
I post certain words, visuals, and songs to turn you on. I know that it works because you keep coming back for more. It's my turn to be turned on, so tell me, tell me how you are going to do that?

Like a flower waiting to bloom.
Like a lightbulb in a dark room.
I'm just sitting here waiting for you,
To come on home and turn me on.

Aww Norah Jones! I love her voice!

Hello dear friend, I hope you are doing well ❤️
I sometimes think that I may have something witty, fun, and occasionally intelligent to say, and post that to my Tumblr. Since it is mostly writings, photos and music of a sexual nature, I thought I would start a thread here to showcase, preserve, whatever, some of my favorite posts I've made.

And it starts something like this:

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Welcome to my page. Everyone is welcome here as long as you remember a few things.

People are not toys, so don't treat them as such. Have a little respect for them and yourself. Be all in or get out, no one wants a lukewarm friendship or love. Invest as much time in them as they do you, or do the decent thing and be gone with ya. Just because a person posts something racey doesn't mean that they want to do it with just anyone. Respect that.

2012, I bought this bike for myself and myself only. I don't care what anyone thinks about Sportsters, so keep your negative opinions to yourself (the skull sticker is not a part of the bike, it's covering something that you don't need to know) Very much like my Forty-Eight, my posts here are for me. If I post about a specific person, I'll let them know, so don't assume that a post is about you, or anyone else. I post pictures and music that I like for me. I even post pictures that I take, again, for me.

Yes, I'm interested in the Dd/lg lifestyle, but I'm not limited to that, I have many interests. Many, many interests covering vast non-sexual grounds. Don't assume that all I want to talk about is sex, because I don't. Sure, it's nice, but there are many things to talk about as well. If you do strike up a conversation with me, be prepared to talk about anything and everything. Yes, that includes sex on occasions.

Always play nice and be kind to people. You never know what they are going through today.
It’s true, no one knows. Your words are harsh and I don’t think anyone expects more than anyone offers. Love the bike
Spending your time on Tumblr huh? Nice. I wanted to text to see how you were, guess I know now.
Spending your time on Tumblr huh? Nice. I wanted to text to see how you were, guess I know now.
Well I guess that was an oooooops :cool: . Text me if you really want to know how I am doing and what I am doing. has nothing to to with Tumblr.
I sometimes think that I may have something witty, fun, and occasionally intelligent to say, and post that to my Tumblr. Since it is mostly writings, photos and music of a sexual nature, I thought I would start a thread here to showcase, preserve, whatever, some of my favorite posts I've made.

And it starts something like this:

View attachment 2228867

Welcome to my page. Everyone is welcome here as long as you remember a few things.

People are not toys, so don't treat them as such. Have a little respect for them and yourself. Be all in or get out, no one wants a lukewarm friendship or love. Invest as much time in them as they do you, or do the decent thing and be gone with ya. Just because a person posts something racey doesn't mean that they want to do it with just anyone. Respect that.

2012, I bought this bike for myself and myself only. I don't care what anyone thinks about Sportsters, so keep your negative opinions to yourself (the skull sticker is not a part of the bike, it's covering something that you don't need to know) Very much like my Forty-Eight, my posts here are for me. If I post about a specific person, I'll let them know, so don't assume that a post is about you, or anyone else. I post pictures and music that I like for me. I even post pictures that I take, again, for me.

Yes, I'm interested in the Dd/lg lifestyle, but I'm not limited to that, I have many interests. Many, many interests covering vast non-sexual grounds. Don't assume that all I want to talk about is sex, because I don't. Sure, it's nice, but there are many things to talk about as well. If you do strike up a conversation with me, be prepared to talk about anything and everything. Yes, that includes sex on occasions.

Always play nice and be kind to people. You never know what they are going through today.
Do you ever peg your men lol
Thank you to the last three asswipes for ruining my thread, that was for me, not you, with your senseless comments. Go be idiots somewhere else, this will be deleted by the moderator.