My threads (Your threads) 2003


Really Really Experienced
Jan 16, 2002
Sometime last year we had a really interesting forum discussion called My threads (Your threads?) were we all took it in turns to list what stories we had written for. With the new year almost two months old I thought it would be a good idea to see what everyone has been up to so far in 2003. I’ve separated the question into two parts, firstly what have you written this year and secondly, what have you stopped writing for and why? In the second part just give a quick description into what has caused you to stop adding to certain stories. I’ll start and then over to you. (Oh I left out all the links as it takes far to long and I think we can all find our way around.)

What have you written this year?

A College girl to be... (3)
Tv Lover (1)
A day at the Stone Wall Mall (2)
Paying the Rent (1)
Watching the Neighbors (1)
Boys Just Want to Have Fun (2)
Doing The Sorority (3)
Lucy Redux: (1)
Defenders of Tarracco (1)
Summer Down Under (6)
The Babysitter (1)
School Daze (1)

What have you stopped writing for and why?

Confessions by Avalon. A small story that the author doesn’t seem to be supporting. It took a fair while for my thread to be approved which discouraged me form adding further.

Sappho’s Amulet by Gystex. I stopped adding to this one as I started concentrating on Gystex’s Doing The Sorority instead.

The Choices We Make by daciasdesire. I had added a grand total of 53 threads to this last year and felt I had added enough. I started a new story that I was keen to work on and the amazing support I received from everyone for Choices has meant that I don’t need to write for this one and it will continue to grow regardless.

Beth’s night on the town by lilguy. Stopped adding to this one as I started concentrating on lilguy’s Tv Lover instead.

In From The Snow by Zingiber. With Zingiber no longer being around fully I never got worked up enough to add to this again. I do intend to add again at sometime.

7 Little College Girls by AaronWebster. Large number of main characters made writing a thread fairly detailed. I do intend to follow up my previous thread at sometime.

My Celebrity Fantasies by thisnameismine. I believe this author is now an absent editor.

Wanda the Professional Slut by jakelyon. I started adding to jakelyon’s other stories. I do still have ideas to work through fully. Whether I do or not is another story.

WWF Divas by Brownguy20. Fun little wrestling related take that I never returned to.

3589: A Mutant Odyssey by NaiRikku. I wrote the only additional thread for this. I never heard from the author since adding. My guess would be they are an absent editor.

Katie by ezekial. I was the last person to add to this story. I never heard from author since so another absent author I’d guess.

A Lost Identity: Sex Fugitive by niceguy2002tim. I write mainly in niceguy2002tim’s A College girl to be... I added this thread soon after the story came out but stuck with the other story since.

The Neighbors Empty House by wakiki. I added the only additional thread to this. The author is still around and I still intend to add more to this but have so much other writing to do that it will take sometime.

A New Dawn by Chicklet. Chicklet received a fair amount of support from every one when she burst on the Chyoo scene from Literoctica. Since then I felt she never really returned the welcome by writing much for anyone in return so I wasn’t going to bother writing again.

Well that's it from me, lets hear from you.


Here are the stories I've submitted to. Mine first:

The Isle of Lesbos, which is one of mine - my first story on CHYOO. Actually, I've kind of ignored it for a while. It's gotten a couple of submission and I am grateful for them, but the story itself seems ot to lack a certain something. Its plot sets up deliberately artificial sexual encounters, and that isn't as interesting as more "genuine" ones.

Sappho's Amulet, my second story. I still have ideas for this one. Lately, however, I've been writing for other people and not myself, so this story has been a bit back-burnered as well.

Doing the Sorority, my third story. I've been very pleased with the success of this tale so far, and have many more ideas to bring to fruition within it.

Now, as far as other stories go...

Bye Bye Boss by Crossley. I include this one on the list mostly as a caution to others not to submit to it. I have four threads that have been waiting with yellow lights for over eight months. The editor is obviously no longer available.

Population Crisis by Inkybus. This is/was a very popular story with an interesting premise. I stopped writing for it mostly because I felt I'd used up most of my ideas with that one - but I may well go back in the future. 22 threads by me.

She's Hungry by WayneWax. I submitted only one thread here, and then felt no particular urge to continue. It's a good story, though.

Cheerleading Fun by UnknownSpyder. This was the first CHYOO story to which I contributed. I stopped mostly because there's only so much thrill one can get out of cheerleaders. Once again, though, I may well go back and submit more in the future. 7 threads by me.

Alpha Virtual Sex by WayneWax. This is an "anything goes" story, so it's fun to write for if you're in that sort of mood. I wrote 4 threads and will probably write more.

Mystery Shop by WyldMage. This is a story with plot, so much that I found it was taking a while to get around to the sex. I therefore decided to wait a bit and see if others expanded the story to a point where I might find a thread to work off of. 3 threads by me.

Raven Goes Elsewhere by DemonD. It's a fantasy/adventure story, which is not usually my thing and in fact I probably wouldn't have submitted to it had DemonD not written some excellent threads for "Sorority". That's not to say it isn't a great story, however! I had fun with the threads I did write and may go back and do more in the future. 4 threads by me.

Aaralon's Discoveries by Sixth. This very popular story is already familiar to most CHYOO readers. Right now I'm in a holding pattern on this one as I wait to see if anyone might take off on one of the threads that I've left dangling. 6 threads by me.

The Babysitter by uglyoldgit. I submitted two threads to this story because I had an idea that I wanted to throw out there. The story hasn't inspired me further, so I haven't submitted any more and don't plan to.

A College Girl To Be by niceguy2000tim. I've submitted exactly one thread to this story but don't intend to leave it at that.

The Choices We Make by daciasdesire. This is one of my favorites, and one of two stories by other authors that I'm currently working on. It also shows the wisdom of "thread-for-thread" policies, because I don't know if I would have gotten so involved in this tale had I not placed myself under obligation - and then found that it was a great story! 14 threads by me, with more on the way.

TV Lover by lilguy. I submitted one thread to this story as something of an experiment, then found that I just don't care for this particular fantasy. Oh sure, it would be great to see something like this happen, or even have pictures, but sex with celebrities in text just doesn't do it for me. I don't plan to submit further threads.

Dorm Girls by starwar69. This is a fun little story that I plan to revisit sometime. Currently, 3 threads by me.

7 Little College Girls by AaronWebster. This is the other story for which I am currently writing threads. Paradoxically, I'm finding the numerous restrictions placed on the story by the author to be helpful. It's interesting to be able to work with a given set of characters and no others. This is the story which I said once before that I would most like to see turned into a porn movie. 7 threads by me.

3 girls and a swelling cock by jakelyon. I submitted to this story by request, and found it most enjoyable. I plan to return to the scene I set up and bring it to at least one orgasm at some point. 2 threads by me.

Wanda the Professional Slut by jakelyon. I contributed to this story as part of my "thread-for-thread" deal, and again I plan to return to it at some point. 3 threads by me.

Sex and the Spanking Game by switch76. I wrote one thread here in exchange for a thread on one of my stories, but it's just not what I'm into, so I will probably not contribute again.

A Lost Identity: Sex Fugitive by niceguy2000tim. If you haven't heard of this one, then welcome to your first day here on the CHYOO message board! Seriously, I plan to submit more threads to this story as soon as my inspiration leads me in that direction. 3 threads by me.

A Warm Inviting Winter Cabin by Rocketman5000. I submitted one thread by request, but have not decided whether to submit further. It's an orgy story, and orgies aren't really my thing.

High School Love by Paula92544. I had one idea for this story and wrote it. I probably won't write for it again. One thread by me.

The Magical Sex Bed by Rocketman5000. One thread submitted and pending approval or rejection.

As you can see above, I often submit threads upon request, so if I have not written a thread for your story and you would like me to, send me a message and I probably will!
Okay, the rookie's list.

Here's all the one's I've contributed to, period....

First, my Stories.

Book of Magic (10) (22 if you count the errors, which I don't) -My first story, A little clunky, but I'm enjoying it. If anybody wants to add, I'd love it.

Quiet Streets (3) This one has only been up for one day, but someone was really nice and gave it a 5. Thanks, I'll try not to disappoint on it.


Bar Hoppin (1) I added one thread to this one for a bit of fun. Haven't felt the urge to back to it since.

Apartment 3G (2) Just a couple of scenes that I was enjoying having fun with.

A college girl to be... (1) Again, saw an opportunity for a fun one-shot. (No pun intended)

Choices we Make (10) I origionally just wanted to do one Double BJ scene for this, and it Snowballed.....(REALLY, NO PUN INTENDED) So far I've had a gas writing the scenes, and have no intention of giving up on them, however the fact that nobody has taken up where I left off is a little disheartening....

TV Lover (2)- The first story I contributed to. Back before I realized I needed to read the previous thread before contributing. I had to go back and write a follow up thread to correct the continuity error.....

The Fantasy Room (1) - Was a little bored at work, and so tossed this one off rather quick. Not my favorite work.

A Lost Identity: Sex Fugitive (1) - Actually, I think this is my least favorite thread that I've written. It's a rape scene, and I should know better to write something I'm not totally comfortable with....

Angst (2) - Just a couple one shots. I really didn't know where else to take this one, just wasn't feeling it.

Is She Faking It? (4) - I took this to a point at which I felt someone else could take over.

That's it, all my threads.... (Sounds like a soap opera)

re: my threads, your threads(2003)

I haven't stopped writing for anybody so far this year. Usually I stop because they stop editing (sigh). Hopefully, "Her Panties"won't be one of these. I find it nice not to be the only contributor, tho some of these seem to be that way. Here goes:

A day at the Stone Wall Mall (6)

Abbie & The Old Folks (6)

Summer Down Under (6)

Lucy Redux (4)

Decorating The Tree (4)

7 Little College Girls (3)

My Sis' Jammed Zipper(3)

A day in the City (3)

The Babysitter(SausageKing) (3)

The Choices We Make (2)

Three Days (2)

Her Panties (2)

and some newbies I like..

The Neighborhood(1)

My Sexy Aunt Pat (1)

School Daze (1)

Caught In Mommy's Closet (1)

that's all folks..kendahl6969
Hi, Dacia et al!

I wanted to make sure this thread kept warm, since I enjoy the topic.

Thanks, Gystex, for your reflections on the various stories. I enjoyed your follow-ups to my With an audience thread in Dacia's The Choices We Make.

I'm still (4/2003) in a situation where my access to Chyoo is somewhat unpredictable -- feast or famine depending on changing circumstances. Lately access has been more frequent and I've been looking for likely places to contribute threads.

Here's where my modest amount of inspiration has taken me this year:

In January I managed to peek in and add a thread to The Choices We Make, where the media teacher flirts heavily with the protagonist: Draw it out.

I've enjoyed The Choices We Make, but its sheer depth is challenging for me when I'm scouting for new situations I might want to contribute to (and the two-thread limit means that sometimes a good scene's options are used up).

In January I also added a follow-up to AaronWebster 's A Middle Class Orgy in which the single male partygoer goes 3 for 3 in the girl-power version of "Blow The Boys." A Middle Class Orgy attracts me because of the possibility of byplay and humor among the characters, and I enjoy trying out different combinations in an ensemble of people who already know each other. Nevertheless I haven't had any bright ideas for it lately.

Nothing added till the end of March. Thanks again to my "story-sitters" for keeping an eye out for me during my erratic absences.

Lately I've had fun with jakelyon's story The Neighborhood. It has some of the same things that attracted me to A Middle Class Orgy, my past favorite by contributed thread count. When jakelyon commented that he couldn't wait to find out how one of my thread hooks was going to be resolved, I gave him three choices. :)

Contributions from darren j and SparkyMan to my story Get Me To The Church On Time stimulated me to freshen it up a bit. It occurred to me that for me to add a followup to new contributed threads could be a good way to keep a story alive. It encourages both you and the contributing authors. I have some more ideas for it that haven't crystallized yet, including following the upcoming wedding from the point of view of some of the other characters.

I'd like to revive my other stories, or at least In From The Snow. (Interested in helping out, Dacia?) There must be something naughty that a disabled Land Rover full of real estate agents kept from their let-their-hair-down vacation will get up to.

I was happy to discover Ooohkitty had a new story, The Underground. I added a scene with a chase and the beginning of a surreal subway ride. (I had written one for her Yorick - The Last Man Standing while I was off-line, then re-read the intro thread and found I'd mis-remembered some important scene-setting I shelved it).

I added a thread to SparkyMan 's new Best Man's Diary in which the bride's younger sister asks your help to keep from being bothered by a man she might have led on a bit too far.

I was pleased to see JonGrey had a new story, I Spy With My Two Eyes. I contributed the first non-creator thread. I liked Apartment 3G and expected I'd be writing more for it than I have.

So what stories have I stopped writing for?

Since I haven't considered myself a "regular" writer in anyone's stories except my own, I haven't exactly stopped writing for anyone. Sometimes I get an idea, submit a single thread, and don't end up contributing again. But I would have to say that my stories In From The Snow and Office Morale have been neglected lately.

Maybe SlidingInSilk's stories. I like them, but I haven't been looking for places to add threads for a while. I think she's been less active lately, and I don't recall seeing her on the discussion boards or doing much contributing to others stories. I guess I'm more apt to contribute to someone who seems more "present". On the other hand, let me look back at my old SiS threads for positive comments. :)

There's another thread I started on this: Threads: Sequences or Branches

I tend to scout around by checking if any of my current favorite authors have had a recent story update that might have introduced a scene that would be fun to contribute to. I don't always follow up on my previous contributions (though I'm more likely to if encouraged by the editor), because sometimes I don't have a bright idea to answer the hook question I set up.

Thanks all,

(back for now...who knows how long this time?)
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Well heres my list even though I've been here less than a week ;)

A Cousin (1)- My first crack at writing...hasn't been approved or anything yet...I guess the creator is just slow or so...

Visiting Cousin (7) - My first story, so been busy trying to add to it...thanks to lilguy for the first outside thread!

I do promise to add more, esp once I figure out the coding for those stories where you can insert your own name, then I'll start adding more threads to those stories!
insert here

Had that problem myself, until I saw the uncoded portion in a question thread. It has to be this way or it won't go through correctly-- {FIRST_NAME}
goes where you want the first name, ( no spaces, correct brackets, all caps and the underscore) and, of course,-- {LAST_NAME}
where you want a surname, or, if indicated, a different character's name. Hope this helps (Babysitter, School Daze and Sexy Aunt Pat are my immersive favs.)
Ahhhh yes that is very helpful, thank you...I've also now sent in a thread for Cartoon Lover for lilguy

Unfortunately, three of the stories on my list seem to have died. The aforementioned 'Her Panties', 'Decorating the Tree', and 'a day in the City'. I hope Christy's well. Haven't heard back from her in over two weeks. Hate to put 'A Day at the Stone Wall Mall' to the list.

What I have been doing(generally) is cycling through my list based on approved dates. So, the quicker the approval, the more likely they will get another sooner than others. Christy was tops in this category as well, but jakelyon and michelelee are on top right now
Hmmmm well yea I usually go by approval times, but haven't had an issue yet with two authors whom approve in a nice fast time..currently I am at:

7 for Visiting Cousin
2 for Cartoon Lover
2 [1 pending] for Population Crisis
I've been away a while, and never really posted on the CHYOO boards much, but these past few weeks have been pretty busy for me here. I finally cleared up the thread backlog on my own piece:

Becoming Teacher's Pet

Then I got around to putting some threads out there for a couple of stories:

7 Little College Girls (semi-weak thread; not up to my usual standards, but I was too impatient to proofread it a couple more times to polish the language and flow.)


My Sister The Maid (2)

I've also got three new starters waiting on approval. I'm about ready to email the webmasters and see what the holdup is....
good news, bad news

The good news is..two stories I thought were headed to my 'dead stories' list I got approved threads from, after three week period. They are favs.

The rollicking 'The Babysitter' from Sausage King, a classic dad after the babysitter porn story-just lots of plain hardcore sex..and what's wrong with that?

The other is 'Three Days' by Uncola Man. Think TV show '24' with Keifer replaced by a cheerleader, to be used by a rival school as they wish. Times awasting..tick,tick,tick..

The bad news is ooohkitty's apparent departure. Most know I've enjoyed adding to her 'Stonewall Mall', as well as enjoyed her, ahem, 'feedback'. A shame. After a bit of a 'block', I had threads heading in about four different branches. If you're still reading, you're missed, kitten.

Irony Dept.
- after putting michelelee atop my quick-turnaround list, I haven't heard from her in nearly two weeks. Jakelyon's still there, tho.

And nice to hear from Dacia so quickly recently, and thanx for the kind words of late, DJ. I know you've been busy, and thanx for the notice.

God, I've gone on today!
My threads

Well I've only been a member of chyoo for two weeks so far so I've not written that much. I've written for a few stories but as of yet I've mainly stuck to certain genres and certain stories.

what I've written so far is

A College Girl To Be 4 threads.
An Unplanned Vacation 2 Threads
Life of a Senior 4 Threads
Graduation Night 2 Threads
Secret Agent, Sarah Banks 1 Thread
Dream To Reality 1 Thread
Three Girls and a swelling cock 1 Thread

I've also started my own story but it's not been approved as of yet.