My thoughts on how a man or men should treat me.


Sep 29, 2012
Hello all. I am new here, and I hope this is taken in the spirit that it is meant to convey. Not to offend, nor upset, but to maybe titillate, even inspire someone to contact me and have engrossing conversation about possible man on man meetings.

My thoughts when it comes to being with a man are one of nervousness and shyness. I would consider myself what is labeled a bottom, since I know that if I were to ever try anything, it would be with me being used for someone else's pleasure with no true goal of me being pleasured in any way.

Most of my thoughts deal with my mouth being used, aggressively, forcefully, with a man never really being nice to me about it. One thing that makes me get flush is thinking about being on my knees, a strong hand on the back of my head, names being hurled at me, my face getting slapped, and not being let off until I have been used to his completion. Maybe more than once if he feels it is warranted.

However, I've never had a guy's cum in my mouth. The idea of it makes me very excited, but I have a feeling that when reality is in my face, I'll try to fight it. This is why the only way I think it will happen is if a guy is rather forceful, insistent, and as said, not exactly 'nice' with me about it. This is also why my fantasies involve more than one guy as a group as they would easily be able to hold me down and/or keep me from leaving and make sure that I go through with it. And having more than one man depersonalizes it, makes me a thing to be used, a place that they want to penetrate and make their 'donations'. It almost.. well.. it almost comes off as a rape in my head which both scares and excites me. I don't write this to make it offensive or sound extreme, I just know that if it were to happen, this is how it would need to happen, pretty much any and every time I was with a man or in the middle of a group of men.

But with the actual act of eventually getting to someone's place (it HAS to be their place so they can be in control), I know I'm going to be quiet... shy... and yes... nervous. And this should be a turn-on for him. The best mentality he (or they) should take is that once the door is closed, and locked, there really is no need to put on any pretense. And I won't be allowed back out that door until whatever sick and depraved acts are performed on me are done.

Your thoughts?
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Well, I've seen quite a few people have read this. I guess I should tell a little bit more about myself.

I'm 37, caucasian, and I live in Michigan. It would be nice to meet a guy who could treat me like this for something regular.

Don't know how realistic that is.