My story has been pending for 2 weeks


Mar 5, 2024
As the title says my story hasn't been approved for the last two weeks. I tried contacting mods but no answer. Anyone can help?
Perhaps they are just busy. I have one that has been waiting 10 days. Given your experience, I will wait a bit longer.
Yep, similar situation here. Submitted on the 9th and now it's the 20th. Perhaps it's because we're "virgins" or whatever.
I found myself in a similar boat and have been waiting only around 4 days. It's strange as I've published a fair bit in the past and it would often only take 1-2 days at most. I figure they are just extra busy and it is important that they maintain the standards and controls accordingly.
I'm just very confused.
I once wrote my story, or Chapter and it was either posted or sent back fairly quickly.
The Month of March hasn't been like that at all. I have 3 that are still in "pending".