My sources

Hanns_Schmidt said:
Indicate that the main bombardment will commence between 4-8 hours from now

Should be a good one.

that would be the BBC news just announcing that the B52s at Fairford are being loaded and that their flying time to Iraq is six hours!
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Shut the fuck up spaco

I don't get my up to the min news from your lame ass sources.

I got a hot link to THE fucking source

Well there you go, I never knew you were up GW's ass but I should have suspected!
ooooooow, bombing and attacking and stuff. Y'all got your soft soap. Lets see, half the population under fifteen ... carry the three.... yep, we should kick some ass. :rolleyes:

I don't even think the French could lose this one.

I hope the poor bastards are smart enough to roll over.
Hasn't happened yet.

What's wrong with those sources of yours, Hannsie?

You're wrong again. It should be a familiar feeling by now.