My Righteous Rage was Blunted by a Conundrum!


On the Downbeat
Sep 12, 2001
Okay, so I threatened to whack a co-worker in the back of the head with a ball-peen hammer if he didn't leave my office so I could get some work done and I had a thought.

This thought just blew away my righteous and justified anger and replaced it with a burning question.

What the fuck is a "peen"?

It sounds vaguely vulgar. I mean, look at the ball on one of those hammers already, for God's Sake!
I don't know what a peen is.

I do know what a p33n is though.
So it's like a brad, then?

Or a ten-penny nail, but smaller?

I know it's not like a peon. I know what those are. I am one.
A peen is a hemispherical or wedge-shaped end of the head of a hammer that is opposite the face and is used especially for bending, shaping, or cutting the material struck. The word's etymology can be traced to Scandinavia.

Peen can also be used as a transitive verb. It means to bend, or flatten by hammering.
Dillinger said:
A peen is a hemispherical or wedge-shaped end of the head of a hammer that is opposite the face and is used especially for bending, shaping, or cutting the material struck. The word's etymology can be traced to Scandinavia.

Peen can also be used as a transitive verb. It means to bend, or flatten by hammering. that which I thought was a ball truly isn't? It's hemispherical, which would make it the peen.

My life is now complete!!

And I have the extra bonus of being able to tell someone that I"m going to peen his ass old-school!
JazzManJim said: that which I thought was a ball truly isn't? It's hemispherical, which would make it the peen.

My life is now complete!!

Not so fast. If the rounded part is the peen, which part is the ball?

So I guess we need to get Dillinger back here and explain this to us.
Okay, so I'm going to guess at a couple things now.

The hammering part is still the hammer.

The other part isn't just a peen, it's a ball-peen or a peen of the ball variety, as opposed to some other type of peen.

So you could have a hammer with a peen that's, say, wedge-shaped and have a wedge-peen hammer, I'd suppose.

Anyhow, that's my best guess at it.
Next time just threaten to stab your co-worker with a ball-point peen, instead. :)