My rant


Literotica Guru
Apr 9, 2002
There is a reason I never watch the local news. People are a blight on the world. We shouldn't even exist.

I was innocently watching the end of Er and forgot to turn the channel before the news came on. The lead in story was about a mother who abused her two children. The one year old was only moderately hurt, beaten and bruised, but the four year old son was in serious condition. The mother had drug the sleeping boy from his bed. She yanked him up by his ear with such force that it actually ripped the little boy's ear completely off. She beat him. She bit him all over his body but particularly his face. She nearly bit off his nose. Her excuse? She was drunk and didn't know what she was doing. I'm sickened. To often you see horrific things like this in the papers or on the news. That's why I say we shouldn't even exist. It's not as if these hideous crimes are rare 1 in a billion instances. Without even trying I can think of several horrible crimes commited by or done to people I actually know. I know a man who ran over and killed his wife in a drunken fight and yet served no jail time. My own cousin tried to murder my uncle and then killed himself. A friend's fiance was stabbed to death just days before their wedding by a guy suffering from "road rage". A family aquaintance was arrested for raping an 80 year old alzheimer patient in the nursing home where he worked. Humans have a propensity for evil that is unparralleled. Animals can be vicous, but we are lower than animals because we actually know better. I'm angry at the world.

As a side note, after the news report about the kids ended, an anti-cigarette add came on the TV. Where are our priorities? Sure cigarette smoke may kill you. Secondary smoke may kill you. I'm not minimizing the negative effects of smoking. I'm a non smoker and allergic to cigarette smoke but I'd still rather see all the money poured into the anti- smoking campaigns directed towards anti-drinking messages. Cigarettes are nasty and awful but they don't lead to families of four being killed while innocently driving home. Alcohol does. It has also been linked to spousal and child abuse, rape, and violent behaviour, not to mention crime. All of the horrible crimes and violent acts I just mentioned were all done by people who were drinking. No one needs to drink. People say "It relaxes me", "It's my right to drink", "It's fun". Bullshit. If your so tense you have to drink, you need to change your life. If you can't have fun without a drink then your pathetic. And it may be your right to put alcohol into your body, but it's not your right to let it affect other people. If your drinking in any way mildly inconveniences anyone, be it just that you annoy someone with your silliness while drunk, then it's not your right. Alcohol is a poison which negatively affects your body and can lead to some seriously bad behavior. Cut it the fuck out. And for all the social drinkers or those of you who only have a beer now and again, every time you buy one you are supporting an industry that contributes to crime, death, pain, and suffering. It's the exact same thing as those anti-drug messages that show the kid buying pot and how one simple little joint can lead to supporting crime and terrorism. EVery time you buy alcohol you are keeping those beer companies in business, you are helping to make it easier for the man down the street to get plastered and beat his wife, or for the neighbor lady to abuse her children. I hope your little night cap is really worth it.

I'm finished now. But I'm still angry.

(P.S. I'm not going to debate why alcohol is a great and wonderful thing. It isn't. That's my opinion. I'm not going to debate a person's freedom of choice either. If your choices are going to mean I may not make it home from work alive then I don't think you should have the right to that choice.I value my life over anyone's right to a few moments of drunken fun, but feel free to argue amongst yourselves. I'm done. )