my pics - nyc here, anyone else?


Feb 5, 2003
Hi there,

I'd be happy to chat or meet with anyone else on this board. I need to get more pics together but here's one to get things started from another post.

(see below)

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I'm not from NY, but welcome to Lit! That picture is some yummy!

annie :kiss:
Hi.....welcome to Lit!

Saw your post over on the NY thread in the Playground......
wanted to drop you an email but thru your profile it won't
let me :( Saw your pic that your posted up on your
post over there, and here.......... ;)

And I'm only a short train ride away from the city ;)

Hi TJ,

Thanks for the welcome.. the email issue has been rectified.. feel free to contact me.

nyman123us said:
Hi TJ,

Thanks for the welcome.. the email issue has been rectified.. feel free to contact me.


thank you much! :)

Welcome Nyman123us

There are many of us from the NYC area give or take the commute. I hope you find what you are seeking. Your pm is not working or you have chosen not to receive any.

Several of us are planning on meeting on March 1. I need to organize it better. There is a thread about it but very little is planned as of yet. We were thinking a Mardi Gra type of evening as per another creative soul here named Violette. You are welcome like anybody else from Lit.

Sigh too bad I did not get to see your picture. You must of edited before I could have a see.

nyman123us said:
you are so kind... ever in nyc? maybe i should come to the south.
LOL...never made it to NYC...but maybe I should. You are welcome to come here anytime...or should I say cum here...either way!;) :devil: