My Opinion May Irritate You and Ruin The True Purpose of Literotica


Oct 14, 2012
Post what ever opinion you have about what ever you wish in here that does not belong in another of the threads. We can't be mucking up the other threads with conversational drivel, regardless of whether the opinion is directly related to what was posted or not.

It's irritating..(or so I'm told) :D

So post that here..


Geesh... some people..:D:D

This is SARCASM btw... and in response to an anon confession..which had me chuckling at what all people will complain about on a free site..:rolleyes:
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In my opinion you should post any damn thing you like anywhere you like.
The ass over on the other page with his reference to the "male response" got up my nose. If somebody wants to say what they do (ie nursing) or what they like (ie CAKE or PIE) or how they look (ie thin or fat) then they pay exactly the same per month to be a member here as anyone else.
Maybe next time I'll keep my trap shut but to lack the balls to make that comment any way other than anonymously was just too much.
My whole life is about conversational drivel. If I didn't have that, I wouldn't be able to post anywhere! I love all it's forms and nuances! :D

So tell me, what is the true purpose of LIT? Did I miss something?
Listen to Lady. She has the right of it. No one here can tell anyone else where they can and cannot post.
It irritates me that people have to complain about people. I mean ya sometimes I go to a thread to read about that thread and there is a conversation going on. SO! I can read it and laugh as I probably "know" the people, or I can just move along. The play ground is the play ground for a reason! Its to play and have fun, that means anything goes as long as it meets the site rules! If you want to complain go to the freaking GB thread, they love those people.

Isn't it ironic I'm complaining , LOL
Yeah, I guess what griped me about that "confession" was that it wasn't really a confession.. it was just bitching... which if you're going to bitch about something man -up (woman-up?? :confused:) and do it publically.

Oh, and RUIN

to make clear my intent here.. :D
Oh, ruin is a specialty of mine Aphrodite. I can appreciate your intent even more now:).
I hate when people use alts to voice their opinions. Assholes. Get a fucking real life.

*looks up at username*

Um...never mind...
I've been here for years.. still can't get a man to RUIN me..


(my boobs go up and down when I do that)
I think the 1927 Yankees still rank as the best baseball team of all time.
It irritates me that people have to complain about people. I mean ya sometimes I go to a thread to read about that thread and there is a conversation going on. SO! I can read it and laugh as I probably "know" the people, or I can just move along. The play ground is the play ground for a reason! Its to play and have fun, that means anything goes as long as it meets the site rules! If you want to complain go to the freaking GB thread, they love those people.

Isn't it ironic I'm complaining , LOL
I seriously love this guy..:)
I think if you do not own this site you have ZERO business telling anybody on this site how to enjoy this site, as long as no one is being hurt........Just my opinion....
Post what ever opinion you have about what ever you wish in here that does not belong in another of the threads. We can't be mucking up the other threads with conversational drivel, regardless of whether the opinion is directly related to what was posted or not.

It's irritating..

So post that here..


Geesh... some people..:D:D

This is SARCASM btw... and in response to an anon confession..which had me chuckling at what all people will complain about on a free site..:rolleyes:

LMAO! Good one, RA. :kiss:
PHEW, I'm glad people are catching on that I am being a sarcastic smart ass..cracked me up..

I guess I need to change the OP or something? I don't want people thinking I was actually serious..:eek:

Yeah, I saw that "anonymous" confession. I've seen someone post the exact same thing several times on the Tell Them What You Think of Them thread.

FFS! Who cares! OMG...:rolleyes:
Post what ever opinion you have about what ever you wish in here that does not belong in another of the threads. We can't be mucking up the other threads with conversational drivel, regardless of whether the opinion is directly related to what was posted or not.

It's irritating..

So post that here..


Geesh... some people..:D:D

This is SARCASM btw... and in response to an anon confession..which had me chuckling at what all people will complain about on a free site..:rolleyes:

Beautiful Av...:heart:
My opinion... first.

Oh, and MightyAphrodonis...I get you...all facets of you.
