my newest secret lit crush...

Well, gee, I'm flattered and all, but you're just not my type.
Does she have an avatar?

Does she have a picture of herself as an avatar?
Is her avatar of her face (or another body part)? I'm not sure if we're restricted to Yes/No questions.
RawHumor said:
Is her avatar of her face (or another body part)? I'm not sure if we're restricted to Yes/No questions.
question 9. yes, face...and please, yes or no. thanks for asking.

Have you ever sent her a pm?
question 10. no.
Are you going to tell us who she is when you reach 20 questions? Or are you going to leave us hanging on the cliff? I want to know now so I don't invest too much emotion in this mystery thread.
rose, if i answer those questions it's two wasted and it doesn't clue anyone in.

raw, question 10...i don't really know.