My Mom wants me to help her get set up on Lit...

change your name, and use a different av, THEN set her up on Lit.

Why does she want to be on here, anyway?
If she is half as hot as you are then by all means..hook her up!!:p

Be very afraid..and warn her about Hanns.
Bizarre...for sure...

Questions for you...

A.) Did you tell her about Lit?

B.) Why does she want to get on to lit.?

I would DEFINATLY want to set up another account, and well.. there are just some aspects of people that parents don't ever want to know, or feel comfortable knowing. This may just be one of those times.

So, scared? Hell yes, I would be.

I don't think the mortification level would get ANY higher if anyone in my family knew anything remotly sexual about me. I mean, hey, they know I'm married, and they know about the hooks hanging from the walls. Only my aunt is ever slick enough to pull off the embaressment of me in front of others while still not sharing personal info, so... well... ok, end of ramble. I'd still be scared shitless of what my mom may find out about me by coming here.
You're at least 18. Your mother wants you to set her up on Lit, an adult site. What do she expect to find here? I would guess, adult stuff. It's freaky fantansies here. Pics of sex acts and stories about all kinds of things.

You are an adult otherwise you shouldn't be here. So, be an adult. I you live with your mother for any length of time, and you thing is pounding yourself with a toy. Don't you think that your mother would have some idea of this.

Now, if you wrote anthing that would hurt her feelings, then I would say 'FIX IT!' Other than that, sign her up. You are capable of making your own choices.
Yeah, I'm over 18...

She knows I write, and knows I post. She also knows I use my face as my AV.... It isn't a new thing. I dunno... I'm just afraid that I'm going to have to watch what I say in the future. And I've already warned her about the flame crew, and the newbie bashing. I think I'll just give her one of those disclaimers: anything you see is not to go beyond you, and you will not hold it against me. You WILL be afraid, you will see some interesting things. Browse at your own risk! She knows I have toys, she knows I use them. She's gone in "The Drawer" for batteries. I have no clue why she wants to join, just a spontaneous thing.
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Belilica said:
Should I be scared? Discuss.

No unless you've done things that she may not care for. You're an adult and what you do is your business!
I guess I don't understand why someone would knowingly point someone here, if they are afraid of what that "newbie" would find out, or see here, concerning "you".

Do you have something to worry about her finding out? Does it bother you that people will flirt with you, and she might see it? Does it bother you that people will most likely flirt with her, no matter if she says no, or not?

There's many things to think about, and BTW, why doesn't she sign up herself?
lobito said:
I guess I don't understand why someone would knowingly point someone here, if they are afraid of what that "newbie" would find out, or see here, concerning "you".

Do you have something to worry about her finding out? Does it bother you that people will flirt with you, and she might see it? Does it bother you that people will most likely flirt with her, no matter if she says no, or not?

There's many things to think about, and BTW, why doesn't she sign up herself?

I didn't point her here, she just asked me if I could sign her up. She's a bit of a techno idiot. I think my main concern would be the explicit flirting that happens sometimes in posts with me. I don't care if she flirts with people.
just remember the more she's online then, it appears that the less you'll be able to be online here. That could be a big factor.
I know.... but she's on the comp sometimes anyway. Hopefully she won't get addicted and spend 20 hours a day on here.
sign her up

she might enjoy chatting with some of us older people!!!
If my mom wanted to join.. hmmm.

That wouldn't be outside the conceivable. Most of what I wouldn't want her to see is in my pm box, or on yahoo messenger, anyway... and if she didn't approve of something she did see - too bad!

of course, we are talking about the woman who raised me... and went to the porn shop for a little excursion, with me, and my 83 year old gramma - "Ohhh, I've never been to a porn shop - we should all go!"

good luck, whatever happens!
Thanks Watergirl, I'm sure things are going to be fine, it was more of a shock than anything else.
I was just thinking about writing a hot mother-daughter story and submitting it.

Do you think she'd be interested?


Sorry, I'm an ass
4laterer said:
hot mother-daughter thang?

why not write about your childhood then?

My childhood? Are you confused about genders again?
watergirl said:
If my mom wanted to join.. hmmm.

That wouldn't be outside the conceivable. Most of what I wouldn't want her to see is in my pm box, or on yahoo messenger, anyway...

Or all those nauty pics I have of you!!!! Remember??

yeah, huskie, except for those... don't you have a real hobby yet?