My little playmate. (Close for MainSqueeze33)


Literotica Guru
Jun 8, 2009
I had been watching you for weeks now. Taking down details of your daily routine. You are living alone, no family members and very few friends. Raised up in an orphanage and started working 18 months ago.

You are a perfect prey because no one will look for you if you are missing. Things are easier when you don't seem to have a boyfriend yet.

It was your habit to take a cab home when it rains and finally, the opportunity come.

it was a Thursday and rains start pouring heavily in the evening. We pick you up in a cab when we saw you coming out of your office. It was just like any other rainy day when you wave at the cab and quickly hop in the back seat. My friend drove off and I turn to greet you with a short gun.

" Hey Alina, welcome aboard. Please remain silence or I will shoot you. Now please open that leather bag and get me the black blindfold and handcuff. Put them on" I speak calmly.
"Please, don't hurt me! I haven't got any money" I plead frozen in fear. " know my name? Who are you?" I ask peering into the darkness in the back of the cab and unable to see anything more than a vague outline of your face, the cap you're wearing pulled low.
"Silence! I hear you shout, making me jump. "Do as I say, reach in the bag and take out the blindfold and handcuffs and put them on. NOW"
Trembling I reach into the bag and feel a strip of cloth and the hard metal of what must be the handcuffs. I pull them out of the bag and quickly pander which I should put on first. With my hands cuffed I would struggle to tie the blindfold but with the blindfold on I won't be able to see how to operate the unfamiliar mechanics of the handcuffs. And what if I drop them? With the blindfold on I wouldn't be able to see where they fell. All the thoughts happen in milliseconds as I set both items in my lap. Streetlights flash like strobe lights through the windows as we speed along but the flickering makes trying to see anything disorienting. I pick up the strip of cloth and wrap it over my eyes and around my head, tying it in a knot over my long auburn hair. Then I feel for the handcuffs, their weight making it clear where they rest in my lap and fumble with them, trying to remember from movies or cop shows how they work. I get one of them over my left wrist and nearly drop it as I try to feel for the second part of the ring, finally swinging it over my wrist and pressing it against my leg to close it. I hear the metalic click telling me it's latched then awkwardly try to put the second cuff on with the chain between them limiting my ability to blindly fit it over my right wrist. Again I use my leg to help brace the cuff until I hear the sound of it closing and feel the cold metal now around both wrists.
The rain is still pouring heavily and the cab was struggling to break free from the terrible traffic. I can see the fear in your eyes as you eventually put on the blindfold and handcuff.
I let out a warning to you "don't try to escape Alina, I not only knows your name. I know your friends, where you leave and even your favorite food. I also know you are a part time model too. I will not harm you if you promise to be a good girl will you?"
The driver laughs and tease naughtily. "Tim is your loyal fan. He has a huge collection of your modeling photos too. I can't deny you look sexy and beautiful."
The cab got out of the traffic and turns into highway. Then it gets bumpy, probably on dirt road or some private land. Finally, the vehicle came to a stop.
I flung the door open and carry you. We came to a room and I lowered you to the soft mattress.
Gently I remove the blindfold. The room is big. You are sitting on the huge bed with four pole on each corner, cover with white mosquito net. The furnitures are antiques and beautiful pictures on the walls. "Well come home. This is your new home and you will be the mistress of the house" I announced proudly.