my fucking clutch is stuck

Bert Notorius

Literotica Guru
Aug 26, 2004
last year it was the steering box. all the experts say to back it up to a tree and block the pedal down. that sounds like a bad idea but, okay.

they just don't make 1964 tractors like they used to.
I keep reading this as, "My fucking dick is stuck."
last year it was the steering box. all the experts say to back it up to a tree and block the pedal down. that sounds like a bad idea but, okay.

they just don't make 1964 tractors like they used to.

Is this guy serious?


Do I look like a tractor mechanic to you?
Know what they call a bunch of tractors parked outside a McDonalds in Indiana?

Senior Prom.
My Daddy likes me to sit on his lap while drives his tractor around our property for no apparent reason.

last year it was the steering box. all the experts say to back it up to a tree and block the pedal down. that sounds like a bad idea but, okay.

they just don't make 1964 tractors like they used to.

It's too damn new! Get rid of that POS and get an Allis Chalmers CA from the previous decade!
It's too damn new! Get rid of that POS and get an Allis Chalmers CA from the previous decade!

my Dad's '49 ford is still out there somewhere i'm sure. i'm afraid i'm going to have to split it and do a clutch job. it's was leaking out the belly anyway.
Ah yes. There were lot of those in the town parade last year.

i'm not really supposed to give out personal information per forum guidelines (unless you just happen to have a clutch and throw-out bearing for a kubota lt245dt).
i'm not really supposed to give out personal information per forum guidelines (unless you just happen to have a clutch and throw-out bearing for a kubota lt245dt).

No, I don't, but I know a guy who fixes old tractors for a living. He has all sorts of odds and ends.