My friend lost her colleague in the war


Going with the flow
Feb 4, 2002
So, I got this email tonight from a classmate of my journalism class. Sent out on the class mailing list. She lives in Jordan and works for the Jordan Times, has done some reports from the border on the war. Two other classmates from the UK are freelancing down in Jordan for an English paper. I guess for them the war is much more of a reality than I can imagine from my home couch.

"I lost a colleague this morning His name was Tareq. He died when two coalition missiles bombed Al Jazeera offices in Baghdad. Tareq was married and had a baby daughter. Seeing his devastated widow this afternoon is an image that will haunt me forever. His mother was worse.
She was wailing and cursing the day.

Tareq was one of the most dedicated journalists I have ever met. . His motivation for his job was a model for all of us at the Jordan Times, but alas Tareq was massacred while doing his job. He was killed in attempts to muzzle the voice of the free press. He died as a martyr of press freedom.
May his good soul rest in peace."
That sucks, I feel bad for his family...though I would dispute that journalist were intentionally targeted as indicated. There is always a risk involved when you are in an active war zone.
Fuck off Hanns you insensitive sod!

I feel for your friend, his widow, children and other family members. Sadly war means losses on both sides. Pain for all involved.
I'm so sorry about your friend's pal Lovepotion.
No one ever seems to remember the widows and orpahns. :(
I do not believe journalists were targeted and I agree there is always a risk when in a war zone. That goes for everyone, no matter who they are. Everyone involved are aware of the risks. Thank god I never wanted to be a war correspondent!
Bindii said:
Fuck off Hanns you insensitive sod!

I feel for your friend, his widow, children and other family members. Sadly war means losses on both sides. Pain for all involved.
Ignore Hanns, he is crass and insensitive as we all know.
I was deeply saddened by the reports I saw on TV today, and all the misinformation coming from the Pentagon and Centcom. This was truly an unfortunate act, and it must be fully investigated to discover the facts. There was mention of violation of the Geneva Convention re: Journalist.

There is no question Al Jazeera was deliberately targeted by the U.S. military. Two missiles hit it at once, Abu Dhabi TV was bombed at the same time, the U.S. military has bombed Al Jazeera before (in Kabul), and Al Jazeera had gone to great lengths to inform the Pentagon about its location. This was first degree murder and a war crime.
"Tareq was one of the most dedicated journalists I have ever met. . His motivation for his job was a model for all of us at the Jordan Times, but alas Tareq was massacred while doing his job. He was killed in attempts to muzzle the voice of the free press. He died as a martyr of press freedom. "

That's just like the Wellstone funeral. That's not respecting anything about his death, just trying to use it to grind an axe.

We don't muzzle anyone or we surely would have muzzled the Iraqi Information Minister nor do we target journalists, who should have been bright enough, for example, to bug out of ANY building being used or frequented by high Iraqi officials. When the tank aimed at the hotel, they gawked and snapped photos. I would have run like hell...

The Al Jazeerah gang, I have no respect for them because they cover and inflame for the most hateful elements of thier society. They must be prepared to be collateral damage when they wind these fools and mayrters up to go off on the US. Reap the wind! Reap what you sow.
Re: Murder

There is no question Al Jazeera was deliberately targeted by the U.S. military. Two missiles hit it at once, Abu Dhabi TV was bombed at the same time, the U.S. military has bombed Al Jazeera before (in Kabul), and Al Jazeera had gone to great lengths to inform the Pentagon about its location. This was first degree murder and a war crime.

Well here's a newsflash for ya pinkripple. We have hit our own planes trains and automobiles by accident. It's called friendly fire. Accidents do happen in war. If you insist on calling these accidents war crimes and "murder" fine, but guess who WON'T be going on trial. :D
Being supported in your position by the likes of the p_p_DonWAVIANS ought to set off huge alarm bells for you...
That's Right AB!

Hell our Patriots even worked well enough to get one of our own jets.

Unless of course we were trying to silence the pilot who was going to confess to war crimes and massacres... After all the Iraqi Army Wasn't REALLY an army after all, now was it? Just a bunch of thugs who presented little or no danger to ANYONE!

And have you seen any WMD's yet? I haven't. Not ONE $hed of proof from the Lying U$ CIA and the AmeriKKKa first crowd...

Lies. All lies. We are cruching the enemy!

They are dying on the gates of Baghdad!

And that gets reported with a straight face by All JEWS-JEER-YA!
Lovepotion69 said:
..... but alas Tareq was massacred while doing his job. He was killed in attempts to muzzle the voice of the free press. He died as a martyr of press freedom.
May his good soul rest in peace."

My thoughts and prayers are with Tareq's family and friends.

My sweetheart is at the gulf, I know how if feels to have a loved one there in the middle of it all, and to pray and worry.
Is this the same moron...

That was standing next to an Iraqi military twin barreled 37mm anti-aircraft gun firing at a coalition A-10 from the adjacent building to Al Jazeera and Abu Dhabi's office?
Is this the same guy who's own paper today say's he died as a Mujihadeen fighting the infidels?
You walk with the enemy, you share his fate.
He committed suicide as surely if he'd sucked on the end of a 12 gauge.
]ooooo(chained) said:
"Tareq was one of the most dedicated journalists I have ever met. . His motivation for his job was a model for all of us at the Jordan Times, but alas Tareq was massacred while doing his job. He was killed in attempts to muzzle the voice of the free press. He died as a martyr of press freedom. "

That's just like the Wellstone funeral. That's not respecting anything about his death, just trying to use it to grind an axe.

We don't muzzle anyone or we surely would have muzzled the Iraqi Information Minister nor do we target journalists, who should have been bright enough, for example, to bug out of ANY building being used or frequented by high Iraqi officials. When the tank aimed at the hotel, they gawked and snapped photos. I would have run like hell...

The Al Jazeerah gang, I have no respect for them because they cover and inflame for the most hateful elements of thier society. They must be prepared to be collateral damage when they wind these fools and mayrters up to go off on the US. Reap the wind! Reap what you sow.

Anyone with as many usernames and posts as you do and still hasn't figured out how to use the quote button must be severely learning disabled or just plain stupid.

I mean that in the nicest way of course.
I can't even figure out how to make my AV larger...

I thought quotation marks WERE the traditional deliniation of quotes...