My first story, what a rush!


Really Experienced
Jan 27, 2021
I have been working on my first story for a couple months, and finally had the guts to submit it.

First checking the que every couple of hours to see if was rejected.

Last night I saw it had the "New" Icon and todays date.

This morning I woke up and now I have to check stats every 30 minutes or so.

Do you still get excited every time you submit a new story?
Congratulations! And welcome. I think we all get excited when we submit something new. We're all curious to see how they'll do, hoping to see that red H. I hope your story does well, and keep writing!
I have been working on my first story for a couple months, and finally had the guts to submit it.

First checking the que every couple of hours to see if was rejected.

Last night I saw it had the "New" Icon and todays date.

This morning I woke up and now I have to check stats every 30 minutes or so.

Do you still get excited every time you submit a new story?
Yes, but I only threw up the first time.
Congrats, and good luck.
I'll be the dud and say I don't get the same rush as back in the day, but its still fun to see how the story does and how after all these years I still have no idea why stories I think will hit really don't and ones I think could have been better are the hits.
Congrats MrE. Now I'll have to go read the whole thing to see how it ended up.
Congratulations! Take a victory lap, and get back to writing.

As for me, no matter if I publish here, on another free site, or through my publisher, I get a thrill. When I do my ghost work, the checks are the only thrill.

TxRad, Texas blows, Kansas sucks, and Oklahoma is trapped between! That's why it's always windy here!!!!​

Just kidding.​

I have been working on my first story for a couple months, and finally had the guts to submit it.

First checking the que every couple of hours to see if was rejected.

Last night I saw it had the "New" Icon and todays date.

This morning I woke up and now I have to check stats every 30 minutes or so.

Do you still get excited every time you submit a new story?
Riding on that same high, bro. Posted my first story not long ago too and now working on my second and third story.
I like the story so far. Just got to page 2. Great writing and story. Really loved the part about the talkers. :)
Congrats, and good luck.
I'll be the dud and say I don't get the same rush as back in the day, but its still fun to see how the story does and how after all these years I still have no idea why stories I think will hit really don't and ones I think could have been better are the hits.
Yeah, me neither. I thought it was something to do with the first couple of days being on the weekend, nope. I went into Story Tags "research" for a while thinking that was it, but it wasn't. I'm sure another idea will come to me but for now I'm back to, "It's random."

Do you still get excited every time you submit a new story?
Yes. Always.
Just remember that 98% of people enjoy the story and move along without vote or comment. And your gonna get a bad comment (They don't happen as much as they used to.) but that is inevitable and has little to do with your story or writing skill. Those bad comments crushed me when I first published here and so I stopped for a long time, stopped publishing, not stopped writing. Just keep doing your thing, the act of it will make you better. I know I'm WAY better now than back then.
Welcome! I’m newish too, with a couple of stories up. I keep telling myself that I’ll make sure to have a new one going whenever a story goes live, to distract myself from hitting refresh, but it hasn’t stopped me yet.
Congratulations on your first story being published! That is a thrill, the first time or the one-hundredth. And yes, I still ride the stats the first day a new story is published, both here and elsewhere, anxious for what feedback may come in whatever form. If you can hold out for 30 minutes between checking, you’re doing well and better than me!

Congrats again and keep writing!
I loaded a story yesterday: couldn't think of a title; couldn't think of a sub-title to hook readers in, SimonDoom style; could only figure out tags by going to the Category tag libraries; changed the category in the last five seconds...

How will it run? Fucked if I know, we'll see. After one hundred submissions, one becomes a little blasé, but even so, I'll be tracking how my baby goes :).
I loaded a story yesterday: couldn't think of a title; couldn't think of a sub-title to hook readers in, SimonDoom style; could only figure out tags by going to the Category tag libraries; changed the category in the last five seconds...

How will it run? Fucked if I know, we'll see. After one hundred submissions, one becomes a little blasé, but even so, I'll be tracking how my baby goes :).

“Fucked if I know: the Australian worldview explained”
I didn't really get it from my first one, having just posted it here as the easiest way to get it to a friend. Then I checked back later and found 10,000 people had viewed it! Was flabbergasted. Bit of a change from 200 viewers of fanfic elsewhere.

So I wrote more. And a few people even commented to prove they'd read it. And some more stories, some which got mostly ignored, some which got lots of readers and interaction. Which is a rush.

So my rushes are probably increasing over time rather than decreasing. Better get back to those drafts... but which of the four to try to finish?
Then I checked back later and found 10,000 people had viewed it! Was flabbergasted. Bit of a change from 200 viewers of fanfic elsewhere.
Though my numbers weren't that good, that sounds so familiar! My first story here (a first chapter of a five part tale) gained more views on its first day than my most-read fanfiction story had garnered in several years. The number of views was also more than all of my original fiction stories combined.