My Daughter's Mask


Literotica Guru
Sep 5, 2011
Francis smiled as he entered the large foyer. The manse was owned by the historical society, but had been rented for the evening by the association. Candles lit the foyer and the hall beyond. Whoever had organized the auction had gone for the wealthy gothic look, and had done a commendable job. Correction, his or her servants had done a commendable job.

And speaking of which, I curvy, pale young woman, dressed in the classic french maid's costume, walked up to him and curtsied, asking for his coat. He handed it to her. She thanked him, curtsied again, and walked to the coat room. Francis admired the hint of bare cheek flirting with the hem of her dress as she moved.

He walked into inside and easily found the hostess, resplendent in black dress that would have Morticia green with envy. She held out her hand to him, which he took, bowing slightly to kiss it lightly, never taking his eyes from hers. She smiled at him, "So glad you could come Francis."

He smiled back, "Sylvia, it is always a pleasure."

They chatted briefly, until more guests arrived. Francis took his leave and wandered into the main hall. It was filled with people of various ages and races, all elegantly dressed, and all being served by suitably submissive men and women. He accepted champagne from one of the servers, walked slowly about the room, greeting various friends.

Of course, they all mostly knew each other. The association was not huge, so it had an almost familial feel to it. He looked into one of the side room and found a fund raiser in progress. For a mere $50, one could drip wax onto a pair of writhing subs. The two of them, both quite attractive, would be statues by the end of the evening.

Another room had a table with all the latest toys, and for a small sum, the sub of your choice would let you test them on them. A young woman shrieked as a violet wand passed to close to her delicate tissues.

Other rooms, other pleasures. He was into his second glass of champagne when the hostess gathered everyone into the main hall for the benefit auction. A number of subs had been recruited and would be sold to the highest bidder, who could do whatever he or she wanted with them for the weekend. Paddles were handed out to all those interested in bidding. Francis accepted one. He was casual about auctions of this type. It was rare one found a gem, but who knew, and it was all for charity.