My daily bash the cowardly French thread...


Rural Racist Homophobe
Nov 29, 2001
David Letterman: "France wants more evidence [of Iraqi violations]. The last time France wanted more evidence, it rolled right through France with a German flag."

Dennis Miller: "The only way the French are going in is if we tell them we found truffles in Iraq."

Jay Leno: "I don't know why people are surprised that France won't help us get Saddam out of Iraq. After all, France wouldn't help us get the Germans out of France!"

Rep. Roy Blunt, R-Mo.: "Do you know how many Frenchmen it takes to defend Paris? It's not known, it's never been tried."

Blunt again: "Somebody was telling me about the French Army rifle that was being advertised on eBay the other day -- the description was: 'Never shot. Dropped once.'"

And even an unwitting French President Jacques Chirac: "As far as I'm concerned, war always means failure."
one of the better ones

whats the difference between the french and a piece of toast

A. You can make soldiers out of a piece of toast

shit we have been hating the french for years - surprised you have just sussed them out
Then please put the tunnel to good use. We'll invade from Italy and lunch in Paris. On me.
when the allied forces liberated Europe after WWII - they actually preferred the German civilians to the french ! who on the whole didnt give too shits about the sacrifice that was being made by the combined allied army.

England was basicaly at war with France for 1000 years until the 20th centuary - what the fuck went wrong ?
Leave the french alone....they can't help the facter that they are a useless race of wine drinking, bread baking, potatoe cutting nation.

I'm Canadian, so I can hate the french.

I have a better Idea. Lets let the U.N inspect France, and lets see why France is being so dogmatic about not invading Iraq. I think that Jacques Chirac and Sadam are having some kinda of gay-boy DOM sessions; or perhaps France is supplying aid to Iraq.

Just my two cents.

Spank :D
Well here's why France isn't interested in a change in that status quo in Iraq.
"Since 1918, France had considered Iraq to be its main source of international oil reserves and its main means to gain parity with the Anglo-American companies "

Funny how the main anti-war voice is behind it because of oil...

I think France's permanent security council membership and the veto power that goes with it needs to be reevaluated. How did they get that anyway? Pity vote after WW2?
Hmmm with this little tidbit to their past, maybe they'll withdrawal from the UN on their own :)

"The French president Charles de Gaulle constantly criticized the dominating role of the United States in NATO. He also criticized Article 5, which would force France to take part in warfare at the decision of others. In July 1966 this led to the official withdrawal of France from participation in the military structure of NATO. Also, NATO forces and headquarters were required to leave France and NATO headquarters was moved to Brussels, Belgium. In case of unprovoked aggression, according to the Gaulle, France would support NATO. France continued to sit in the Council and the French ground forces in West Germany remained present, but not under NATO command. France also continued to participate actively in military activities, including contributions to the allied military presence in Bosnia.

After more than 30 years, at the meeting of the North Atlantic Council on December 5, 1995, France announced it would resume its role in appropriate NATO military bodies which do not encroach on its souvereignty. France also expressed the wish to participate in the meetings of the Council of Defense Ministers. However, this was before a difference in opinion with the United States over the command of NATO's southern command in the Mediterranean. The US was not willing to give up this post because of the presence of its Sixth fleet. France would like to see the post to be taken by a European member. France delayed its decision after the summit in Madrid of July 8, 1997 because it feels Europe should have a bigger voice in NATO'
I heard a report on the television......

That an American Senator, a WW2 veteran, was having an argument with a French Rep from the UN. The French man was rattling on and on about how useless America was, when the Senator put his hand on the French man's chest.
The Senator asked, "Pardon me, but do you speak German?
The French man replied, "No, none at all" with a puzzled look.
The Senator then smiled and said, "You're welcome!"

Cheese eatin', wine swillin', surrender monkeys! :D
France lost 1.4 million men in WW1

werent many left to mass real army to face Hitlers Tanks in WW2..

If it werent for France we would have lost the Revolutionary War.

comedians aside-you all need to bone up on your history...

or just follow the stampede...

Terrorism came to Paris in the fifties in the Plastique brigades...

etc tec etc...

read something, turn off the tv...:D

edited to spell plastique correctly...oops;)

French resistance responsible for Nazi failing at the bulge...

edited to add.. Resitance Sabotage helped spur the fuel and oil shortages that pushed the Nazis to change strategy on the Bulge-yep, it was the troops that finished em, correct.
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The bottom line is this....

This may sound like a gross oversimplification but its not.

The French are not so much opposed to an invasion of Iraq as they are an invasion of their own culture and the loss of their own importance.

It pisses them off to no end that they are, in truth, not of global importance and the US is. They hate it that the US is a true superpower and they are a third rate power.

Couple their delusions in this regard with their jockeying for position in regard to dominating future EU foreign policy and you have the rational for the position they take.

Fuck 'em and drive on they really aren't important.
eagleyez said:
France lost 1.4 million men in WW1

werent many left to mass real army to face Hitlers Tanks in WW2..

If it werent for France we would have lost the Revolutionary War.

comedians aside-you all need to bone up on your history...

or just follow the stampede...

Terrorism came to Paris in the fifties in the Plastique brigades...

etc tec etc...

read something, turn off the tv...:D

edited to spell plastique correctly...oops;)

French resistance responsible for Nazi failing at the bulge...

Sure we all tend to genaralise a bit when posting - not all french are cowards etc.

and there were some real heros in the resistance - though I think you will find it was the 1/2 million plus troops in northern france that had something to do with pushing back the german advance in the battle of the bulge -

140 000 US troops died in Europe as well as the other allies and it just sticks a bit that the French can be so anti US / UK

they are fucking anti social as well sorry - ever been to a bar in Paris and they know you are a brit !! - get ripped off and ignored
Gord said:
Sure we all tend to genaralise a bit when posting - not all french are cowards etc.

and there were some real heros in the resistance - though I think you will find it was the 1/2 million plus troops in northern france that had something to do with pushing back the german advance in the battle of the bulge -

140 000 US troops died in Europe as well as the other allies and it just sticks a bit that the French can be so anti US / UK

they are fucking anti social as well sorry - ever been to a bar in Paris and they know you are a brit !! - get ripped off and ignored

Yes, your point is well taken...

I just think Americans have a really short or non existant historical memory...Its our own fault, we have dumbed down in our schools (Im a teacher, I know) to the point that we have no collective overview when it comes to issues like potential global war, which is what we face if we blindly follow GWB et al down the road to chaos. Do you realize how long it will take to undo the damage once we pull the trigger...and for what?

As a historian, this really sticks in my craw, thats all...

French learned the lessons of Naked Colonialism, see history of Algeria in the 20 the century...and the wrath brought to French cities as a result...They remember... they also showered Americans with great sympathy and affection in their own cities after 9/11...they remember Normandy, they remember occupation...they remember liberation...they just dont trust GWB...
can you blame them...listen to him. (if you can stand it,)

oversimplification is a good word....

thanks for your cogent reply!

Oh and if you sont like the way you are treated in a French bar,

dont go...

I dont go to redneck hangouts cuz i know what i might find there..

Busybody, Frimost, SINbad etal...*endless list of Lit wackos*

go to Ireland...

feel the love and have a Guinness...

Peace Starts with me...

So Peace All...

:kiss: ;)
eagleyez said:
Oh and if you sont like the way you are treated in a French bar,

dont go...

I dont go to redneck hangouts cuz i know what i might find there..

Busybody, Frimost, SINbad etal...*endless list of Lit wackos*

go to Ireland...

feel the love and have a Guinness...

Peace Starts with me...

So Peace All...

:kiss: ;)

Yes used to go to France a lot for camping as it is convenient to just get in car and go through tunnel and you can be in Britanny inside 4 hours - havent been for a while now. I will go back soon as for every ignorant frog there are a few good ones who welcome tourists ( even British ones ! )

It is a national hobby to insult the French here - we insult them and they insult the English - I am a Scot living down south - so I can always play my celtic card and get out of it

Ireland is good - as is the guiness - though you never seem to just have one though !
Gord said:
Yes used to go to France a lot for camping as it is convenient to just get in car and go through tunnel and you can be in Britanny inside 4 hours - havent been for a while now. I will go back soon as for every ignorant frog there are a few good ones who welcome tourists ( even British ones ! )

It is a national hobby to insult the French here - we insult them and they insult the English - I am a Scot living down south - so I can always play my celtic card and get out of it

Ireland is good - as is the guiness - though you never seem to just have one though !

From a Mick To a Scot, yep I know...

thats why I put down the drink...

Coffee anyone?

I appreciate your words and sentiments...truly

If France learned so much, why were they still around Dien Bien Phu in '54?
eagleyez said:
France lost 1.4 million men in WW1

werent many left to mass real army to face Hitlers Tanks in WW2..

If it werent for France we would have lost the Revolutionary War.

comedians aside-you all need to bone up on your history...

or just follow the stampede...

Terrorism came to Paris in the fifties in the Plastique brigades...

etc tec etc...

read something, turn off the tv...:D

edited to spell plastique correctly...oops;)

French resistance responsible for Nazi failing at the bulge...

edited to add.. Resitance Sabotage helped spur the fuel and oil shortages that pushed the Nazis to change strategy on the Bulge-yep, it was the troops that finished em, correct.

The allied bombing campaigns had nothing to do with the fuel and oil shortages of course.

Ever notice that after the war, any French merchant who overcharged the Germans was a freedom fighter and any whore who gave them the clap was a national heroine.

I have read something. More than something. I suggest that the French lost to the Germans in 1881 and 1940 due to excessive hubris and stupid tactics. I also suggest that they would have lost to the German in 1914-1918 if it had not been for American Intervention.

You also forgot to mention that the germans lost men in WWI also, but it did not stop them from greasing the French.
RosevilleCAguy said:
The allied bombing campaigns had nothing to do with the fuel and oil shortages of course.

Ever notice that after the war, any French merchant who overcharged the Germans was a freedom fighter and any whore who gave them the clap was a national heroine.

I have read something. More than something. I suggest that the French lost to the Germans in 1881 and 1940 due to excessive hubris and stupid tactics. I also suggest that they would have lost to the German in 1914-1918 if it had not been for American Intervention.

You also forgot to mention that the germans lost men in WWI also, but it did not stop them from greasing the French.

France didnt invade Germany...

"and the sky turned the color of marmalade
its the price you pay when you invade"


pro war is pro death...
IM votin for peace and life every time...

"rich mans war-poor mans fight"

civil war cartoon-

France is the only country in world military history to lose TWO wars to Italy.

That pretty much tells you everything you need to know about French military acumen.

Well, that and the Maginot Line tell you everything you need to know.
Purple Haze said:
I'm anti-war too.

But the French still suck...

eh joker,

glad to hear...

i just love sourdough

must be a San Fran thing

plus my best friend is a frenchie

down low...

peace out for now:kiss: :heart:

war is over if you want it...