My cat is having kittens at this moment, inside....

T.H. Oughts

Oh the thoughts of Oughts
Nov 8, 2001
my couch... yes that's right folks inside my couch. She must of got herself down one of the opening behind the cushions. She has a 1 foot high space to sit in and about 6 foot wide... How the hell am I gonna get her out of there?? lol There are two kittens so far....

So what places are you seen cats have kittens???
I would leave her until she has all of the kittens. Moving them now might upset her and stop her labor. Not a good thing to happen.

Wait a couple of days and make her and the babies a new bed.

My cat once had kittens in the attic. Way in the back between the insulation and the floor.. We had to wait until they were old enough to come out on their own.
freakygurl said:
I would leave her until she has all of the kittens. Moving them now might upset her and stop her labor. Not a good thing to happen.

No I would not ry to move her out at the moment... just that Kiwi Wolf is gonna have to sit on the floor or wrestle me for a chair, lol
pointless said:
can i have one? i really miss my cat:(

Well to tell the truth Mr Oughts is coming home in a couple of hours and the kittens will be taken away... some might think that is cruel but that's life some times... I have seen kittens and puppies taken from their mothers on the farm over the years so it's something I'm used too.

The local tom got to her before we could have her fixed by the vet.
T.H. Oughts said:
No I would not ry to move her out at the moment... just that Kiwi Wolf is gonna have to sit on the floor or wrestle me for a chair, lol

I am willing to wrestle you! Chair or not.
T.H. Oughts said:
my couch... yes that's right folks inside my couch. She must of got herself down one of the opening behind the cushions. She has a 1 foot high space to sit in and about 6 foot wide... How the hell am I gonna get her out of there?? lol There are two kittens so far....

So what places are you seen cats have kittens???

under the lazy boy

in my sok drawer when I was 6, I think its partialy to this day why i still don't like socks}

in the space under/in a box spring mattress

and once in the dog house

and once in the chicken coop
You're killing the kittens because you didn't have time to get her spayed before the local tom got to her? For fuck's sake, that's irresponsible. First off, cats can be spayed before they ever go into their first heat. It's not like you didn't know this was going to happen. Secondly, if you knew she was in heat why couldn't you keep her inside?

I don't buy it that "that's life sometimes". How can you be so cavalier about it?

Didn't your cat have kittens back in November? And wasn't there a litter the year before that? This doesn't sound like an accident, even though you'd like to make it appear as though it is.

Pets are not disposable. Get your fucking cat spayed.
superlittlegirl said:
Get your fucking cat spayed.
Yes we intend too.

Yes this is her third batch. The first batch died because she was so young and didn't know how to look after them and nature took it's course... the second batch we kept one and gave away the other... this time around we could not have her fixed as she was unwell and the vet advised us not to fix her until her heath was better... while she was getting well the tom cat got to her.. by the time we took her to get fixed she was beyond having an abortion while in the same operation of being fixed....

So yes our cat has been fucking and will be fixed. :)
my babies were born under my bed = ) very sweet things. I had to keep one.
T.H. Oughts said:
The first batch died because she was so young and didn't know how to look after them and nature took it's course...


:( :( :( :(

My kitty was 5 months old when she had kittens - vet didn't want her spayed until she was 6 months old due to development. I would have kept all 4 babies if my boyfriend weren't such an ass <hiss growl spit>