my car g0t br0k3n in2 again, pr0bably by an0th3r phuxxing azian


Jul 3, 2002
I'v3 had 3n0ugh. I g0t z0m3thing 2 zay... Nigg3rz, Chinx, Japz, zpicz and all th3 r3zt 0ph y0u mix3d, unkn0wn, b0rd3r jumping pi3c3z 0ph zhit can zuxx my phuxxing dixx. Y0u chinx c0m3 in2 my n3ighb0ur-h00d and build y0ur 30 l3v3l h0uz3 and ztuphph 4000 0ph y0ur phamily m3mb3rz in2 it and phuxx up th3 r3al-3zt8. M3anwhil3, z0m3 nigg3r iz 0utzid3 br3aking in2 my car zt3aling my zt3r30 whil3 i'm trying 2 buy z0m3 phazt ph00d phr0m a m3xican b0rd3r jump3r wh0 iz w0rking ph0r $5 an h0ur and phuxxing th3 minimum waig3 0v3r. Minimum wag3 zh0uld b3 $20 an h0ur, but thanx 2 all y0u b0rd3r jumping b3an pixx3rz, w3 g0tta w0rk ph0r n3xt 2 n0thing. R3ligi0n haz phuxx3d thiz w0rld 0v3r. I g0 d0wn 2 g3t my driv3rz lic3nz3 and th3r3 waz a jap d0ing my t3zting. zt3r30-typ3? phUxx N0. H3 waz japan3z3. zquinty 3y3d m0th3r phuxx3r. It'z a w0nd3r h3 3v3n pazz3d m3. Mayb3 h3 c0uldn't z33 th3 r0ad anywayz z0 h3 juzt giv3z rand0m pazz3z 0ut. I am whit3. I liv3 in a whit3 c0untry. I 3at whit3 ph00d and I driv3 a whit3 car. I want whit3 n3ighb0urz. I want a whit3 p3rz0n 2 t3zt my driving. I want a whit3 p3rz0n 2 giv3 m3 my ph00d. I want a whit3 pr3zid3nt (phuxx all thiz 3qual 0pp3rtunity zhit. I w0uld rath3r g0t buzh az pr3zid3nt than z0m3 hillbilly nigg3r wh0 will giv3 my tax d0llarz 2 th3 nigr0 phuxxing c0ll3g3 ph0r und3duc8d nigg3rz) and I want am3rica 2 0nc3 again b3c0m3 a whit3 c0untry. B0t2m lin3, G0 BAxx 2 Y0UR 0WN phUxx3D UP C0UNTIR3z! W3 D0N'T WANT Y0U 0UT H3R3. nuphph' zaid. N0w ztart paxxing y0ur bagz y0u h0ng k0ng d0ng zuxx3rz 0r i'll put a cap in y0 m0tha phuxxing azz; nigg3r ztyl3 (izn't that what th3y d0?).
More likely by a l337 phuxxing hax0r who kn3w h3 h4d t1me wh1le u wuz th1nk1n6 4b0u7 sp311|ng, llama.
Cold14 said:
I'v3 had 3n0ugh. I g0t z0m3thing 2 zay... Nigg3rz, Chinx, Japz, zpicz and all th3 r3zt 0ph y0u mix3d, unkn0wn, b0rd3r jumping pi3c3z 0ph zhit can zuxx my phuxxing dixx. Y0u chinx c0m3 in2 my n3ighb0ur-h00d and build y0ur 30 l3v3l h0uz3 and ztuphph 4000 0ph y0ur phamily m3mb3rz in2 it and phuxx up th3 r3al-3zt8. M3anwhil3, z0m3 nigg3r iz 0utzid3 br3aking in2 my car zt3aling my zt3r30 whil3 i'm trying 2 buy z0m3 phazt ph00d phr0m a m3xican b0rd3r jump3r wh0 iz w0rking ph0r $5 an h0ur and phuxxing th3 minimum waig3 0v3r. Minimum wag3 zh0uld b3 $20 an h0ur, but thanx 2 all y0u b0rd3r jumping b3an pixx3rz, w3 g0tta w0rk ph0r n3xt 2 n0thing. R3ligi0n haz phuxx3d thiz w0rld 0v3r. I g0 d0wn 2 g3t my driv3rz lic3nz3 and th3r3 waz a jap d0ing my t3zting. zt3r30-typ3? phUxx N0. H3 waz japan3z3. zquinty 3y3d m0th3r phuxx3r. It'z a w0nd3r h3 3v3n pazz3d m3. Mayb3 h3 c0uldn't z33 th3 r0ad anywayz z0 h3 juzt giv3z rand0m pazz3z 0ut. I am whit3. I liv3 in a whit3 c0untry. I 3at whit3 ph00d and I driv3 a whit3 car. I want whit3 n3ighb0urz. I want a whit3 p3rz0n 2 t3zt my driving. I want a whit3 p3rz0n 2 giv3 m3 my ph00d. I want a whit3 pr3zid3nt (phuxx all thiz 3qual 0pp3rtunity zhit. I w0uld rath3r g0t buzh az pr3zid3nt than z0m3 hillbilly nigg3r wh0 will giv3 my tax d0llarz 2 th3 nigr0 phuxxing c0ll3g3 ph0r und3duc8d nigg3rz) and I want am3rica 2 0nc3 again b3c0m3 a whit3 c0untry. B0t2m lin3, G0 BAxx 2 Y0UR 0WN phUxx3D UP C0UNTIR3z! W3 D0N'T WANT Y0U 0UT H3R3. nuphph' zaid. N0w ztart paxxing y0ur bagz y0u h0ng k0ng d0ng zuxx3rz 0r i'll put a cap in y0 m0tha phuxxing azz; nigg3r ztyl3 (izn't that what th3y d0?).

j00 n33d 4 |1f3!
One who damages the character of another damages his own.
- Yoruba of Nigeria proverb
k33p trying 2 zp3ll l33t phagg0t. y0u try 20 hard cauz3 y0ur phat azz bitch 0ph a m0mma zuxxz z0 much c0xx and h3 haz 2 cut h3r w3lphar3 ch3xxz daily m0th3r phuxx3r
That little rant's been floating around the 'net for nearly ten years now.

Does this mean his next post will be the Friendship Totem?

I miss ascii totems.

Lancecastor said:
That little rant's been floating around the 'net for nearly ten years now.

Does this mean his next post will be the Friendship Totem?

I miss ascii totems.

how's this?

edited because the ascii didn't work..... bugger :confused:
ztupid phagg0tz, haha, n0 0n3 dar3z 2 m3zz with m3. Iph y0u m3zz with m3 i will haxx y0ur phat phuxxing azz3z. try m3 bitch3z

ASCII ... someone told me the other day not to talk about it because it could give evil people bad ideas.

Johnny Mayberry said:
this is the dumbest thread I've ever seen...but I'm new here;)

iph y0u d0n't lik3 my thr3ad th3n g0 hump a zh33p 0r y0ur phat azz grandma
Cold14 said:
iph y0u d0n't lik3 my thr3ad th3n g0 hump a zh33p 0r y0ur phat azz grandma

English -

If you don't like my thread then go hump a sheep or your fat ass grandma.

Gawd I'm good.
Johnny Mayberry said:
this is the dumbest thread I've ever seen...but I'm new here;)
I didn't want to post and bump the thread, but since it's at the top I'll post.

Yes, this is about as dumb as it gets. My IQ is lowering just posting here.