my bedroom


technical demi-god
Aug 27, 2002
I'm declaring this thread my private bedroom. Looks like mine, mostly, with a few embellishments, because i damned well can.

the wall to the left has manacles attached to it, several pairs.. enough room for about 4 people.

Wall opposite that is where I hand all whips, chains, paddles, ice cream scoops, and where I keep the T.V.

The middle of the floor, there is 2 couches and a coffee table. it's cherry, very expensive. Please use a coaster. on the last wall, where the door is, on one side of the door, is a bound and gagged gilbert godfrey. the mans voice burns my nerves, and not in the good way. If I were to decide a voice for ultimate evil, i'd pick his voice. I beat him with a baseball bat when I'm frustrated. If you ask nicely, you can too. On the other side of the door, hangs a picture of my dog. isnt she cute?

Next to the TV is my bed, and a laundry hamper. There is normal lighting, but it can be darker blue if I flip a secret switch. no, I won't tell you where it is.

Above gilbert's head, is a dart board (so what if you aim a little low?) with yoyotwat's face on it. fire away.

The bathroom contains an extra large shower, a toilet, thankfully, and a sink. Below the sink is a hole where I tore up the floorboards and fell into Bel's room

there ends your tour. any idiotic comments will promptly send you to my ignore list, as so not to contaminate this place. also, you will be put onto ignore for using that demented banana thing. I hate that stupid thing.

Trish has 3 Brownie points! (for fantasizing about me)
SpiceCake has 10 brownie points! (cuz I saw her nekkid)
Kitte has 5 brownie points! (cuz I can. so there.)
StrawberryPez has 7 brownie points! (cuz she writes me letters, and has pretty hair)
Glue has 2 brownie points! (cuz I saw her nekkid)
Secret Kate has 1 brownie points! (cuz i saw her in her undies!)
LittleKatEyes has 6 brownie points!(cuz I saw her boobs)
SilverLuna has 3 brownie points! (cuz she is hot like that.)
Bondagebunni has 3 brownie points! (cuz pigtails are like that)
WillowShadows has 6 brownie points! (nice boobs)

edited several times cause I was tired when I first wrote this. and because I add stuff. tough shit.
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the hamper is next to the TV, I fergot to mention that. I hate dirty clothes lying everywhere. and the bed is next to that. forgot that was well.
normal lighting, but can be switched to darker, blue lights if I so choose. yes, you can smoke, but near the door so it doesnt get all smokey.
Indigo.Rose said:
fucking hell, you left me in your bedroom all by myself
now i have no choice but to go through your porn mags

Damn I would not have left you alone! Put down that mag, and come over here.

Indigo.Rose said:

its too late ive already masterbated in his bed and am on my way to blissful sleep.

goodnight bknight, and the rest of lit

oh ya and if crystalizedjoy comes back to his bedroom, tell him he can have the left side, but dont ake me cause im a bitch when i get woken up, unless of course im being woken up with a good slow sleepy fuck.

Damn I never get there in the right time, have a good sleep!
*crawls into the laundry hamper like a small kitten and goes to sleep* Prod me and I will be forced to scratch you...:kiss:
Indigo.Rose said:

its too late ive already masterbated in his bed and am on my way to blissful sleep.

goodnight bknight, and the rest of lit

oh ya and if crystalizedjoy comes back to his bedroom, tell him he can have the left side, but dont ake me cause im a bitch when i get woken up, unless of course im being woken up with a good slow sleepy fuck.

I'm back for the moment.. enjoy the magazines?

and WAKE up! guess what we're doin? :)

*takes luna out of the hamper to join*
Silverluna said:
*crawls into the laundry hamper like a small kitten and goes to sleep* Prod me and I will be forced to scratch you...:kiss:

Ok how about rubbing yu instead of prodding you?
and dang it BK, only fucking that involves me can happen here, cause its my bedroom. dang it.
*flails her arms/paws* IeeeeIIEe!!

*realizes she isn't going anywhere, and goes limp*
i have no comment...^_^

bknight2602 said:

Ok how about rubbing yu instead of prodding you?

I'm being carried off now somewhere....hmmm...maybe you can check back a little bit later?
crystalizedjoy said:
and dang it BK, only fucking that involves me can happen here, cause its my bedroom. dang it.

Thought you were asleep, trying to fill in for you!