My baby is growing up...


hello daddy
Mar 16, 2001
and I dont want her to.

She is 12,and I know that its what kids do,grow up. But she is my baby, my first born.

She is now on her way to womanhood, which she is none to happy about. (She is a tomboy)

But its more than that to me. I want to keep my children as children for as long as possible.

But it seems nature wont let me.

I am so happy and so sad.

She does not want to let her father know about her growing up,but when I think about it,it would hurt me very much if this was held back from me,so I am going to have to think about that one for awhile.

And to top it off,I get her email pulled to my acct and someone was sending her kisses in an email.

Sigh,I put an end to that shit,but I am sure some other freak is out there.

Maybe I'll put her in a closet and lock her up till she is 18.

Think it would work?

You know your kids are growing up when you can no longer remember 'Goodnight Moon' by heart :(
I feel your pain!!!

Seems like just yesterday mine was playing peek-a-boo with me, and now she's telling me what kind of car to buy so she can have it in 3 years!

Those years from 12 on go by fast and furious and they change so much! My baby girl is almost 14 now and everyday is a little more scary for mom!
My oldest just left yesterday with his new wife and baby, he's 18. You wanna talk about scary! Now I have my 12 year old daughter who is like yours on the thresh hold of "growing up", now that is shear terror! But alas they all do have to grow up someday. *sniffle*
lovetoread said:


And to top it off,I get her email pulled to my acct and someone was sending her kisses in an email.

Sigh,I put an end to that shit,but I am sure some other freak is out there.

Maybe I'll put her in a closet and lock her up till she is 18.

Think it would work?

Mine will stay in the closet till they're 35:D
Its when we look at them that we realize how much we are getting old.
Mine is 9 1/2 going on 18. I always swore that I wouldn't do the things to her that my mother did to me. Ya know, not letting her wear make up; holding off on the first date until she's 17; all of that really annoying stuff. I want to protect her enough so that she's safe, yet give her enough freedom to become her own person.

Screw it. She's staying in the closet until she's 30. :cool:
I know exactly what you mean LTR. My oldest daughter turns twelve in less than two months. Naturally, she's ready for it, and I'm not. Both of my girls are "daddy's" girls. I hope that doesn't change any time soon.

Oh, and no, locking her in a closet won't work. Perhaps a convent might help. ;)
Im arranging a marriage for my baby for 12 years down the road. She;s 6 so I figure she's got 6 more years til she's locked in her room. Once she hits 18, I'm marrying her off to Cheffie. She's in love with him anyhow. :p
Nice t hread!

I have a 12 and 14 year old daughters. Problem is my 14 y r old looks 18 !! Very mature looking for her age. She has highschool and college boys looking at her. Because she has a chest, they think she is older. God help the boy that hurts my girls !! Rule in the house, she cant date till she is 16 at least! So daddy says. lol. I miss the days when I could hold them in my arms, sing them to sleep. When they didnt talk back LOL. We have to let them grow up, to be on their own in the world. Lets just hope and pray that we did our best raising th em, with morals. THat they do the right thing, have a good heart. Be kind to others. Ohh sorry, rambling here. LOL

It's funny reading all of these posts. I remember thinking and saying the very same things.

But no matter what we do, our children grow and form lives of their own, to which we belong on the outskirts.

Before you know it, they have their own families, and not as much time for you as they used too.

Last June, my baby gave birth to her baby... what an emotional moment that was. My baby's baby.

I was still recovering from that, when in July, my first borns wife gave birth to their baby.

So now my two children have a child each of their own. And you what... I was only changing their nappies last week, I swear. Where has the time gone? I'd give so much to have them back again as babies or toddlers... even for just a day.

But I did my job well. I taught them to love, and be independant. And that's just what they've done.

It doesn't stop me from missing them though.


Ladybird said:
It's funny reading all of these posts. I remember thinking and saying the very same things.

But no matter what we do, our children grow and form lives of their own, to which we belong on the outskirts.

Before you know it, they have their own families, and not as much time for you as they used too.

Last June, my baby gave birth to her baby... what an emotional moment that was. My baby's baby.

I was still recovering from that, when in July, my first borns wife gave birth to their baby.

So now my two children have a child each of their own. And you what... I was only changing their nappies last week, I swear. Where has the time gone? I'd give so much to have them back again as babies or toddlers... even for just a day.

But I did my job well. I taught them to love, and be independant. And that's just what they've done.

It doesn't stop me from missing them though.


I almost cried reading this. You sound like a great mom! I bet you'll be a wonderful grandmother too!

I have been feeling alot of this lately......where did all the time go?
My son is now over 6' tall. Didn't I just bring him home from the hospital???? My daughters are 9 and 10. At 8 1/2 the youngest one's breasts started to develop!! 8 1/2!!!! And now the 10 year old is starting to develop also. My husband and I must have done something very wrong in our lives to have two daughters hitting puberty at the same time! I'm just happy that both daughters still hold my hand in public:) I'm not looking forward to the day that ends.
Re: omg

Beauty1 said:
I'm just happy that both daughters still hold my hand in public:) I'm not looking forward to the day that ends.

lol,my daughter is taller than me and she is 12.

I figure in a year or two,my son will be taller as well. ;)
I've seen some more warped sentiments than those expressed on this thread.

My parents are both the babies of their respective families. They never got to grow up. They have had every decision second guessed. They have had to put up with unwanted meddling and advice with everything they do. They have been treated as children well past their teens and twenties and thirties.

Wanting to preserve someone in a state of permenant infancy is kind of sick, and really, defeats the whole purpose of raising a child. You shouldn't be sad they are no longer little babies. That means you did your job, the kid is alive and maturing.

That said, I do understand how it feels to watch them grow up so fast and get farther away from you. It is hard to watch them move further away from you as time passes. :(
Re: Ladybird

Secret Kate said:

I almost cried reading this. You sound like a great mom! I bet you'll be a wonderful grandmother too!

Thank you so much for this Secret Kate.

I love my kids very very much, and their children also.
