My ass is watertight


Owl of Minerva
Mar 23, 2012
Ah, memories. This thread has reminded me of the first time I went water skiing. I was holding on to the handle at speed. Feeling all proud that I'd finally figured out how to stand, when all of a sudden I hit a bump.

Note to self. When bum hits water at speed and you're being dragged along by your asshole, let the handle go. Just let it go.
My first was not water proof. We were at Wet n Wild water park. She went down one of those slides that are nearly strait down. When she hit the splash pool that slows you down.....

instant enema.
Pork Chop is too:D

Your pork chop isn't good with eggs.:)

What IS that? A cat?

If dismiss the feathers and wings and also squint hard...then yes.

It makes her popular for pool parties.

That and my festive swim attire.

I hope this doesn't become a pattern.

My first was not water proof. We were at Wet n Wild water park. She went down one of those slides that are nearly strait down. When she hit the splash pool that slows you down.....

instant enema.

Too late.

waterproof, how deep, under which pressure PSI
I'm a duck not a sub.:D