Mutual nose-pickurbation


pee aitch dee
Dec 21, 2001
I feel entirely at ease regarding all bodily functions (and secretions) when I'm with my partner. The fact that I can shimmy my finger up his stuffed nostril fills me with an ineffable joy. When you think about it, snot is the last barrier separating two human beings.

Not necessarily in a sexual way, but is anyone so comfortable with their spouse/partner that you pick each other's noses?
so that is what a partially digested baked potato looks like. Thanks for helping me see.

Pass, if I am not into golden showers, I am thinking golden nuggets of dried buggers might be a bit much also.
Minkey Boodle said:
While I've never partaken in the nose pickage, I have poppped a zit or six.
but it is hell when you think it is a nipple and she yells bite harder....
Nope, the only other nose I have picked where my babies because they couldn't. When they where old enough to pick their own I left it entirely up to them. I would point out if he had a big ol hairy green buggie hanging out but pick it NO!!! :eek:
Pepper can be a great help in the extraction. Don't bite too hard, though, you'll draw blood.