Musashi, Texan, and my political philosophy...


Rural Racist Homophobe
Nov 29, 2001
"Pay your respects to all the Gods and Buddhas. Do not rely upon them." Musashi.

Texan is right. It is representational government in a merchant-oriented country so you need to contribute to ALL your elected officials and possible runner-ups...


[Shinman Musashi Myamoto killed his first opponent at the age of 13 and went on to win over 50 duels at a time when loosing had harsh consequences. As he matured, he won several duels with practice wooden weapons against live blades, even using a boat oar to dispatch an opponent. He is considered the master of strategy and is referred to as the Sword Saint. His book Go RIn No Sho, The Five Rings, is a must read if you love politics or fighting. A_J]

why would anyone wish to pay their respects to creatures of fiction?

The Emporer is ONE suspicious dude.

So if everyone else is devout, i.e., mad as a loon, then you better act pretty fawking looney too!

But don't expect Buddha to take up Sword and cover your arse!


Buddhas don't play that!
And I thought you were talking about Hawaiian Yokozuna Musashimaru....

now i have to reread your first post
SINthysist said:
His book Go RIn No Sho, The Five Rings, is a must read if you love politics or fighting. A_J]

Damn.... I'm still not through with my Sun Tzu and this list of 24 books on my "How to ...." list, Dale Carnegie and shit...
Musashi is the Cliff notes to Sun Tzu who is as repetitive as hell...

Plus Sun Tzu may have been an amalgamation of several people while Musashi was a REAL person and one hell of an artist.

Musashi says it cleanly and simply in a way only the Japanese can do.
SINthysist said:
Musashi is the Cliff notes to Sun Tzu who is as repetitive as hell...

Plus Sun Tzu may have been an amalgamation of several people while Musashi was a REAL person and one hell of an artist.

Musashi says it cleanly and simply in a way only the Japanese can do.

Domo arigato, SIN san, wakarimas
English Dozo...

I just know words like keibo dachi and sugo dachi.

And Sugo Hasip Nida.
