

Polymorphous Perverse
Apr 9, 2002
I went shooting today. Until this morning, I hadn't shot a gun since I was 10 years old, and that was just a Daisy .22 And now, I think I'm hooked.

I shot a Sig Sauer 226 .40 cal., a Browning high power 9mm, a Browning .270 rifle and and AR15 that started its life as a Bushmaster.

I liked the Browning 9mm and the AR15 the best.

I was seriously not prepared for the adrenaline my body manufactured when I took those first few shots. It felt so good. Even the concussion from the shots to either side of me felt good. It's such a deep, satisfying vibration. The sound of the explosions around me (even through the ear protection) was thrilling.

So now, for the first time ever, I'm really thinking about guns. I want one. I mean, I really, really want one.
superlittlegirl said:
I went shooting today.
So now, for the first time ever, I'm really thinking about guns. I want one. I mean, I really, really want one.

Another one converts.
Yo, my homie's in South Central can hook you up with an AK47. It is Phat! Are you down wit dat? lol

Damn, this is great. When's your birthday SLG. I feel another NRA membership gift coming on.

September 2nd. Do I get one of those little stickers to put on my truck's back window, right under the gun rack?

Ishmael said:
Damn, this is great. When's your birthday SLG. I feel another NRA membership gift coming on.

Damn...this is gonna be fun!

One of the blessings of living in a remote area like Way North Minnesota is that there's ROOM! i spent the BEST years of my life in the tops of pine trees 50 feet tall.

You bring some cookies and your plastic canteen full of KoolAid and a BOOK and you could spend all afternoon in a tree.


You can't bring your rifle up the tree. Nope, not safe. Get caught and yer gun privileges would be gone for half a Summer EASY!

i have a .22 Marlin lever-action, tubular clip (takes 18 Long Rifles) and the blued octagon barrel. It never saved my life or fed me, but that rifle made me the hero of my own life.

i could hit anything i could see!

Probly still can, but i can't see quite as much...

or can i?

Freya, the pride i take in our friendship increases daily. Didja HIT anything?:p


I did hit something!

I hit the close target with pretty good accuracy, but I was better with the long range shooting. It was much easier for me to sight through the scope, and it felt more secure at my shoulder as opposed to arm's length. I hit the very edge of the bullseye at long range, and was pretty happy with that.

(Did you ever get caught in the tree with your gun?)

But i was in a tree once when 3 of my cousins, all with .22's drove a red squirrel from the tree to my East into MY tree.

It was a wide tree and i was in the South half as he scampered through the North half of the tree. He went around me heading for the Birch tree just down the hill.

My cousins kindly stopped shooting until he got into the Birch then kept chasin' him for the rest of the afternoon.

My draft number was really high in 1970 when i could have been called to 'Nam, so that's the only time i've ever had live bullets zipping past me.

But my life ain't over... and surely there are more bullets in the air now than i've seen for a while.

Re: Nope...

I'm glad your cousins didn't shoot you. That would have ruined everything.

Did they catch the squirrel?

DRxBlue said:
But i was in a tree once when 3 of my cousins, all with .22's drove a red squirrel from the tree to my East into MY tree.

It was a wide tree and i was in the South half as he scampered through the North half of the tree. He went around me heading for the Birch tree just down the hill.

My cousins kindly stopped shooting until he got into the Birch then kept chasin' him for the rest of the afternoon.

My draft number was really high in 1970 when i could have been called to 'Nam, so that's the only time i've ever had live bullets zipping past me.

But my life ain't over... and surely there are more bullets in the air now than i've seen for a while.

Thats funny. I have shot just about every small arms weapon the UN has, but never could develop a love for them like some people.??? I just new then as well as now, I never want to be on the receiving end of any of them!!!
To each her own, I guess.

I don't want to be on the receiving end either, but that didn't diminish my excitement one bit. I think a gun is pretty much like any other tool-- dangerous if you use it irresponsibly. The same can be said for steak knives and Q-tips.

huskie said:
Thats funny. I have shot just about every small arms weapon the UN has, but never could develop a love for them like some people.??? I just new then as well as now, I never want to be on the receiving end of any of them!!!
superlittlegirl said:
To each her own, I guess.

I don't want to be on the receiving end either, but that didn't diminish my excitement one bit. I think a gun is pretty much like any other tool-- dangerous if you use it irresponsibly. The same can be said for steak knives and Q-tips.

I take back some of what I said (and i wasn't crit. you superlittlegirl at all) I did enjoy firing the 203 granade luncher :) that was fun!!!

fwiw: I got careless after a while cause i had been to so many firing ranges that I stopped using hearing protection. Don't do this! Even though the AR15 may not sound load, something about it can hurt your hearing after a while, if you don't wear protection??
I'm definitely careful about my ears. I wore earplugs and the big sound-blocking earmuffs. I couldn't do it without the ear protection-- I think I'd jump out of my skin hearing the shots at full volume.

I expect most of my hearing loss will come from listening to music at high volumes. I'm usually pretty good about not doing that, though.

I'm not sure I could get careless or jaded whilst shooting on the range. When I got the Daisy .22 when I was ten, my dad would only give me one bullet at a time, and he was very careful about explaining the reasons for all the safety rules instead of just telling me to do or not to do certain things. I carried that same sense of reverence for the machines I was using yesterday.

huskie said:
I take back some of what I said (and i wasn't crit. you superlittlegirl at all) I did enjoy firing the 203 granade luncher :) that was fun!!!

fwiw: I got careless after a while cause i had been to so many firing ranges that I stopped using hearing protection. Don't do this! Even though the AR15 may not sound load, something about it can hurt your hearing after a while, if you don't wear protection??
superlittlegirl said:
To each her own, I guess.

I don't want to be on the receiving end either, but that didn't diminish my excitement one bit. I think a gun is pretty much like any other tool-- dangerous if you use it irresponsibly. The same can be said for steak knives and Q-tips.

Congratulations! I think that's the right attitude. It's a tool , and there's lots of dangerous tools. There is also a lot of pride , pleasure, & practiallity in mastering a tool. Enjoy your process of discovery!

By all means, use hearing protection. Make it a habit.
superlittlegirl said:
I'm definitely careful about my ears. I wore earplugs and the big sound-blocking earmuffs. I couldn't do it without the ear protection-- I think I'd jump out of my skin hearing the shots at full volume.

I expect most of my hearing loss will come from listening to music at high volumes. I'm usually pretty good about not doing that, though.

I'm not sure I could get careless or jaded whilst shooting on the range. When I got the Daisy .22 when I was ten, my dad would only give me one bullet at a time, and he was very careful about explaining the reasons for all the safety rules instead of just telling me to do or not to do certain things. I carried that same sense of reverence for the machines I was using yesterday.

ya..... it just seemed, after going to the range days in and days out that I thought what the hell I don't need them. Then my ears would stop up and I'd walk around like i had car sickness for three days till they cleared.
another weapon i enjoyed was a muzel-loader! you know, the kind they used during the civil war. I thought was pretty neat. We used to time our selfs as to how long it would take to re-load them. No easy task!!!