Muammar Khaddaffy takes charge of the UN's "Human Rights" subcommittee

No shit the UN is anti-US, who the fuck came up with the idea of putting Syria on the Security Council anyway?

And why does France even have veto power as well? India is much larger and more powerful then those surrender monkeys.

I take it your spelling of "irrelevant" was on purpose?

As for Libya and the UNHR committee, think of wolves guarding sheep.:mad: :rolleyes: :mad:
They’re lack of relevance makes me ill. lol
The UN always seems to make my gut churn. ;)
And for additional yucks, Iraq is slated to be the next chair of the UN committee that handles disarmament.
JazzManJim said:
And for additional yucks, Iraq is slated to be the next chair of the UN committee that handles disarmament.

No they're not. They were taken out of rotation a while back. Get with the times, Jimmie.
Viper Vic said:
You may be correct, the UN has become increasingly anti-US. So the vetoes were probably a good thing.

How is vetoing such things as basic medicine and school desks "probably" a good thing?
Viper Vic said:
You may be correct, the UN has become increasingly anti-US. So the vetoes were probably a good thing.

It's not the UN that is anti-US, it's the United States government. Apparently the interests of big oil and Israel have a higher priority than the interests of the American people, but what can we expect from a president who was not elected.
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
It's not the UN that is anti-US, it's the United States government. Apparently the interests of big oil and Israel have a higher priority than the interests of the American people, but what can we expect from a president who was not elected.
It appears to be so, doesn't it?