MSN fucks me again...


I Am Little Spoon
Aug 10, 2002
And not in a good way! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr (Emoodie the mean goes postal on dot coms)
Pagliacci said:
Those responsible needs to be lined up against a wall and shot.

Touche clownboy! :D

Why can't they understand my neeeeeeeeeeeds?
ahhh i see what happens when i am not online.... emoodie and pag go off and have a "thing". :D
MSN messenger keeps telling me I'm not connected to the net..

I think they are the ones with the connection problems.
QuickDuck said:
ahhh i see what happens when i am not online.... emoodie and pag go off and have a "thing". :D

A thing? Hmm...a fork? A ceiling fan? What is this that you speak of, eloquent duck?