move threads to a different board

It seems you're doing a whole lot of thinking about deleting and moving threads. Why is that?

Looking at your history, my suggestion would be to *NOT* bother our overworked volunteer mods with changing your threads, but rather to take some deep breaths, take more time to observe the dynamics of each forum (when you do that, it should become pretty obvious where any given topic belongs and what type of responses you can expect from those who frequent specific forums) and then put more thought into what you post and where you post it.

I don't mean to be harsh or say you shouldn't be a prolific poster at all. It's great you have lots of ideas and feel comfortable sharing here! I have seen your style of posting many times over, however, and the members who use it do tend to get frustrated, just as you appear to be over the responses you're getting and having your thread(s) moved. Some people get so excited about having a place like this to discuss what's on their mind that they go overboard, especially when it comes to starting new threads. They typically jump right in posting and starting threads (which is great!), but fail to take enough time to observe the culture and dynamics of each forum and make sure they're posting the right stuff in the right places. Here in How To, we frequently get members who go crazy posting survey questions ("Do you like XYZ?" "Have you ever...?") and topics that have already been discussed to death a gazillion times, even though they can find those topics by searching and should put their survey threads in a forum like the Playground instead of here.

In summary, my advice is to hold back on starting new threads until you've given yourself a chance to really understand where your questions should go via observation and search for topics that may have already been covered. When you get there, start back posting a little more slowly to test the waters. Allow the current threads you want locked/moved/deleted to either develop or die, rather than asking for them to be moved or deleted. And if people let you know your thread(s) would be more appropriate in a different forum (hopefully they won't need to because you've chosen correctly after observing), just take it in stride and try to learn from it (they just may have a point). :)
Thank you very much. That is good adive and some good ideas. Perhaps I should just take things slowly and just take into account all of the various types of responces. A romance board would really be nice since I am more interested in this rather than just sex like I had been in the past.
It seems you're doing a whole lot of thinking about deleting and moving threads. Why is that?

Looking at your history, my suggestion would be to *NOT* bother our overworked volunteer mods with changing your threads, but rather to take some deep breaths, take more time to observe the dynamics of each forum (when you do that, it should become pretty obvious where any given topic belongs and what type of responses you can expect from those who frequent specific forums) and then put more thought into what you post and where you post it.

I don't mean to be harsh or say you shouldn't be a prolific poster at all. It's great you have lots of ideas and feel comfortable sharing here! I have seen your style of posting many times over, however, and the members who use it do tend to get frustrated, just as you appear to be over the responses you're getting and having your thread(s) moved. Some people get so excited about having a place like this to discuss what's on their mind that they go overboard, especially when it comes to starting new threads. They typically jump right in posting and starting threads (which is great!), but fail to take enough time to observe the culture and dynamics of each forum and make sure they're posting the right stuff in the right places. Here in How To, we frequently get members who go crazy posting survey questions ("Do you like XYZ?" "Have you ever...?") and topics that have already been discussed to death a gazillion times, even though they can find those topics by searching and should put their survey threads in a forum like the Playground instead of here.

In summary, my advice is to hold back on starting new threads until you've given yourself a chance to really understand where your questions should go via observation and search for topics that may have already been covered. When you get there, start back posting a little more slowly to test the waters. Allow the current threads you want locked/moved/deleted to either develop or die, rather than asking for them to be moved or deleted. And if people let you know your thread(s) would be more appropriate in a different forum (hopefully they won't need to because you've chosen correctly after observing), just take it in stride and try to learn from it (they just may have a point). :)

Very well said and sound advice for any and all newbies. :)
Thank you very much. That is good adive and some good ideas. Perhaps I should just take things slowly and just take into account all of the various types of responces. A romance board would really be nice since I am more interested in this rather than just sex like I had been in the past.

Well, there's nothing stopping you from having the greatest romance thread in the world here. The Playground would likely be the best place for that, BTW. I might suggest starting one catch-all romance thread, rather than a ton of romance-related threads, though. That way, you give people a stable place to talk about everything that falls under that topic and it's less likely to fizzle out quickly. Threads that do really well long-term in the Playground specifically typically have a more general topic (e.g. Romance, Incest, BBWs, music) and clear title (e.g. Everything Romance, Do You Love Romance?, House of Romance, etc.) that encourage participation from a large audience. Take a look at some huge threads that have done well for many years to see how the first posts are phrased and the OP participates in their own thread, then try to follow that format. Ask questions that nearly everyone can answer, like if they enjoy romantic gestures, what are their favorite ways to to romance or be romanced, what's the most romantic thing they've done and/or anyone has ever done for them, can they share things (pics, songs, stories) that they find romantic, tips/advice on adding romance to a relationship, romance-related questions, etc. All of those things could go in one giant thread; a romance repository, if you will.

If you're not as interested in sex, seek out threads where the discussion is not focused on sex. I'm interested in sexuality as a topic, but I'm mostly here for any discussion that makes me think/learn, whether it's on relationships, politics, writing, technology, sociology, parenting, home improvement, kink, sex, or anything else that's interesting. There are a lot of smart, open-minded people here to discuss a variety of topics with, and that's why I've stuck around so long.

Romance is too narrow of a topic for a separate forum on this site, but I'm sure you can also find entire sites and forums that are more focused on it elsewhere if you're not finding what you're seeking here via a romance thread that takes off. :)
A romance board would really be nice since I am more interested in this rather than just sex like I had been in the past.

So far I have not seen much referencing to romance in your thread titles or subjects. I think you should pay close attention to advice SweetErika has provided.

...and clear title (e.g. Everything Romance, Do You Love Romance?, House of Romance, etc.) that encourage participation

You have enough threads going - start your romance thread and try and stick with that for a while.
Thank you for the nice replies and good advice. I really appreciate it.
Another thing Beck to the 3 to the 1, try using the Search feature before starting a new thread.
Looking through some of the forums you will sometimes find multiple threads on similar or same topics. I'm not saying this is necessarily the case with any of the threads you've started, but it does happen. Search for BBW, cheating, boobs, anal, incest, etc - many threads on these topics exist, most similar to the other. These are popular topics sure, but I have seen multiple threads about some not so common topics.
Sometimes a thread already exists on the very topic you might be considering for starting a thread, and the answer(s) you may be seeking can be found there, or you could just post in that thread and contribute to the discussion.

Other than that, the advice of SweetErika is spot on.