Motivation, Motivation, Motivation

Hanns_Schmidt said:
What is your motivation?

In life my motivation is to fight Islam wherever I might find an infestation. I do alot outside of the military

On here, my motivation is to slap on some high quality thumping house tunes, turn it up loud and abuse the fucking cunt out of the forum and it's vile little posters

Is there anyone else out here who is motivated by anything other than the usual fucking mundance fluff that people give (, summer days..childrens first crayon drawing etc etc)

Grammar buddy says the possessive form of "its" has no apostrophe. "Children's" does have an apostrophe, the ellipsis is three dots, and "etc." is an abbreviation and needs to be followed by a period. In its context, the phrase "high-quality" should be hyphenated. Also there are two full stops and one interrogation mark missing in your post.

From one vile little poster to another.
My motavation spurs me to not sit home all day, like an umemployed ex-military pussy, and actually do some work, make money and have a life.

Otherwise I would have 5000 posts myself, ya nut job....