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- Jul 24, 2008
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Just sat down and started writing this tonight. Not my first story, but the first one in a LONG time.
Summary: A lonely mother takes her son on a trip to Paris that she's wanted to go on her whole life, and over the course of this trip, mother and son realize their closeness and affection for each other goes far beyond your normal mother and son relationship.
Here's what I have so far...
She had planned the trip for years, saying all she’s ever wanted to do since she was a little girl was to go see the beauty of Paris. It was almost a reality before she broke up with her most recent ex, she had actually saved up nearly everything she needed for the trip for two. Of course, that turned out not to be, the relationship fell apart at the end, not terribly so, but bad enough to put her biggest plans and desires on the backburner of life.
Mom is a plain and simple woman. Her B-cup breasts and slender frame never really gave her much chance to be your typical MILF but she wasn’t unattractive by any means, just plain. In fact, I found her quite beautiful - I mean, she is my mom after all. There’s been many times around the house when I’ve perhaps stared a bit too long, when she was wearing something a bit too loose or revealing, but she had never said anything even when I know that she had caught me. But we had a bit of an unspoken understanding. We were close, as many times all we had was each other, and it didn’t really strike me until my mid-teens how weird it was when a guy still cuddled with his mom on the couch while watching TV after dinner.
That’s about the time when we started drifting apart. Our unspoken relationship turned more into silent and distant acquaintances. For the past several years that’s how its been, and especially with her most recent breakup, I know she’s been yearning for some sort of affection. It’s hard for her to meet anybody, she works long hard hours and barely has enough time anymore for just a late meal and then crashing before the next day when she has to start all over again.
“We should just go,” my mom said to me defiantly, as though we were in the middle of a conversation, but it had been a relatively quiet dinner for the two of us up until then.
“What?” I replied.
“Paris. We should just go, the two of us, together.”
I just looked back at her, a little surprised and a little confused.
“I have the vacation time and the money all saved up, and you’ve got some free time before you run off to college in the Fall…”
“Community college, Mom. And I don’t think I’ll be ‘running off’ for that.” The plan was actually for me to stay at home until I got my associates, which I’m sure we had discussed before in some short and undetailed terms.
“I know, but once you start taking those classes, you know you’re not going to have time for a vacation like this.”
“There’s always those study abroad things,” I said shrugging it off.
“Yes, but those aren’t free, even if you pay for them with student loans, those are just loans, you know you’re going to have to pay that back eventually.”
“I’ll just get some scholarships… you know, for being a genius and athlete like I am.”
She gave me a little smirk, knowing that I was neither a star athlete or a brain child. But then the smirk went away as she looked right at me. “Honey, I want you to go with me.”
I was running out of excuses and before I could think of the next one, she continued, “And the thing is I think it would be really nice for the two of us, just mother and son, to spend some quality time together… like we used to.”
I couldn’t help but start to feel bad.
“I miss how we used to be so close. We would hold hands, cuddle, you would lay your head down on my lap and I’d run my fingers through your hair until you fell asleep. Now we hardly ever speak.”
“Mom, I know, but… I’m not a little kid anymore…”
She reached across the table to hold my hand as it was resting there beside my plate. “Please come with me.”
I knew I couldn’t say no anymore.
Never fly coach internationally. That’s all I can say. Our seats were narrow and their recline was more of a slight joke of a tilt than anything that resembled what I’d ever define as reclining. We were just a couple hours or so into the flight over the ocean and Mom could see how uncomfortable I was getting.
“Honey, here.” She placed a small airline pillow on her shoulder and gestured for me to lean against her. “I lean a little against you, you lean a little against me, and just maybe we can get a little sleep together.”
I gave her a reluctant look, but she grabbed my hand and pulled me to her…not like it was a long distance anyway. After some adjusting and shifting around as much as we could in our close quarters, we eventually settled in. I have to admit it was better, and it brought back a warm feeling cuddling up with her like this… something that I didn’t quite realize how much I had missed.
She still had one of my hands in hers, very lightly stroking it, in an innocent and affectionate way. It felt so good, her touch. But my mind began to wonder, and with my head against her shoulder, and the low-cut t-shirt she had on I could clearly see down her shirt. Her humble little breasts moving up and down every so slightly as she breathed. I started to wish she hadn’t worn a bra today, I’ve noticed that she doesn’t always, but that’s usually when it’s just us two alone at home. From what I could tell, they’re still quite round and perky considering for a woman her age, but I’ve never been able to get a glimpse of everything.
I had to stop myself. I couldn’t sit here on the plane full of passengers, leaning against my mother while I fantasized about seeing her bare breasts. I adjusted my head so that I was no longer looking straight down and let out a small sigh.
“Are you ok, hon?” She whispered softly.
“Yeah, just uh, yeah, I’m good.”
“Good. Let me know if I move or do anything to make you more comfortable.”
[Anything…. yeah….my dirty mind is wondering now…]
“Nah, there’s not much either of us can do here.”
She gave a soft sympathetic moan. “I know, but soon enough we’ll have a nice big bed to lay out in, right in the heart of Paris.”
[‘A bed?’ Singular? She must mean one each…]
“Yeah,” is all I replied trying to clear my mind. It must have worked because before too long I was drifting off.
No sooner do I get some sleep, turbulence shakes me awake. It must have been a deeper sleep than I had thought, and I must have had a pretty good dream that I was having because to my horror, my cock was at full attention! In any regular pair of pants it might not be as noticeable, but knowing the ridiculousness of security at airports these days and that it was going to be a long flight, we both dressed as comfortably as we could for the flight, and for me that meant a trusty pair of sweatpants. Trusty until you have to conceal any large buldge! I was about to panick, I knew I had almost no time before mom was full awake and aware of the situation, no doubt if she wasn’t already awake, that she was by now. But to complicate matters I was all wrapped up with her!
We had ended up somehow in what I can only describe as a sideways spooning position, with my left arm wrapped around her, her left arm on top of that, and her right arm in my lap holding my right hand… holy crap! Her arm is inches away from it. I tried to move…
“Oh!” the hushed but surprised voice of my mother. Fortunately, it wasn’t loud enough for the whole plane, but certainly the rest of our aisle. But she didn’t recoil in horror as I had expected, she simply moved swiftly to move the pillow into my hands, providing me with at least something to …uh….cover up.
“I…” I couldn’t really speak at that point, though I tried, as I pushed the pillow onto my crotch. She didn’t say anything, she was just reaching down to get the airline blanket.
“Here,” she said, handing me the blanket without any judgment or embarrassment that I could detect.
I took it and unfolded it to place it over myself, leaving a bit extra bunched up strategically in my lap.
Then she held out here hand, as if she wanted something from me. I just looked back confused.
“Oh, uh…” I said as I pulled the pillow out from under the blanket and placed it in her waiting hand. She then put it back on her shoulder then looked at me, still red faced, and then she gave me a sweet little smile.
“I hope that doesn’t scare you off.”
“No… I mean,” I whispered, trying to be as hushed as possible, “It’s not… uh…”
“Come here,” she sweetly cut me off before I could start rambling, again motioning to for me to rest my head back on her shoulder. I just shut up and did as was told, it was extremely awkward but if she wasn’t going to make a big deal out of it, I figured I could just try to let it go too.
I cuddled back up with her, just thankful that the rest of the flight was entirely uneventful.
“Merci.” Mom took the room key from the man at the desk.
I think that means ‘thank you’ but I didn’t take French in High School, I took Spanish. Luckily, Mom knows at least enough to get the basic things across, so I let her do all the talking, not that I had any complaints about that anyway.
It wasn’t quite the big grand luxury hotel that I had envisioned, but I suppose every building can’t be spectacular, even in Paris. We carried our luggage up to our room, Mom set her things down to get the door and walked inside. I grabbed everything I could and dragged it in behind her. She was already looking out of the window when I got everything placed at the end of the bed. The bed. Singular.
“Oh, honey, look at this view!” she exclaimed, opening the door to the small balcony. “Isn’t it beautiful!”
“Yeah, it is… so… where’s my bed?”
She walked back in almost floating she seemed so happy. “Oh, honey!” She said dismissively, “rooms in Paris are expensive and in order to get the most for the money I had to get a room with just one. Don’t worry! It’s big enough for the both of us!” She fell with her arms spread wide onto it laughing, “See? We could both spread out and never even notice each other!”
“OK! Now, I need to go into the bathroom and get changed, oh, and take a shower first, so you just relax and lay down for a bit, then you can get yourself cleaned up too.” I’ve never quite seen her so bubbly. She grabbed one of her suitcases and pulled it into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.
I fell back onto the bed myself. I was exhausted already from the flight, I never quite got back to sleep after that first little rest I had. I laid there for a bit, starting to relax, but replaying the scene over in my mind, my mom so casual about the whole situation. My mind started to wonder… started to fantasize… what if she liked what she saw… what if she wanted it…
I was getting hard again, very hard, very fast. I moved my hand down, starting to grab my cock, pulling it easily out from the elastic waistband of my sweatpants. I could hear the water running from the bathroom, I knew I’d have time to jerk one out while my mom showered. She’d be naked….wet….hot… rubbing her body up and down-
“I forgot my –OH!” I had already been so caught up in the fantasy that I hadn’t noticed my mom coming out of the bathroom, attempting to get something from her other bag, but here I was, hard cock in hand. I just froze. There was nothing I could do, nothing I could cover up with, even if I shoved my throbbing cock back into my pants, she had already seen me, she knew exactly what I was doing with it.
“Wasting no time getting comfortable, I see.” She said as if this were just a usual thing. “I just forgot my sundry items were in this bag.” She picked it up and headed back to the bathroom. I was just about to breath again when she popped back out and threw me a small towel from the bathroom. “Try not to make a mess, ok? We both have to sleep in that bed, remember?” She walked back into the bathroom and shut the door.
I was completely floored. Not only had my mom just walked in on me masturbating, not only had she shrugged it off as if she expected me to be doing it, but she had thrown me a towel to ensure that I don’t cum all over the place?! If she came back out with a bottle of lube I just might!
I couldn’t stop thinking about her, my mom! Her small round breasts, her casual comfort with my hard cock, that little smirk of hers, I swear I saw it again as she threw me the towel! Needless to say, it didn’t take long at all to turn that fresh clean town into a piece of dirty laundry. I pumped my cock thinking about nothing but my beautiful mother and did the best I could to capture my furious load in the towel. When my cock stopped spasming, I pulled the towel away, dropped it lazily to the side, and passed out for a short time.
“I’m glad you were able to take care of that.” My mother’s voice woke me.
“Huh?” My cock, now limp, was still hanging out “Oh!” As soon as I noticed I quickly snapped my pants back over it.
“Sorry I woke you from your nap, but you really need to get cleaned up while we still have some daylight.”
“R-right,” was all I could manage to say, trying to behave as casual as she was. I grabbed my things and pulled them into the bathroom. The bathroom was still a bit steamy from when she left it, so pulled my clothes off and turned the shower back on.
I got cleaned up and ready quickly. I wanted to get out of that hotel room and get some fresh air, maybe see some sights, and get a meal in me… mostly just get some fresh air. My head was still spinning from the past 12 hours.
We spent the remainder of the evening in a restaurant not too far from our hotel, we were both too tired to venture much further our first day. It was nice, I have to admit, not just the city but spending some quality time just me and Mom. We didn’t talk all that much, but it was a hell of a lot more than we had in the past few years. All this time leading up to the trip, even after I agreed to go, we still had been quite distant, but now we didn’t have much choice – we were here in Paris and for the next week we’d be by each other’s side all day and night. And night…
We walked back to our hotel from the restaurant, not like we would have been driving here, but it was a good thing anyway because Mom had perhaps one too many glasses of wine. I tried some but it’s really not my taste.
I had to help her to our room, holding her arm the whole way, though to be honest I think she was exaggerating her condition as a bit worse than it was since she couldn’t get me to hold her hand while we walked.
“Alright, hon, time for bed. You get in, I need to use the bathroom first.”
She went into the bathroom and I proceeded to get down to my boxers and undershirt then I pulled the covers down and slipped in. A few moments later, Mom came out. She was wearing a dark colored, silky looking nightgown that went down about mid thigh, with a couple small shoulder straps. It looked extremely sexy on her slender body, but she didn’t give me much time to look as she walked over to the bed, turned off the light and climbed in. She scooted over next to me and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close, so that we were spooning, with her as the big spoon.
“Mmm this is going to be a fun week, don’t you think?” She said into my ear.
“Honey, I’m so glad you decided to come with me. I’ve missed my boy so much.”
“I’ve missed you too, Mom,” and I really did.
“I’ve really missed how close we were, how affectionate… I want you know how much it means to me to have you back.”
My heart was pounding…and aching at the same time. It felt so wonderful to have her close to me again, and I realized how childish I’ve been over the past several years, and then at the same time, how arousing it was to have to pressed up against me and speaking and breathing softly right into my ear.
.......and that's all I can write for one sitting. Let me know what you think of it so far! Thank you!
Oh, and I should say, I'm not planning on going into any sex scene at this point in the story, most likely that's coming on the next night.
Summary: A lonely mother takes her son on a trip to Paris that she's wanted to go on her whole life, and over the course of this trip, mother and son realize their closeness and affection for each other goes far beyond your normal mother and son relationship.
Here's what I have so far...
She had planned the trip for years, saying all she’s ever wanted to do since she was a little girl was to go see the beauty of Paris. It was almost a reality before she broke up with her most recent ex, she had actually saved up nearly everything she needed for the trip for two. Of course, that turned out not to be, the relationship fell apart at the end, not terribly so, but bad enough to put her biggest plans and desires on the backburner of life.
Mom is a plain and simple woman. Her B-cup breasts and slender frame never really gave her much chance to be your typical MILF but she wasn’t unattractive by any means, just plain. In fact, I found her quite beautiful - I mean, she is my mom after all. There’s been many times around the house when I’ve perhaps stared a bit too long, when she was wearing something a bit too loose or revealing, but she had never said anything even when I know that she had caught me. But we had a bit of an unspoken understanding. We were close, as many times all we had was each other, and it didn’t really strike me until my mid-teens how weird it was when a guy still cuddled with his mom on the couch while watching TV after dinner.
That’s about the time when we started drifting apart. Our unspoken relationship turned more into silent and distant acquaintances. For the past several years that’s how its been, and especially with her most recent breakup, I know she’s been yearning for some sort of affection. It’s hard for her to meet anybody, she works long hard hours and barely has enough time anymore for just a late meal and then crashing before the next day when she has to start all over again.
“We should just go,” my mom said to me defiantly, as though we were in the middle of a conversation, but it had been a relatively quiet dinner for the two of us up until then.
“What?” I replied.
“Paris. We should just go, the two of us, together.”
I just looked back at her, a little surprised and a little confused.
“I have the vacation time and the money all saved up, and you’ve got some free time before you run off to college in the Fall…”
“Community college, Mom. And I don’t think I’ll be ‘running off’ for that.” The plan was actually for me to stay at home until I got my associates, which I’m sure we had discussed before in some short and undetailed terms.
“I know, but once you start taking those classes, you know you’re not going to have time for a vacation like this.”
“There’s always those study abroad things,” I said shrugging it off.
“Yes, but those aren’t free, even if you pay for them with student loans, those are just loans, you know you’re going to have to pay that back eventually.”
“I’ll just get some scholarships… you know, for being a genius and athlete like I am.”
She gave me a little smirk, knowing that I was neither a star athlete or a brain child. But then the smirk went away as she looked right at me. “Honey, I want you to go with me.”
I was running out of excuses and before I could think of the next one, she continued, “And the thing is I think it would be really nice for the two of us, just mother and son, to spend some quality time together… like we used to.”
I couldn’t help but start to feel bad.
“I miss how we used to be so close. We would hold hands, cuddle, you would lay your head down on my lap and I’d run my fingers through your hair until you fell asleep. Now we hardly ever speak.”
“Mom, I know, but… I’m not a little kid anymore…”
She reached across the table to hold my hand as it was resting there beside my plate. “Please come with me.”
I knew I couldn’t say no anymore.
Never fly coach internationally. That’s all I can say. Our seats were narrow and their recline was more of a slight joke of a tilt than anything that resembled what I’d ever define as reclining. We were just a couple hours or so into the flight over the ocean and Mom could see how uncomfortable I was getting.
“Honey, here.” She placed a small airline pillow on her shoulder and gestured for me to lean against her. “I lean a little against you, you lean a little against me, and just maybe we can get a little sleep together.”
I gave her a reluctant look, but she grabbed my hand and pulled me to her…not like it was a long distance anyway. After some adjusting and shifting around as much as we could in our close quarters, we eventually settled in. I have to admit it was better, and it brought back a warm feeling cuddling up with her like this… something that I didn’t quite realize how much I had missed.
She still had one of my hands in hers, very lightly stroking it, in an innocent and affectionate way. It felt so good, her touch. But my mind began to wonder, and with my head against her shoulder, and the low-cut t-shirt she had on I could clearly see down her shirt. Her humble little breasts moving up and down every so slightly as she breathed. I started to wish she hadn’t worn a bra today, I’ve noticed that she doesn’t always, but that’s usually when it’s just us two alone at home. From what I could tell, they’re still quite round and perky considering for a woman her age, but I’ve never been able to get a glimpse of everything.
I had to stop myself. I couldn’t sit here on the plane full of passengers, leaning against my mother while I fantasized about seeing her bare breasts. I adjusted my head so that I was no longer looking straight down and let out a small sigh.
“Are you ok, hon?” She whispered softly.
“Yeah, just uh, yeah, I’m good.”
“Good. Let me know if I move or do anything to make you more comfortable.”
[Anything…. yeah….my dirty mind is wondering now…]
“Nah, there’s not much either of us can do here.”
She gave a soft sympathetic moan. “I know, but soon enough we’ll have a nice big bed to lay out in, right in the heart of Paris.”
[‘A bed?’ Singular? She must mean one each…]
“Yeah,” is all I replied trying to clear my mind. It must have worked because before too long I was drifting off.
No sooner do I get some sleep, turbulence shakes me awake. It must have been a deeper sleep than I had thought, and I must have had a pretty good dream that I was having because to my horror, my cock was at full attention! In any regular pair of pants it might not be as noticeable, but knowing the ridiculousness of security at airports these days and that it was going to be a long flight, we both dressed as comfortably as we could for the flight, and for me that meant a trusty pair of sweatpants. Trusty until you have to conceal any large buldge! I was about to panick, I knew I had almost no time before mom was full awake and aware of the situation, no doubt if she wasn’t already awake, that she was by now. But to complicate matters I was all wrapped up with her!
We had ended up somehow in what I can only describe as a sideways spooning position, with my left arm wrapped around her, her left arm on top of that, and her right arm in my lap holding my right hand… holy crap! Her arm is inches away from it. I tried to move…
“Oh!” the hushed but surprised voice of my mother. Fortunately, it wasn’t loud enough for the whole plane, but certainly the rest of our aisle. But she didn’t recoil in horror as I had expected, she simply moved swiftly to move the pillow into my hands, providing me with at least something to …uh….cover up.
“I…” I couldn’t really speak at that point, though I tried, as I pushed the pillow onto my crotch. She didn’t say anything, she was just reaching down to get the airline blanket.
“Here,” she said, handing me the blanket without any judgment or embarrassment that I could detect.
I took it and unfolded it to place it over myself, leaving a bit extra bunched up strategically in my lap.
Then she held out here hand, as if she wanted something from me. I just looked back confused.
“Oh, uh…” I said as I pulled the pillow out from under the blanket and placed it in her waiting hand. She then put it back on her shoulder then looked at me, still red faced, and then she gave me a sweet little smile.
“I hope that doesn’t scare you off.”
“No… I mean,” I whispered, trying to be as hushed as possible, “It’s not… uh…”
“Come here,” she sweetly cut me off before I could start rambling, again motioning to for me to rest my head back on her shoulder. I just shut up and did as was told, it was extremely awkward but if she wasn’t going to make a big deal out of it, I figured I could just try to let it go too.
I cuddled back up with her, just thankful that the rest of the flight was entirely uneventful.
“Merci.” Mom took the room key from the man at the desk.
I think that means ‘thank you’ but I didn’t take French in High School, I took Spanish. Luckily, Mom knows at least enough to get the basic things across, so I let her do all the talking, not that I had any complaints about that anyway.
It wasn’t quite the big grand luxury hotel that I had envisioned, but I suppose every building can’t be spectacular, even in Paris. We carried our luggage up to our room, Mom set her things down to get the door and walked inside. I grabbed everything I could and dragged it in behind her. She was already looking out of the window when I got everything placed at the end of the bed. The bed. Singular.
“Oh, honey, look at this view!” she exclaimed, opening the door to the small balcony. “Isn’t it beautiful!”
“Yeah, it is… so… where’s my bed?”
She walked back in almost floating she seemed so happy. “Oh, honey!” She said dismissively, “rooms in Paris are expensive and in order to get the most for the money I had to get a room with just one. Don’t worry! It’s big enough for the both of us!” She fell with her arms spread wide onto it laughing, “See? We could both spread out and never even notice each other!”
“OK! Now, I need to go into the bathroom and get changed, oh, and take a shower first, so you just relax and lay down for a bit, then you can get yourself cleaned up too.” I’ve never quite seen her so bubbly. She grabbed one of her suitcases and pulled it into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.
I fell back onto the bed myself. I was exhausted already from the flight, I never quite got back to sleep after that first little rest I had. I laid there for a bit, starting to relax, but replaying the scene over in my mind, my mom so casual about the whole situation. My mind started to wonder… started to fantasize… what if she liked what she saw… what if she wanted it…
I was getting hard again, very hard, very fast. I moved my hand down, starting to grab my cock, pulling it easily out from the elastic waistband of my sweatpants. I could hear the water running from the bathroom, I knew I’d have time to jerk one out while my mom showered. She’d be naked….wet….hot… rubbing her body up and down-
“I forgot my –OH!” I had already been so caught up in the fantasy that I hadn’t noticed my mom coming out of the bathroom, attempting to get something from her other bag, but here I was, hard cock in hand. I just froze. There was nothing I could do, nothing I could cover up with, even if I shoved my throbbing cock back into my pants, she had already seen me, she knew exactly what I was doing with it.
“Wasting no time getting comfortable, I see.” She said as if this were just a usual thing. “I just forgot my sundry items were in this bag.” She picked it up and headed back to the bathroom. I was just about to breath again when she popped back out and threw me a small towel from the bathroom. “Try not to make a mess, ok? We both have to sleep in that bed, remember?” She walked back into the bathroom and shut the door.
I was completely floored. Not only had my mom just walked in on me masturbating, not only had she shrugged it off as if she expected me to be doing it, but she had thrown me a towel to ensure that I don’t cum all over the place?! If she came back out with a bottle of lube I just might!
I couldn’t stop thinking about her, my mom! Her small round breasts, her casual comfort with my hard cock, that little smirk of hers, I swear I saw it again as she threw me the towel! Needless to say, it didn’t take long at all to turn that fresh clean town into a piece of dirty laundry. I pumped my cock thinking about nothing but my beautiful mother and did the best I could to capture my furious load in the towel. When my cock stopped spasming, I pulled the towel away, dropped it lazily to the side, and passed out for a short time.
“I’m glad you were able to take care of that.” My mother’s voice woke me.
“Huh?” My cock, now limp, was still hanging out “Oh!” As soon as I noticed I quickly snapped my pants back over it.
“Sorry I woke you from your nap, but you really need to get cleaned up while we still have some daylight.”
“R-right,” was all I could manage to say, trying to behave as casual as she was. I grabbed my things and pulled them into the bathroom. The bathroom was still a bit steamy from when she left it, so pulled my clothes off and turned the shower back on.
I got cleaned up and ready quickly. I wanted to get out of that hotel room and get some fresh air, maybe see some sights, and get a meal in me… mostly just get some fresh air. My head was still spinning from the past 12 hours.
We spent the remainder of the evening in a restaurant not too far from our hotel, we were both too tired to venture much further our first day. It was nice, I have to admit, not just the city but spending some quality time just me and Mom. We didn’t talk all that much, but it was a hell of a lot more than we had in the past few years. All this time leading up to the trip, even after I agreed to go, we still had been quite distant, but now we didn’t have much choice – we were here in Paris and for the next week we’d be by each other’s side all day and night. And night…
We walked back to our hotel from the restaurant, not like we would have been driving here, but it was a good thing anyway because Mom had perhaps one too many glasses of wine. I tried some but it’s really not my taste.
I had to help her to our room, holding her arm the whole way, though to be honest I think she was exaggerating her condition as a bit worse than it was since she couldn’t get me to hold her hand while we walked.
“Alright, hon, time for bed. You get in, I need to use the bathroom first.”
She went into the bathroom and I proceeded to get down to my boxers and undershirt then I pulled the covers down and slipped in. A few moments later, Mom came out. She was wearing a dark colored, silky looking nightgown that went down about mid thigh, with a couple small shoulder straps. It looked extremely sexy on her slender body, but she didn’t give me much time to look as she walked over to the bed, turned off the light and climbed in. She scooted over next to me and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close, so that we were spooning, with her as the big spoon.
“Mmm this is going to be a fun week, don’t you think?” She said into my ear.
“Honey, I’m so glad you decided to come with me. I’ve missed my boy so much.”
“I’ve missed you too, Mom,” and I really did.
“I’ve really missed how close we were, how affectionate… I want you know how much it means to me to have you back.”
My heart was pounding…and aching at the same time. It felt so wonderful to have her close to me again, and I realized how childish I’ve been over the past several years, and then at the same time, how arousing it was to have to pressed up against me and speaking and breathing softly right into my ear.
.......and that's all I can write for one sitting. Let me know what you think of it so far! Thank you!
Oh, and I should say, I'm not planning on going into any sex scene at this point in the story, most likely that's coming on the next night.
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