Mother Pussbucket Shin Splints


On the Downbeat
Sep 12, 2001
I've been prone to shin splints since I was a teenager. That's what comes from being at first very solidly-built then later just fat, and still being quite an active person.

Well, they're back with a vengeance. I spent a bit over 8 hours on the road today making deliveries and my legs freaking hurt. I know I should stay off of them as much as possible, but I have to hit the road tomorrow evening for at least three hours, too. I can't bail out because there just aren't enough drivers.

I don't think there are any real solutions in the immediate offing. I just wanted to bitch.
I hate that. No immediate solutions, but there are long-term solutions. Build up the muscle that runs in front of your shins. Do it through toe presses and walking.
Sorry to hear that JMJ.

But you owe me a dollar now.
Aquila said:
what are shin splints?

Not that active are you? Or maybe you have just never run long distances.

Shin splints are when the muscle along your shins pull back pulling splinters of bone off of the shin bone.

Extremely painful and if you get them bad enough you just can't walk.

When I could run long distances before i fucked up my knees I got them a couple of times. Could barely walk for several days. Put some ice on them for a while then do the heat thing later is about all you can do.
KillerMuffin said:
I hate that. No immediate solutions, but there are long-term solutions. Build up the muscle that runs in front of your shins. Do it through toe presses and walking.

I may have to try the toe-presses. Unfortunately, I believe that walking is partially what has me in the situation again now. Well, there's walking, and there's walking up someone's driveway who think that it's a freaking fine idea to have it built at a 35 degree incline so their ever-so-friendly yapping mongrel of a dog who they insist won't bite is sliding downwards past me like Jean-Claude Killey while I'm trying to dodge the Temple of Doom-like obstacle course they left there and have been so environmentally-conscious as to save two cents worth of electricity by leaving their porch light off. But I'm not bitter. No Ma'am.

Romial...why do I owe you a dollar? Did I make some sort of bet?
Azwed said:
When I could run long distances before i fucked up my knees I got them a couple of times. Could barely walk for several days. Put some ice on them for a while then do the heat thing later is about all you can do.

Big guys are prone to them, too, when they put sustained muscle stress on their lower legs over a prolonged period of time.
Start walking every day, actually, on a flat surface. Preferably a track of some sort because the surface is joint friendly. Don't go too fast, but don't go too slow either. Walk about thirty minutes at a pace that makes your body feel warm and your breathing a little deeper, but not so much that you necessarily sweat. You want to take care of your joints because you are heavy, so when you do exercise, you'll want to consider them.

Another thing to do is stretch your legs before you start your deliveries. Unstretched muscles can cause a lot of leg and joint problems.
JazzManJim said:

Romial...why do I owe you a dollar? Did I make some sort of bet?

No...but you used Mother Pussbucket. I copywrited that word so that anytime someone posts it here, the owe me a dollar. :D
KillerMuffin said:
Start walking every day, actually, on a flat surface. Preferably a track of some sort because the surface is joint friendly. Don't go too fast, but don't go too slow either. Walk about thirty minutes at a pace that makes your body feel warm and your breathing a little deeper, but not so much that you necessarily sweat. You want to take care of your joints because you are heavy, so when you do exercise, you'll want to consider them.

Another thing to do is stretch your legs before you start your deliveries. Unstretched muscles can cause a lot of leg and joint problems.

Actually, I don't have much joint trouble at all. Most of the ailments I get are muscular in nature. Of course I'm not running a marathon because, well, I'd die, but you get the point.

I'll look into the advice. Do you think that stretching would be required if I've been working and up and down most of the day (like when I drive in the evenings) or would the daily activity be enough to warm me up?
JazzManJim said:
Big guys are prone to them, too, when they put sustained muscle stress on their lower legs over a prolonged period of time.

Yeah I am pretty big too mostly from really dense solid bone structure. Besides the shin splints and lots of cracked/bruised ribs from wrestling I have never broken a bone.

My exgf the crazy, neurotic, marathon runner used to run so much that she would get shin splints and not be able to walk for two days. Then four or five days later she would be back running again because she felt fat if she didn't. :rolleyes:
Romial said:
No...but you used Mother Pussbucket. I copywrited that word so that anytime someone posts it here, the owe me a dollar. :D

I think that Bill Murray had that one iced down back around the time of Ghostbusters first. ;)
JazzManJim said:
I think that Bill Murray had that one iced down back around the time of Ghostbusters first. ;)

Hehe, maybe. But he didn't post it here on LIT..and if he did...I'll be damned. Alright, since you didn't know, I'll cut ya some slack this time. lol :)
If you're getting shinsplints, the stretching will help. It might not cure, but it might help.
KillerMuffin said:
If you're getting shinsplints, the stretching will help. It might not cure, but it might help.

I'll give it a try. It's just another sign in a long lifetime of signs that I push my body farther than it really should go. :(
Romial said:
Hehe, maybe. But he didn't post it here on LIT..and if he did...I'll be damned. Alright, since you didn't know, I'll cut ya some slack this time. lol :)

Well, it's all Public Domain around here. Heck, I started the Great HOly Crapweasel Fad a long while back and I"ve yet to see a single royalty check. ;)