Mother daughter shop for lingerie!


Literotica Guru
Feb 7, 2018
I love incest stories about moms and daughters who shop together for panties and bras, then they go into the same dressing room, things get kinky!
Interesting concept, it's a pretty good well used trope, but defiantly think about fleshing it out a little more. Think about build up, and/or consequences afterwards. Think about maybe them getting caught, what happens then? What if they aren't caught and make it all the way home? What then?
Definitely it escalates and passion prevails as they explore one another’s bodies.
Mom starts with many compliments of her daughter’s body, almost sad and the daughter responds to show her mother how truly beautiful she is!
They fry on all sorts of items and the mom doesn’t think she looks as good as her daughter. The daughter summons the clerk to please go find some items for her mom to try, sexy and revealing items.
It begins in the dressing room and continues in the car and home!
Definitely a very sexy idea. I might work something similar into a story I'm planning. Thanks.

Conservative business mom and very shy overruled daughter.

Daughter gets a boyfriend who encourages her to open up and dress more sexy (read, not be a complete nun). That leads to significant fall out between them, they fight, but eventually mom has to accept that daughter gas grown up as an independent woman of herself now. They decide to celebrate their peace agreement by going shopping. The daughter need a lot of new things to wear for her boyfriend, the mom may have some actual advice and perhaps plans of her own she discuss wirh her daughter for the first time. The shopping goes, as per the above, they get hot with each other.

The story could be framed as the girl confessing to her boyfriend about how the weekend shopping with mom went. (I imagine the boyfriend surprised but rather sympathetic as long he's not ignored, that is, as far he feature in the story at all.)
Two mother/daughter pairs.

One, Abby & Brigitte is very relaxed and has basically no modesty between them, but absolutely no sexuality either. They're may not be all out family nudists, I think it's better they don't, they do not see it that way at all, but they go to sauna together, skinny dip together, go to spa together, have no reservations to give each other a massage or otherwise touch, as long no sexuality is implied in those touches and activities, just togetherness. And of course they shop together. They do not see it as being something unique between them either, their base assumption is that any familiar enough women should act similarly together and that count for nothing. So basically mentally healthy Europeans before social media imported mass insanity

Daughter gets a new best friend Cindy, but friend is from a completely different back. Her family and especially mother Doris is exceptionally modest, to the point the mother has not never seen daughter nude since age five or less. They see glimpses of underwear between women as sexually suggestive while allegedly strictly straight. In short the absurdly twisted says the Americans allegedly are (I refuse to believe any actual humans are ever like that, but admit it's very conducive setting for easy porn).

At some point they decide to go shopping as a quad. The shy C&D are totally scandalized by how the other, A&B pair act together, but C is probably already at least slightly "corrupted" (read, civilized) by A, and they, for whatever reason, feel they need to at least try to emulate them. Of course, that leads to hot and steamy situations. Those are not left unnoticed by A&B who are bit taken aback by the apparent sexuality between C&D but decide, first "to every their own" and ignore politely, and bit later start to entertain either joining them, or trying something themselves because that seems like fun. Etc.