Most Thoughts Outside Our Control


Hello Summer!
Nov 1, 2005
Get your plot bunny engines started, campers. From here:
The intrusive thoughts you may experience throughout the day or before bed illustrate the disconcerting fact that many of the functions of the mind are outside of conscious control. Whether we maintain true control over any mental functions is the central debate about free will. Perhaps this lack of autonomy is to be expected as the foundations for almost all the mind's labors were laid long before our ancestors evolved consciousness.
And this totally explains why so many idiots (er...folk) hit that submit button as soon as they've written down what popped into their heads rather than going over it and considering whether they *really* want those comments posted on the internet for all to see and respond to. ;)
I've never had the notion that I can control my thoughts, although I've certainly tried. It's like forcing yourself out a dream you don't like. Orchestrating how it's going to change when you go back to sleep, and the, damn it, it goes right back to doing what it was doing in the first place.
Dear Reader

3113 is wrong yet again when she implies that a homunculus is in there doing our thinking for us. From the dog-shit between our toes, to the Miss Clairol on our mullets, its all us.

What she means to say is, we often want to act-out ambivalence, expecting a syntonic result when that isn't possible; we wanna have our cake and eat it, too. That is, we're psychotic.
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Dear Reader

3113 is wrong yet again when she implies that a homunculus is in there doing our thinking for us. From the dog-shit between our toes, to the Miss Clairol on our mullets, its all us.

And the advocates for the collective subconscious would agree with you, Jim. It's not you or I, it's us. ;)
And the advocates for the collective subconscious would agree with you, Jim. It's not you or I, it's us. ;)

I don't buy the subconscious construct, even.

I prolly oughta write a scholarly paper bout it.
I don't buy the subconscious construct, even.

I prolly oughta write a scholarly paper bout it.

You don't have to buy it. The theory doesn't support non-believers. In fact, according to them, even your reticence contributes to the collection. It's just another grain planted in the field of human experience.
You don't have to buy it. The theory doesn't support non-believers. In fact, according to them, even your reticence contributes to the collection. It's just another grain planted in the field of human experience.

I posted elsewhere my theory for the frequency of nifty ideas within a closed process: The distribution of nifty ideas correlates with the distribution of prime numbers. Early in the process nifty ideas are plentiful and frequent, later theyre few and far between, much later theyre rare.
The concept of a JBJ scholarly paper is an oxymoron.

That's cuz we live in an age where real scientists worship Uncle Ho (Hussein Obama), own autographed copies of Hillarys IT TAKES A VILLAGE, carry man-bags, and leave their wives for boys.
My thinking about who in fuck drives the bus is changing. And the more I think about it the more I think that most of us are tied across the hood of the bus, like deer.